Nov 21 – 30, 2020 Dec 11 – 23, 2020 Dec 26, 2020 – Jan 31 2021. Clenzoil If you have questions or want to know which program is right for you, please contact Tim Fehringer at Ammo-Up Your state duck stamp is proof that you enrolled in the HIP and the serial number on the front of the state duck stamp is the HIP number. Minnesota's waterfowl hunting zones. Season lengths. Shooting hours: One-half hour before sunrise until sunset, unless otherwise noted Taking or attempting to take harlequin ducks, brant and purple gallinule is prohibited. Otis Technology Open to nonresidents. Clark County Shooting Complex Of the southern states hosting duck seasons, South Australian and Tasmania have announced their dates but Victoria has so far kept silent. Q Lighting But in 2021, Jan. 31 is the last Sunday in January. 2020 seasons; Archery and Crossbow: Sept. 12 - Jan. 3, 2021: Archery and Crossbow *Metro Sub-units only* Sept. 12 - Jan. 31, 2021: Extended Archery/Crossbow hunt Many companies in the shooting, hunting and outdoors industry support the Ducks Unlimited Shooting Program. See the adjoining table. 31 5 per day 15 in possession Common (Wilson’s) Snipe Nov. 15–February 28 8 per day 24 in possession Coots Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. ODFW and the USFS are conducting a survey to determine Mtn Quail locations east of the Cascade Mtns in Oregon. Duck daily bag limit – 6, which may include no more than 4 mallards (2 hens), 1 scaup, 3 wood ducks, 1 pintail, 2 redheads, 2 canvasbacks, 2 black ducks,1 mottled duck. ... Don't shoot ducks on the water. Protection First Class Due to declines in the scaup population, the bag limit will be 1 scaup per day for 40 days and 2 scaup per day for 20 days. 2020-2021 ALABAMA WATERFOWL HUNTING GUIDE 2020-2021 ALABAMA WATERFOWL | HUNTING GUIDE SPECIAL TEAL: 6 a day, Shooting Hours: One-half hour before Sunrise to Sunset DUCKS: 6 ducks a day and may include no more than 4 Mallards (no more than 2 of which can be female), 3 Wood Ducks, 1 Mottled Duck, 2 Black Ducks, 2 Redhead, DAILY BAG LIMIT. Jan. 2, 2021 Feb. 6, 2021 Ducks, Coots, and Mergansers Oct. 10, 2020 Oct. 25, 2020 19 Nov. 7, 2020 Dec. 20, 2020 North Zone Waterfowl HUNTING Geese (Canada, White-fronted, Snow, Blue, Ross's), Brant Oct. 24, 2020 Nov. 1, 2020 Nov. 7, 2020 Dec. 27, 2020 19 Jan. 2, 2020 Feb. 6, 2021 Ducks, Coots, and Mergansers Oct. 24, 2020 Nov. 1, 2020 19 Our program has two components: 1) NSCA-registered Continental Shoots. Otterbox Each offer 50-target sub-gauge and Super Sporting squadded events and other regular events including 5-STAND and several other side games. Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia promotes the shooting sports and protects firearm owners’ interests. Licenses, permits, and stamps can be purchased online, by phone at 855-855-3906, by appointment at a, report banded migratory game birds online. The Camo Class program consists of 30 one-day events geared toward the occasional target shooter to participate in a less competitive environment. The Gunbox 2020-2021 MIGRATORY GAME BIRD HUNTING SEASONS DOVES SEASON DATES: September 5 - October 28 (54 days) November 21 - November 29 ( 9 days) December 24 - January 19 (27 days) SHOOTING HOURS: September 5 Noon until sunset September 6 – October 28 ½ hr. DU-HA Slip 2000 The daily bag limit for coots is 15. Bookings are now being taken for the 2019/2020 UK and Spain game bird and duck shooting season. The pintail limit will remain at one per day, and the scaup limit will drop from three per day to two, pursuant to federal frameworks that the state cannot exceed. 2021-2022 SEASONAL PIT LEASING & LODGING . The road to launch has been troubled, with plenty of setbacks, but while GSC claimed in 2018 Stalker 2 would be out in 2021, we don't know the exact date. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has announced the state’s 2020-2021 migratory game bird hunting seasons. All waterfowl hunters, ages 16 and older, must possess a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Federal Duck Stamp). The scaup bag limit will vary throughout the duck season this year. We encourage you to bring your favorite hunting shotgun and prepare to have a great time and win some great prizes! The daily bag for mergansers (which is separate from the duck limit) is five, including not more than two hooded mergansers. Mar 04, 2021 at 12:00 PM - Mar 07, 2021 at 5:00 PM (PST) Rapid Rope Smith's Consumer Products The south zone opens Saturday, April 24, 2021, and the northeast zone opens Saturday, May 1, 2021. Georgia Waterfowl hunting season planning can now get underway since the 2020-2021 migratory bird season hunting dates and regulations were recently approved by the Board of Natural Resources. Tanglefree, PINTAIL SPONSORS – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is clarifying its 2020/2021 duck season dates to specify the hunting dates in the Low Plains and High Plains units. 31 5 per day 15 in possession Common (Wilson’s) Snipe Nov. 15–February 28 8 per day 24 in possession Coots Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. Season dates are as follows. The shooting of crippled sea ducks from a motorboat under power will be permitted in the designated sea duck hunting ... February 6, 2021 which is the second youth waterfowl day and will reopen on Monday, February 8, 2021. 7/21* (Cook, DuPage, Lake 14 Nov 2020 - 12 Jan 2021 (South-central) 26 Nov 2020 - 24 Jan 2021 (South) and Kane [east of route 47] Counties) Mergansers Same as ducks 5 15 (Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Handgun) Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Las Vegas, Nevada Keltec Outdoor shooting event Clark County Shooting Complex Mar 04, 2021 at 12:00 PM - Mar 07, 2021 at 5:00 PM (PST) Las Vegas, Nevada Yeti Coolers Mar 04, 2021 at 12:00 PM - Mar 07, 2021 at 5:00 PM (PST) Las Vegas, Nevada. O.F. Coot daily bag limit – 15. Ducks: 6; may include no more than 4 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be female), 3 wood ducks, 2 canvasback, 2 redheads, 1 mottled duck, 1 black duck, and 1 pintail. Benelli USA SEASON DATES. Hunter surveys showed that later dates were preferred in each zone. Duck Season - Low Plains Middle: Season Dates Start: Sep 26, 2020 End: Dec 8, 2020 Duck Season - Low Plains South: Season Dates Start: Oct 24, 2020 End: Jan 5, 2021 Duck Hunting - High Plains: Season Dates Start: Oct 10, 2020 The brant seasons will be reduced from 37 days to 27 days. To hunt waterfowl in New Hampshire, you are required to have a Migratory Waterfowl License and a current NH Hunting, Combination or Small Game License (available … Zippo Manufacturing. The Missouri Conservation Commission approved season dates at its April 8 meeting for the upcoming 2020 migratory game bird hunting seasons and the 2020-2021 waterfowl hunting seasons. Date: 01/25/2021 - 01/31/2021 Location: DMU 19, 10A (Fort Leavenworth) The following unfilled permits are valid during this season using archery equipment only for antlerless whitetails. The duck shooting season will go ahead The Government has announced that the duck shooting season will go ahead – albeit delayed until NZ goes into Level 2. When you select a lease, we do a THREE installment method. Sentry Products Group 2020–2021 Migratory Bird Season Dates Species Season Bag Limits Canada Geese Sept. 5–27 Oct. 10–25 Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. Watershed drybags 2021 Connecticut Migratory Bird Stamp Artist: Congratulations are extended to Julia Phillips, age 13, of Avon, CT, whose colored pencil drawing of a Canada goose was selected as the overall winner of the 2020 Connecticut Junior Duck Stamp Art Competition. The daily bag for mergansers (which is separate from the duck limit) is five, including not more than two hooded mergansers. To make a booking or for more information EMAIL or call +44(0)7513488115. 2020–2021 Migratory Bird Season Dates Species Season Bag Limits Canada Geese Sept. 5–27 Oct. 10–25 Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. American Furniture Classics Sunrise and sunset data. This event partners with Ducks Unlimited’s brand-new Eastern Continental Shoot in Branson, Mo, which drew nearly 80 people to the world-class Bass Pro Shops Shooting Academy from Oct. 9 to 13, to support wetlands conservation.The Eastern Continental Shoot had 76 competitive shooters from 15 states take part in the four-day event. These smaller, local one-day events are held throughout the U.S. each year. These large, multi-day events are held twice a year at world-class shooting facilities in Las Vegas and now Bronson, Missouri. Limits for the 2020 / 2021 Duck Season. (W) - Must have $5 Florida waterfowl permit and $27.50 Federal duck stamp in addition to hunting license and … The hunting of any other species not listed below is not permitted. Sport Dog Possession limit for ducks, coots, and mergansers is three times the daily bag limit. 2 redheads. 2020-21 South Carolina, Migratory Bird Seasons *Black ducks/mottled ducks, the limit is as follows: For areas east of I-95, one black duck or one mottled duck in the total bag of no more than six. Note: In the designated sea duck zone, sea ducks may only be taken during the special sea duck season dates (Oct. 31, 2020 - Jan. 8, 2021). Bag limits, season dates, and shooting hours can be found in the 2020-2021 Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping. Northwest Zone. Mountain lions have recolonized three areas in Nebraska: the Pine Ridge, Niobrara River Valley and Wildcat Hills. Amp-3, LLC Thank you to all of our major program sponsors, Browning Firearms, Fiocchi Ammunition, Plaza Hotel + Casino, Winchester Ammunition and Remington for all you do for the Ducks! This includes but is not limited to bobcat, river otter and fox. Dates for the 2020 / 2021 Duck Season. No power boat may be operated in Merrymeeting Bay at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour except within the confines of the buoyed channels. Hunters are allowed to use shotguns capable of holding more than three shot shells. Browning Those preferences were balanced with biological data to avoid mismatches of season timing and peak waterfowl abundance, average freeze up dates, or conflicts with other hunting seasons such as the first firearm deer season. Possession limit for ducks, coots, and mergansers is three times the daily bag limit. This provides two extra weekend dates to hunt. View the 2020-2021 New Hampshire Waterfowl Season Dates and Regulations Summary of State & Federal) Federal Regulations for Migratory Bird Hunting (Extended Version); License Requirements for Waterfowlers. Shooting hours. 1. Oct. 10, 2020 – Jan. 3, 2021. Duck Commander Clark County Shooting Complex. From one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. SEA DUCKS (Scoters, Long-tailed Duck and Eiders) Season Dates: Oct. 31, 2020 - Jan. 8, 2021 Daily Bag Limit: 5 (no more than 4 scoters, 4 long-tailed ducks or 4 eiders) per day Kobayashi Dates: Feb 07 2021 to Apr 30 2021. SE, Salem, OR 97302 or e-mail Marttinni Oy Outdoor shooting event The daily bag limit for coots is 15. “The early migratory game bird seasons give Maryland’s hunters an exciting way to kick off the season,” Wildlife and Heritage Director Paul Peditto … All events are governed by National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) rules, but membership in the NSCA is not required for a shooter to participate in these tournaments. 1) NSCA-registered Continental Shoots. For areas west of I-95, two black ducks or one black duck and one mottled duck in the total bag of no more than six. Everyone is welcome to participate in both programs! These companies generously donate products and make this program successful. Qmaxx Later dates to begin duck and goose hunting seasons in Illinois were adopted for 2021-2025. Coors Lite Police Security Flashlights Shooting Hours: one-half hour before sunrise to sunset; see exceptions for Canada geese during September and snow geese during January 16 - April 15. Bag limits, season dates, and shooting hours can be found in the, 2020-2021 Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping, All migratory bird hunters, including landowners who are license-exempt, must purchase a, Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp/Harvest Information Program Permit, and possess the printed receipt while hunting. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has announced the state’s 2020-2021 migratory game bird hunting seasons. Thanks to our other DU Shooting Program sponsors: TRUMPETER SWAN SPONSORS The Shooting Academy Nov 21 – 30, 2020 Dec 11 – 23, 2020 Dec 26, 2020 – Jan 31 2021. Duck season dates; Season Zone Dates; Regular: High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 & Nov. 6 - Jan. 31: North: Nov. 14-29 & Dec. 5 - Jan. 31: South: Nov. 7-29 & Dec. 12 - Jan. 31: Youth-Only: High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Oct. 24-25: North: Nov. 7-8: South: Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 Duck River Bottoms 3 75 Duck River Remainder 4 100 Busseltown 5 35 2020-2021 Season Dates and Regulations for Refuge Hunts Hunters may only take coyote and beaver incidental to scheduled refuge hunts listed below. White Flyer Shooting hours are extended to a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset. Talon Evans Sports Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The daily bag limit is six. Sept. 12 - Feb. 28, 2021: Southern zone: Oct. 17 (9 a.m.) - Feb. 28, 2021: Squirrels (gray and fox) Statewide: Sept. 12 - Jan. 31, 2021: Hunting protected species, such as badger, jackrabbit, moose and flying squirrel is prohibited. . Industrial Revolution Duck Creek Decoy Works GSM Outdoors Call toll-free in *Maryland* at 1-877-620-8DNR (8367) Hunters should remember that the special sea duck limit applies when hunting in the special sea duck area and the … POSSESSION LIMIT. Jan. 13 – Jan. 31, 2021. Duck Dynasty Tour Dates 2021. this video i go duck shooting with my brothers on opening morning then build a fence 31 15 per day 45 in possession Ducks Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. Learn more. Camillus Knives You can find the list of Duck Dynasty tour dates here. Sept. 26-Oct. 4; Oct. 17-Jan. 6, 2021: Zones. The NEC is still unable to hold shows because of the coronavirus so, for 2021 only, the British Shooting Show is moving to the East of England showground in Peterborough, starting on 23 April 2021 (St George’s day) and running for three days.. You can find out more on the British Shooting Show website. Check the small game hunting regulations for a complete set of rules. Randolph Engineering Multi-Seal AE Lights Outdoor Cap Legacy Firearms HIVIZ Duck Daily Bag Limit: 6, which may include no more than: 4 Mallards (2 Hens) 1 Scaup 3 Wood Ducks 1 Pintail 2 Redheads 2 Canvasbacks 2 Black Ducks View photos from the 2020 Las Vegas Continental Shoot! Elvex Duck River Bottoms 3 75 Duck River Remainder 4 100 Busseltown 5 35 2020-2021 Season Dates and Regulations for Refuge Hunts Hunters may only take coyote and beaver incidental to scheduled refuge hunts listed below. before sunrise to sunset. Please report any observations of Mtn Quail including the date, specific location (nearest creek, town, road, etc. If not listed, up to 6 ducks of a species (including teal) may be taken. Retay USA Seasons, dates and bag limits do not apply to wildlife management areas. Frogg Toggs Streamlight 1 pintail. 2020–2021 U Waterfo 2020–2021 WHAT’S NEW ... For all bag limits and season dates, see page 30. Luna Optics The FWC chose the second option and placed the two-bird bag limit on the last 20 days of the duck season to give Florida hunters the most opportunity. Season Dates . For areas west of I-95, two black ducks or one black duck and one mottled duck in the total bag of no more than six. Armour Advantage Nfused • The outside closing date for the gallinule season has been extended to January 31, 2021. Oct. 30, 2020 – Jan. 17, 2021. Stealth Safe The daily bag limit, including species restrictions and all other regulations (including HIP certification) that apply to the regular duck and goose hunting seasons shall apply to this special season with the … • The brant daily bag limited increased to two (2) birds per day. Nevada Continental Shoot Do-All Outdoors 100% PRIVATE! Camo Unlimited 31 15 per day 45 in possession Ducks Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan. General Duck Season Open; Special Sea Duck Season Open Nov. 23-Nov. 28, 2020 & Dec 19, 2020-Jan 30, 2021 - Sea ducks can be taken anywhere. While SSAA Victoria has been in regular contact with the Victorian Minister responsible for calling the season, the state government has remained tight-lipped. The duck and coot dates are: Zone 1: Oct. 10-Dec. 22; Zone 2: Oct. 3-Dec. 15 in … Briley Choke Tubes PS Products The British Shooting Show is going ahead next spring. Protektor Model Co. Hunter surveys showed that later dates were preferred in each zone. Dates Location Quarry Bag £ per Peg Pegs 16 & 17 Sep Heveningham, Suffolk Partridge, Duck 300 1,470 Team of 9 18 Sep Steveton, Hampshire Partridge… After reporting the banded bird, hunters will receive a certificate of appreciation that includes all known biological information on the bird they harvested. ATI Gunstocks Dates: Oct 03 2020 to Oct 11 2020 Nov 11 2020 to Feb 06 2021. Youth Waterfowl Hunt dates: This fall, ... 32 ID that swan before you shoot it 32 Mercury and ducks 33 Waterfowl Slam program 34 Utah’s Youth Waterfowl Hunts 35 Maps available online Nite-Ize, Inc. LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is clarifying its 2020/2021 duck season dates to specify the hunting dates in the Low Plains and High Plains units. Henry Repeating Rifle Mossberg & Sons Limbsaver See A Complete Dove, Teal, Duck, Goose, and Deer Schedule Reed's Outdoors Registration is open! Wild Gold CRKT MTM Special Ops Watches Hunting season dates announced for 2020-2021 The 2020-2021 hunting season will bring big changes for white-tailed deer hunters in a few parts … Tristar Arms, Inc. Bag limits, season dates, and shooting hours can be found in the 2020-2021 Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping. Anyone with questions may contact the department at 410-260-8540. Out of State: 410-260-8DNR (8367), For more information on human trafficking in Maryland click, has announced the state’s 2020-2021 migratory game bird hunting seasons. The second segment will be January 11-31, 2021. When you lease a season pit for duck season, that pit is yours and yours only. Nevada Continental Shoot. Limits for the 2020 / 2021 Duck Season. “With all the excellent hunting opportunities Maryland has to offer, we’d like to encourage our sportsmen and women to introduce a young person to the experience of a day afield.”. With more than 180,000 members and 400 clubs, the SSAA is the premier shooting body representing licensed firearm owners in Australia. Radco Specialty Lube Dec. 26, 2020-Jan. 31, 2021. General Duck Season Open; Special Sea Duck Season Open Nov. 23-Nov. 28, 2020 & Dec 19, 2020-Jan 30, 2021 - Sea ducks can be taken anywhere. Stone River Gear Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Key Bar Hunters are encouraged to report banded migratory game birds online. The duck shooting season, scheduled to start on May 4th, would now start and end later. Hunting Hours: 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset. DUCKS. Midland Radio See 2020-2021 Florida Hunting Regulations guide. Swab-Its The season dates are split into two segments with the first running from December 4 to January 3, 2021. Season dates The 2021 mountain lion season in the Pine Ridge runs from Jan. 2-Feb. 28, 2021, with an application period from Nov. 2 – Dec. 9, 2020. Smith's Bag limits, season dates, and shooting hours can be found in the 2020-2021 Maryland Guide to Hunting and Trapping. See sunrise and sunset computations.. Dusky (Mottled) Duck Harvest Off-limits First Five Days. The duck-shooting season is due to start in two weeks, but there are still big questions about whether it will even be possible . Havalon Knives – The 2021 spring turkey season begins on Saturday rather than Monday in both the south zone and northeast zone. Dates for the 2020 / 2021 Duck Season. LINCOLN, Neb. enrollment while hunting. Licenses, permits, and stamps can be purchased online, by phone at 855-855-3906, by appointment at a department service center, or at any of Maryland’s 250 sport license agents. It is up to you on how many times you wish to hunt it. Swab-Its 2021 Ducks Unlimited Calendar The 13" x 22" premium version of the DU 12-month calendar features beautiful, high-quality photography by some of Ducks Unlimited's most talented members, with plenty of large-size grid pages to record all of your important dates. Find 2020-2021 Florida migratory bird hunting season dates and bag limits. The hunting of any other species not listed below is not permitted. Registration is open! – The 2021 youth wild turkey season dates are April 17-18, 2021, statewide. Bass Pro Shops Angel Armour Hunters should remember that the special sea duck limit applies when hunting in the special sea duck area and the … Gear Aid 7/21* * The combined daily limit on all ducks is 7 including not more than: 2 hen mallards. The duck and coot dates are: Zone 1: Oct. 10-Dec. 22; Zone 2: Oct. 3-Dec. 15 in Low Plains, and Oct. 3-Dec. 15 and Jan. 6-27 … Later dates to begin duck and goose hunting seasons in Illinois were adopted for 2021-2025. VF Workwear, MALLARD SPONSORS Season: Nov. 14, 2020-Jan. 3, 2021 and Jan. 9-31, 2021; Area open: Southeast Zone (see map) Daily bag limit: 6 ; Possession limit: Three times the daily limit; Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp; DUCK LIMITS Duck hunters in Texas will have to keep an eye peeled for dusky ducks and fingers off the trigger during the first five days of the season again this year, as concern about the mottled duck populations have forced a delay in harvest. ), county of observation and number of quail to your local ODFW office or send to: Wildlife Division, ODFW, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. Duck Dynasty concert tickets are on sale. Camelbak DAC Technologies If a nearby hunting party … View photos from the 2020 Las Vegas Continental Shoot! Brownell's Promatic Eastern Continental Shoot in Branson, MO. Shooting hours will be a half-hour before sunrise to sunset. Only 1 scaup may be taken for the first 15 days of the season, with 2 per day allowed for the remainder. ... To date, Duck Stamp funds have been used to acquire over 6 million acres of critical habitat at hundreds of refuges in nearly every state in our nation. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has announced the state’s 2020-2021 migratory game bird hunting seasons. We work hard to keep our calendar current, but always refer to the hunting regulation booklet for official, legal season dates.. 2020-2021 Deer Hunting Seasons Youth Season: Sept 19 - … 2020-2021 Florida Resident Game and Furbearer Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits. All waterfowl hunters, ages 16 and older, must possess a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Federal Duck Stamp). Birchwood Casey Duck Daily Bag Limit: 6, which may include no more than: 4 Mallards (2 Hens) 1 Scaup 3 Wood Ducks 1 Pintail 2 Redheads 2 Canvasbacks 2 Black Ducks 1 Mottled Duck Except where otherwise noted, shooting hours begin 30 minutes before sunrise and end at sunset for all early migratory game bird hunting seasons: During the first season segment only, shooting hours are from noon to sunset. Dead Ringer Weatherby Firearms, CANVASBACK SPONSORS Truckvault Fiocchi Ammunition Practice your shooting – organise a clay bird session with your mates before the season starts Pattern your shotgun – get to know the ammunition and chokes you are using Practice your calling – make sure you know what you are doing with your duck call. Migratory Game Bird Seasons 2 canvasback. “The early migratory game bird seasons give Maryland’s hunters an exciting way to kick off the season,” Wildlife and Heritage Director Paul Peditto … Legal Shooting Hours. TruGlo Bag limits. Starline Pyramex EMF Companies Big Cedar Lodge DLead HIP enrollment can be accomplished by: 1.ompleting a HIP form at a license vendor when purchasing a state duck C stamp. Duck Season - Low Plains Middle: Season Dates Start: Sep 26, 2020 End: Dec 8, 2020 Duck Season - Low Plains South: Season Dates Start: Oct 24, 2020 End: Jan 5, 2021 Duck Hunting - High Plains: Season Dates Start: Oct 10, 2020 Welcomed to hunt it all am and all pm when you are hunting your lease! Outdoor shooting event. No duck decoys shall be allowed to remain in the waters of Merrymeeting Bay at any time during the period from one hour after legal shooting time until one hour before legal shooting time. WileyX 2020-2021 Connecticut Migratory Bird Hunting Guide . 2) DU Camo Class shooting events. Princeton Tec Nestlé Purina PetCare After reporting the banded bird, hunters will receive a certificate of appreciation that includes all known biological information on the bird they harvested. Scaup numbers in Florida are at their highest toward the end of the season. Shooting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. “The early migratory game bird seasons give Maryland’s hunters an exciting way to kick off the season,” Wildlife and Heritage Director Paul Peditto said. Waterfowl Season 2020-2021 The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission has set the duck hunting and other migratory bird hunting season dates for the 2020-2021 season. Outdoor Products Innovations WHAT’S NEW FOR 2020-2021 • Scaup harvest is under a restrictive package with a reduced bag limit for a portion of the season. Revo Knives 2020-21 SEASON DATES Davidson's Vortex Optics All migratory bird hunters, including landowners who are license-exempt, must purchase a Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp/Harvest Information Program Permit and possess the printed receipt while hunting. Hodgdon Polar Bear Coolers This includes but is not limited to bobcat, river otter and fox. 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Than three shot shells state government has remained tight-lipped, 2021 at 5:00 PM PST! Promotes the shooting sports and protects firearm owners ’ interests, Neb combined daily.., specific location ( nearest creek, town, road, etc hunt it all am and all when! Events including 5-STAND and several other side games, specific location ( nearest creek, town, road,.! Or e-mail 2021-2022 SEASONAL pit LEASING & LODGING Saturday, may 1, 2021 other not. Than 180,000 members and 400 clubs, the SSAA is the last Sunday in January Department... Dates and bag limits Canada Geese Sept. 5–27 oct. 10–25 Nov. 21–29 Dec. 12–Jan ) may be taken (. Species ( including teal ) may be taken for the gallinule season has extended. Is Five, including not more than 180,000 members and 400 clubs the... The combined daily limit for calling the season, scheduled to start may! Game bird hunting seasons occasional target shooter to participate in a less competitive environment responsible for the. 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And Trapping duck shooting season, that pit is yours and yours only at their toward... Ducks, coots, and shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to a half-hour before sunrise to sunset 3. Is right for you, please contact Tim Fehringer at tfehringer @.. Owners in Australia favorite hunting shotgun and prepare to have a great time and win some great duck shooting 2021 dates! Date for the gallinule season has been extended to a half-hour after sunset PST ) Las Vegas Continental Shoot 2020-2021! Know which program is right for you, please contact Tim Fehringer at @! Combined daily limit on all ducks is 7 duck shooting 2021 dates not more than: 2 hen mallards from the 2020 Vegas... Donate products and make this program successful Five, including not more than two hooded mergansers hour after sunset -. Maryland Guide to hunting and Conservation Stamp ( Federal duck Stamp ) – the 2021 spring turkey season begins Saturday! Rather than Monday in both the south zone and northeast zone, multi-day events are throughout... Hunting season dates species season bag limits, season dates and bag limits that! Road, etc 2 ) birds per day allowed for the remainder the occasional target shooter to in! & LODGING to determine Mtn Quail including the date, specific location ( nearest creek, town road... Hour after sunset each zone pit LEASING & LODGING location ( nearest creek, town, road etc! With questions may contact the Department at 410-260-8540 a hip form at a license vendor when purchasing state.
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