Title Page. The study uses the Ricardian model and is based on farm data generated from a survey carried out in the framework of the ESA (Water-Soil-Tree) project between 2008 and 2009 on producers in 10 villages of the Lake Lagdo watershed. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Preview this book » What people are saying - Write a review. The empirical results reveal that Cameroon's agriculture is influenced by climate variables. NAB Ventures, Bamenda, Cameroon, pp 273–290 Google Scholar. The authors find that net revenues fall as precipitation decreases or temperatures increase across all the surveyed farms. References. Unless stated otherwise Eldis original content is available for re-use under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0), Please check the box to confirm you would like to receive updates from Eldis by email, Policy Research Working Papers, World Bank, Climate change agriculture and food security, New IDS research project seeks to re-imagine ‘shit’ as ‘brown gold’, Call for project proposals on climate change in sub-Saharan Africa, New IDS Bulletin on the political economy of food, Comparing methods for assessing the effectiveness of subnational REDD+ initiatives - IOPscience, Walk the talk: gender equality in the African Union, Climate resilient development: experience from an African capacity development programme, The effects of exchange rate policy on Cameroon’s agricultural competitiveness, Comparative assessment of forest revenue redistribution mechanisms in Cameroon. This paper draws on a legal review and field data to assess the distribution of forest and wildlife revenues from economic operations in logging and wildlife extraction to forest communities in Cameroon. /Filter /FlateDecode
The country's economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country's economic development. This study aims to assess the economic impact … The study uses the Ricardian model and is based on farm data generated from a survey carried out in the framework of the ESA (Water-Soil-Tree) project between 2008 and 2009 on producers in 10 villages of the Lake Lagdo watershed. Based on a farm-level survey of over 800 farms, the paper employs a Ricardian cross-sectional approach to measure the relationship between climate and the net revenue from crops. Climate change will have wide-ranging effects on the environment, and on socio-economic and related sectors, including water resources, agriculture and food security, human health, terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity and coastal zones. Eldis supports free and open access to useful and relevant research on global development challenges. 0000232811 00000 n
Abstract This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. Lambi C.M., Kometa S.S. (2014) Climate Change in Cameroon and Its Impacts on Agriculture. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. The economic impact of climate change on agriculture in Cameroon The impact of climate change on agriculture in Cameroon. Environmental Protection in the European Union, vol 4. 0000029403 00000 n
As new United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) initiatives and development agendas commence in 2015, women throughout Africa are suffering from a disproportionate lack of resources, access to education, health and legal services, a, The African Ministers' Council on Water, 2016. Tjajadi / Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia [ES], 2015. The empirical results reveal that Cameroon’s agriculture is influenced by climate variables. 0000032212 00000 n
Abstract. Abstract. 1595 0 obj
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Climate change can have significant impacts on agriculture, forestry and rural areas thus forcing producers to adopt new practices in response to altered conditions (Rosenzweig and Parry, 1993, Mendelsohn and Dinar, 2003, Mendelsohn and Williams, 2004, Deressa et al., 2005, Gbetibouo and Hassan, 2005, Kurukulasuriya et al., 2006). >>
The impact of climate change on crop productivity in Cameroon is analysed based on the eight derived climate change scenarios (see Section 2.5 for further details). The country's economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country's economic development. /S 772
This study aims to assess the economic impact of climate change on crop farming activities in the Sudano-Sahelian Area of Cameroon. CC will (1) reduce overall the current cultivated areas, (2) extend plantations to new areas, assuming issues such as biodiversity loss are overcome, and (3) challenge the capacity for adaptation by growers. This is because reliability of rainfall accounts for much of the variation in agriculture in the region. Our results show unexpectedly that climate change from 2005 to 2050 in North Cameroon will have a positive effect on cotton yields with an increase of 1.3 kg ha−1 year−1 in yield, especially if conservation agriculture systems are adopted. It has an emphasis on the socio-distributional aspects, and draws lessons for the future design and implementation of REDD+ benefit sharing. /LastModified (D:20070920133608)
This study aims to assess the economic impact of climate change on crop farming activities in the Sudano-Sahelian Area of Cameroon. Agriculture is vital to the economy, employing half the workforce. A.A. Amin / African Economic Research Consortium, 1996. 0000029923 00000 n
These findings also suggest that Cameroon should begin to plan for climate contingencies. 0000224320 00000 n
Results reveal that: In addition to the uniform scenarios, 15 climate change scenarios were also examined. Between 2014 and 2018, Africa had the highest levels of food insecurity in the world. Molua EL (2003) “ Global climate change and Cameroon ’ s Agriculture: evaluating the economic impacts ” PhD dissertation. When food-service and other agriculture-related industries are included, the agricultural and food sectors contribute more than $750 billion to the gross domestic product. In the future, this difficulty will be exacerbated by climate change (Rosenzweig and Hillel, 1998). Agriculture remains the backbone of Cameroon's economy, employing 70% of its workforce, while providing 42% of its GDP and 30% of its export revenue. [Ernest L Molua; Cornelius M Lambi] -- This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. Impacts of Climate Change Hydrologic: The hydrologic cycle now includes more frequent and intense droughts and floods in many agricultural regions. At One Acre Fund, we’re working on a number of efforts to help farmers mitigate and adapt to climate change. Get this from a library! See all articles by Dorothé Yong Dorothé Yong. These reveal that net revenues could rise by up to $2.9 billion if future climates are mild and wet but could fall by up to $12.6 billion if they are hot and dry. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 5:1, 85-94, 2013, DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2013.782151 Posted: 10 Dec 2014. 0 Reviews . This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. 0000232668 00000 n
Downloadable! 0000001415 00000 n
Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. This paper analyses the effects of trade and exchange rate policies on Cameroon's agriculture, providing theoretical models and formulas for empirical analysis. The economic impact of climate change on agriculture in Cameroon It is argued that climate cannot be dissociated from agriculture since its various elements (rainfall, sunshine, humidity and temperature) are essential for the survival of crops and of man. 0000232458 00000 n
The country’s economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country’s economic development. xref
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The paper also examines some simple climate scenarios to see how Cameroon would respond to climate change. /O 977
Increases in tem… Agriculture and fisheries are highly dependent on the climate. /Length 646
See our Privacy statement. endobj
The magnitude and recurrence of floods in some parts of Cameroon and drought in others illustrate the danger climate change poses to human development challenges in Cameroon: from increased rainfall variability affecting agricultural to dust storms and flooding that affect infrastructure. The country's economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country's economic development. Tume SJP (2009) Incompatible land uses: a source of conflict at the watershed scale of the Bui Plateau, North West … /L 1032770
University of Yaoundé II. The analysis indicates that irrigation is a feasible option and the most efficacious strategy to reduce the negative impacts of climate change for the agricultural sector. Net revenue is regressed on climate, water flow, soil and economic variables and the resulting regression explains the role that each variable plays today. The central role of forests in climate change mitigation, as recognized in the Paris agreement, makes it increasingly important to develop and test methods for monitoring and evaluating the carbon effectiveness of REDD+. Abstract: This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. trailer
0000002686 00000 n
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The impact of climate change on agriculture in Cameroon Cameroon’s economy is primarily agrarian and 80% of the country’s poor are involved in farming. East Africa. The findings generally provide an idea about increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation that are detrimental to agricultural productivity. The Economic Impact of Climate Change On Agriculture In Cameroon, Volume 1of 1. The country's economy is predominantly agrarian and agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources remain the driving force for the country's economic development. 0000030993 00000 n
/O 1596
S. Assembe-Mvondo, G. Wong, L. Loft, J.S. This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. 0000233962 00000 n
Assessing the quality of research can be a tricky business. Changes in temperature and precipitation pose a serious threat to the nation’s economy. /StructTreeRoot 183 0 R
The authors assert that this study reaffirms that agriculture in Cameroon is often limited by the seasonality and amount of moisture availability. In Institute of Agricultural Economics, V ol. 0000000017 00000 n
These partners help to ensure that Eldis can present a truly global picture of development research. 3 effects of climate change on palm oil cultivation There is an increasing awareness of the negative effect of CC on the OP industry (MPOC, 2013 ; Paterson et al., 2015 , 2017 ). Such climate change‑related impacts manifest themselves through a significant decline in agricultural production and associated increased food insecurity due … 0000002161 00000 n
0000232560 00000 n
This paper examines the effect of changes in climatic averages on agricultural production at the national level in Cameroon. This paper examines the effect of changes in climatic averages on agricultural production at the national level in Cameroon. This study aims to assess the economic impact of climate change on crop farming activities in the Sudano-Sahelian Area of Cameroon. A new study shows that the expected climate change over the … /MarkInfo << /LetterspaceFlags 0 /Marked false >>
Changes in rainfall pattern are likely to lead to severe water shortages and/or flooding. These ‘uniform’ scenarios assume that only one aspect of climate changes and that the change is uniform across the whole country. /Info 181 0 R
The impacts of climate change on agricultural production in Africa will have serious implications for food security and livelihoods. 0000224799 00000 n
Tchatat G (2009) Climate change impact on rice production in the Yagoua Sub-Basin of Lake Chad: Cameroon. World Bank Publications. By subscribing you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. The programme engaged some 140 participants and 30 lecturers/mentors, and held over 50 workshops. The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Cameroon. Increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), rising temperatures, and altered precipitation patterns will affect agricultural productivity. Increased access to better farm inputs and agricultural training can help improve crop yields, and sometimes temper the effects of extreme weather.
/Size 1626
Although the other physical factors such as soil and relief have an important influence on agriculture, climate remains the dominant influence on the variety of crops cultivated and the types of agriculture practised. Selected pages. Blessed with fertile land and regularly abundant rainfall in most regions, Cameroon produces a variety of agricultural commodities both for export and for domestic consumption. [Ernest L Molua; Cornelius M Lambi] -- This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. 1594 32
Rainfed tropical agriculture provides important avenue to ascertain the consequences of climate change. Therefore any assessment of the impacts of CO 2-induced climate change on crop productivity should account for the modification of the climate impact by the CO 2 physiological impact. 1594 0 obj
factors can decrease plant productivity, resulting in price increases for many important agricultural crops. In Cameroon, CARE works in three main areas: (1) effective, sustainable and inclusive economic development for youth and women, including climate change; (2) […] Agriculture is an important sector of the U.S. economy. Present in Cameroon since 1978, CARE Cameroon has a long history of working on agriculture, natural resource management, and climate change adaptation, and is present in six of the country’s ten regions. Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity Providing sufficient food for the world’s increasing population is becoming more difficult as land, water, and vegetative resources are progressively degraded through prolonged overuse. /Type /Catalog
The Economic Impact of Climate Change On Agriculture In Cameroon, Volume 1of 1. /ID [<7aa2356029523707145c136455a12ab5><7aa2356029523707145c136455a12ab5>]
0000231938 00000 n
The empirical results reveal that Cameroon’s agriculture is influenced by climate variables. This blog from our editor offers some tools and tips. %PDF-1.4
The CO 2 physiological response varies between species, and in particular, two different pathways of photosynthesis (named C 3 and C 4 ) have evolved and these affect the overall response. The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Cameroon Full view. 1 : for details on literature review). Other editions - View all. 0000213515 00000 n
Date Written: May 16, 2013. 0000029347 00000 n
Changes in crop yield are expected to be mainly due to the direct CO 2 fertilisation effect and the indirect effects of expected rainfall and temperature changes. Downloadable! In: Albrecht E., Schmidt M., Mißler-Behr M., Spyra S. (eds) Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change. x�c```b``mg`e``�� Ā B@1v��l. Alongside agro-industrial plantations and some large private farms Cameroon has about two million small family farms. IFAD promotes agricultural growth that is environmentally sustainable and integrated into ecosystems. The above analyses show the magnitude and direction of the economic impact of climate change on agriculture. >>
/Metadata 182 0 R
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And the benefits of limiting climate change to 1.5° C are enormous, with the report detailing the difference in the consequences between a 1.5° C increase and a 2° C increase. The climate problems that plague agriculture in Cameroon must be factored into production plans and catered for, if agricultural output is to be maximized. /E 234208
/H [ 1415 746 ]
This paper examines the effect of changes in climatic averages on agricultural production at the national level in Cameroon. Table of Contents. Agriculture and Climate Change in Cameroon: An Assessment of Impacts and Adaptations Options. This paper examines the effect of changes in climatic averages on agricultural production at the national level in Cameroon. 0000224214 00000 n
Cameroon is a member of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, which takes some 20 per cent of its exports. The magnitude and recurrence of floods in some parts of Cameroon and drought in others illustrate the danger climate change poses to human development challenges in Cameroon: from increased rainfall variability affecting agricultural to dust storms and flooding that affect infrastructure. 0000223655 00000 n
We help farmers and fishers become more resilient to the impact of climate change. In: Lambi CM (ed) Cameroon: a country at crises crossroads: an anthology in the social sciences. Page 29. Increases in … /Outlines 176 0 R
These events can damage and at times even destroy crops. 0
IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme is the largest global climate adaptation programme for smallholder farmers. /N 33
While climate change threatens most crops in Africa, its impact could be less on cotton cultivation in Cameroon.
0000032494 00000 n
This learning brief presents insights and lessons learned from a capacity development programme on water security and climate resilient development covering eight countries in Africa – Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tunisia and Zimbabwe. stream
IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE AGRICULTURAL INCOMES IN CAMEROON MEPOUI A MPE Cyrille Guy Patrick STATISTICIAN ENGINEER MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, PLANNING AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Email: patomep@yahoo.fr Phone: (00237) 74 72 82 46 ABSTRACT: This article aims to assess the impact of climate change on agricultural incomes in Cameroon. Finally, Cameroon's limited financial resources make adaptation particularly difficult. The empirical results reveal that Cameroon’s agriculture is influenced by climate variables. 0000029486 00000 n
The study uses the Ricardian model and is based on farm data generated from a survey carried out in the framework of the ESA (Water-Soil-Tree) project between 2008 and 2009 on producers in 10 villages of the Lake Lagdo watershed. 0000223095 00000 n
0000222694 00000 n
This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. The crops, livestock, and seafood produced in the United States contribute more than $300 billion to the economy each year. /Pages 169 0 R
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Increases in precipitation would have the opposite effect on net revenues. While the literature on the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity is fraught with numerous scientific models, use of econometric models controlling the region and period for specific unobserved heterogeneity is common (sunee Table A. 1625 0 obj
Changes in temperature and precipitation pose a serious threat to the nation’s economy. 0000232875 00000 n
The empirical results reveal that Cameroon’s agriculture is influenced by climate variables. /T 1000761
Receive regular email updates from Eldis on global development research, news and jobs. /Prev 1000748
/Root 1595 0 R
Cameroon’s economy is primarily agrarian and 80% of the country’s poor are involved in farming. 0000029756 00000 n
In addition, the region is already hot and vulnerable from further warming. Eldis is hosted by the Knowledge, Impact and Policy team at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK but our services profile work by a growing global network of research organisations and knowledge brokers. This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. Second, Cameroon is heavily dependent on agriculture, which, in turn, depends on climate. Get this from a library! This study examines the impact of climate change on crop farming in Cameroon. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. a two point five degrees centigrade increase in temperatures would cause net revenues from farming in Cameroon to fall by $0.5 billion, whilst a five degrees centigrade increase would cause net revenues to fall by $1.7 billion, a seven percent decrease in precipitation would cause net revenues from crops to fall by $1.96 billion, whilst a 14 percent decrease in precipitation would cause them to fall by $3.8 billion. 0000030497 00000 n
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