Recent DepEd Orders. At its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, the Board of Education voted unanimously to adjust the 2018-2019 school calendar to build in 185 student days. Danbury School Calendar 2019-20: First Day Of School, Vacations - Danbury, CT - When's the first day of school in Danbury? Find Us. City Charter; Green Cleaning; Policy Book; School Closings; Wellness Policy; City of Shelton; District Calendars. Create your free MySchoolBucks account to view cafeteria purchases, check your student’s balance, set up low balance alerts, and pay for school meals from anywhere. 20-21 School Year Updates. Cheshire Public Schools Calendars 2020-2021 School Calendar - Revised on 11-25-2020. 2018-19 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR April 10, 2018 The School Year Calendar mandates that school sessions begin for all students on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 and ends on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. Central Admin Office Directory; 2020 District Report Card & BOE Presentation; Directions; District Calendar. Initial value. July 20-27, 2018 Pre-Planning Days. Fluvanna County Public Schools Calendar 2018-19. Contact Us: DSST Public Schools Home Office. Latchkey. The Bethel Public Schools do not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, genetic information, protected veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. Agendas & Minutes. District Online Calendar; 2020-21 District Calendar at-a-glance; District Mission and Profile; NYS District Report Cards; In The News; Let's Talk; Board of Ed. DO_s2018_025_0. School Schedule 11/30/2020-12/11/2020 Groton Public Schools will shift to full distance learning for the two-week period after Thanksgiving. From Monday, November 30, through Friday, December 11, all instruction will be provided remotely; in-person classes will resume on Monday, December 14. Customize the filters in the "Master Calendar" with only the school events you want to view. August 24, 2018 20th Day of School Year. Make a Payment; Eagle/Cheetah Time; School Age Program (McConnell AFB) Middle Level. Bethel School Calendar 2018-19: First Day Of School, Vacations - Bethel, CT - When's the first day of school in Bethel? Easily and securely pay for school meals online or on-the-go! July 2018. Plus, other must-know dates for students, parents and teachers. The Greenwich Public Schools (GPS) consist of eleven elementary schools, three middle schools, and one high school with an alternative high school program. are free thru June 2021 due. DRC Before and After School Services DO 25, s. 2018 – School Calendar for School Year 2018–2019 . ... Torrington Public Schools » District Calendar. July 30, 2018 First Day of School. DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2018-2019 School Year Calendar JULY 2018 AUGUST 2018 SEPTEMBER 2018 OCTOBER 2018 NOVEMBER 2018 DECEMBER 2018 ... October 19 (full day, no classes for students), Schools may modify the daily schedule for family conferences to meet the needs of the school community. Budget. Danbury Public School meals. SLT may determine if a second Family Conference day in the New Haven, CT 06519. Plus, other must-know dates for students, parents and teachers. October 26, 2018 and November 6, 2018, are District-wide Professional Development Days and are not available to opt. ... December 21, 2018; From The Nurse; Literacy Coaches' Corner; Math Coaches' Corner. Shelton Public Schools Listing; Administration & Staff; Group Pages; Policies.
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