From working with Navy SEALS to protecting his family at home, the Mal is a steadfast companion. The Malinois received their name from the city where they originated, Mechelen which in French is called Malines. The Belgian Malinois is one of the best security dog breeds present today in the entire world. How much does the Belgian Malinois weigh? Though they can adapt to many living situations—including apartments if properly exercised—a Mal will be happiest in a home with a large, securely fenced yard to stretch his legs. Height: 26 - 28 inches at the shoulder. Talk to a Belgian Malinois breeder or rescue group about expectations to see if a Belgian Malinois is a good fit for you. AKC Before 1959, the Belgian Malinois was placed in the Miscellaneous Class ( though it had individual AKC Stud Book registration) due to low numbers for competition. The Mal’s thick, short coat comes in shades of fawn to mahogany, and it’s common to see a black mask and ears. A female on the other hand is slightly shorter and can be anywhere between 22 – 24 inches in height. Lifespan: 12-14 years. The Belgian Malinois dogs are known for their watchful and protective nature towards their owners and family members. The Mals do shed seasonally, so you’ll want to increase your brushing routine to once a day as they blow their coats, the AKC says. The Belgian Malinois is itself a type of Belgian Shepherd dogs with the other types being the Groenendael, the Laekenois, and the Tervuren. a collarette or ruff which begins at the … The females are lighter and have lady-like attributes. In keeping with the yankee Kennel club (AKC), a completely grown person lady Belgian Malinois normally weighs among 40 and 60 pounds and will stand 22 to 24 inches tall (paw pads to shoulders). Get the dog moms and dads in your life something unique this year. Although they both hail from the same general region of Europe, there are some key differences between the breeds that you’ll want to be aware of. And, apart from being awesome service dogs, these pooches are also very suitable as house pets. These Malinois dogs are an awesome option for anyone looking for a guard or security dog. Life expectancy: Belgian Malinois have an average lifespan of 14-16 years. At the same time, its weight is between 60 to 80 pounds. Extremely loyal and eager to please, Mals take to obedience training well—and they’ll need it. Because the relationship has to be there in order for the behavior to stick. The Belgian Malinois dogs are double-coated with a somewhat woolly undercoat and a thick outer coat having a firm texture. Their average height is between 22-26 inches. Please note this is an estimate based on typical growth patterns for Malinois puppies. This breed is not suitable for households with small, erratic children. Male Belgian Malinois have a withers height between 24”-26” (61-66 cm) and a weight in the range of 60-80 lb (27.2-36.3 kg). This breed does blow its coat twice a year—during these periods, you’ll want to keep up with brushing at least once a day or risk your home being overrun by dog hair. Though they have similar appearances—and both are favorites of police and militaries around the world—these dogs are unrelated, unique breeds. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female) Weight: 55-75 pounds (male), 35-55 pounds (female) Life Expectancy: 14-16 years Belgian Malinois are directly built, happy, and sharp herdsmans standing 22 to 26 inches. Importantly, the food amount needs to vary depending upon the size, weight, activity level, and age of your dog. When you have a relationship, it has to be built on trust and positive experiences and setting boundaries. All Rights Reserved. The Belgian Malinois is pretty low-maintenance in terms of grooming, requiring a weekly brushing to control shedding and promote a healthy coat. The Belgian Malinois dogs are normally quite sturdy and healthy and only suffers from a few health-related problems, some of which are given below: These dogs are not required to be taken to a veterinarian’s clinic on a frequent basis. Belgian Malinois size Belgian Malinois weight Belgian Malinois male weight: 29 to 34 kg (63 to 74 lb) Belgian Malinois female weight: 25 to 30 kg (55 to 66 lb) Belgian Malinois size Belgian Malinois male height: 61 to 66 cm (24 to 25 in) A dog shower attachment may be handy as you are washing Belgian Malinois. Males of the breed are larger than females. If not properly exercised or cared for, they can become unhappy and problematic. Written by Kupis on January 9, 2021 in Chart. Belgian Malinois size: Large: Weight . Weekly brushing will rid their coat of dead hairs and distribute healthy oils, keeping your Mal looking healthy and shiny. Male German Shepherds range from 65-90 pounds, with females weighing in at anywhere between 50-70 pounds. HYPOALLERGENIC. Like all hybrids, you have to look to the parents to get a good read on how they will likely behave. The Belgian Malinois is considered an overall healthy breed with a lifespan of 14–16 years, according to the AKC. They have a powerful and sturdy body with a slightly elongated neck which is well-muscled and sits firmly on the shoulders. Height: 22-26 inches Weight: 55-75 lb Lifespan: 12-14 years Group: AKC Herding Best Suited For: Families with children, guard duty, houses with yards Temperament: Territorial, active, hard-working, protective Comparable Breeds: … Moderately active indoors, he will do best with at least an average-sized yard. They'll weigh between 40 and 80 pounds, with male Mals usually bigger than the female dogs, according to the American Kennel Club. The Belgian Shepherd is a medium- to large-sized breed in four varieties that stands between 22 and 26 inches tall, weighing 44 to 66 pounds at maturity. The eyes are slightly almond shaped and medium in size and mostly, they are found in dark brown color. Physically, these dogs grow rapidly in height and length for the first six months or so, then those growth rates slow somewhat while the adolescent puppy gains muscle mass and fat; a Mal is normally at or near its full adult size at about 18 months of age. The average height and weight for a full-grown, healthy Belgian Malinois is 64 to 75 pounds (29 to 34 kg) and 24 to 26 inches (61–66 cm) for males, and 55 to 66 pounds (25–30 kg) and 22 to 24 inches (56–61 cm) for females. Mals performed important jobs in World War I, such as carrying messages, pulling ambulance carts, and assisting the Red Cross, Belgian Malinois like to have a job to do. Puppy development ses with growth binations of maternal morphotype puppy weight calculator malinois height and weight dantero puppy weight chart 2021 estimate your. Akita Belgian Malinois Mix Personality. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Official standards for the Belgian Malinois are as follows: Belgian Malinois Height and Weight The average weight of a Malinois dog is around 18-36 kg. Be generous with praise and enjoy working with your dog. Height: 22-26 inches at the shoulder. He prefers cool climates, but readily adapts well to others. To use, enter his current weight, age, and breed size, and the interactive tool will do the rest. Mals are highly energetic dogs with sharp minds and will require lots of daily physical exercise and mental stimulation. On the other, the height of female Belgian Malinois is ranging between 22 to 24 inches. Coat: The coat of a Belgian Malinois is short and waterproof. The Belgian Malinois (Mal) is a high-energy herding breed who loves to put its intelligence and intense focus to work. Puppy Weight Chart This Is How Big Your Dog Will Be. No. “Some dogs were bred to work with man, like the Belgian Malinois,” Kilcommons says. Learn more about living with Belgian Malinois. Belgian Malinois are squarely built, proud, and alert herders standing 22 to 26 inches. They are fond of getting rewards or general appreciation for their efforts and thus reward-based training methods are very effective while training them. The chest is deep and well let down and the back region is strong and straight. These dog training tips will help you get started. Here are 15 breeds with notable smarts. “People tend to make training dog-centric, something you do to the dog rather than with the dog. The Belgian Malinois is an exceptionally well-balanced breed of dogs who are well-muscled, strong and fairly quick and agile. LITTER SIZE. An average size male Belgian Malinois weighs around 29-34 kgs and is 61-66 cm tall. They'll weigh between 40 and 80 pounds, with male Mals usually bigger than the female dogs, according to the American Kennel Club. Though rarely employed as herding dogs today, their stamina remains. And there should be clean and fresh water at all times. For decades, Mals have made an excellent choice for search and rescue, bomb and narcotics, tracking, and therapy assistance to the elderly, ill, or disabled. Belgian Malinois size, height, and weight. That would be a big mistake and an unfair burden to put on the Belgian Malinois. Mals were originally bred in northwestern Belgium—near the city of Malines, hence the name—where this strong, intelligent breed was prized for its hard-working character and employed to herd sheep and cattle. If you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll reap big rewards, as Mals are some of the most loyal and loving dogs you can find. In contrast, its weight is between 40 to 60 pounds. They love to learn new things and tricks from their owners/trainers. Standard Akita. the body; edges of lips and eyelids strongly pigmented. Dogs of this breed have straight, athletic legs and both their front legs and hindquarters are muscular. One of four Belgian herding breeds, the Belgian Malinois—affectionately called the Mal—is a medium to large dog with a strong yet elegant body. As of 2020, the Belgian Malinois is the AKC’s 41st most popular breed. Their high prey drive and ceaseless energy levels can become problematic if not properly channeled. The Belgian Malinois can weigh anywhere from 40 to 80 pounds when they reach adulthood, with males generally outweighing females by up to 20 pounds. At the same time, its weight is between 60 to 80 pounds. Mals need plenty of mental stimulation and social interaction with their owners to be happy and stave off boredom. They have a fairly long head which is finely chiseled. They’re tall—up to 2 feet at the shoulders!—and always alert, with perked-up ears, kind, dark chocolate eyes, and a slightly bushy tail. They are always eager to please while getting trained and because they are extremely intelligent and smart, they can learn various things in no time. The height of male dogs is ranging between 24 to 26 inches. Also, it is important to keep their calorie consumption under control as some dogs are prone to getting obese and overweight. Find Belgian Malinois Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Belgian Malinois information. Their sharp intelligence and high energy levels make them a great pick for an active, dedicated owner looking to spend quality time with their dog. Akita Belgian Malinois Mix Size and Weight. These dogs remain very alert and vigilant almost all the time and thus are one of the best security dogs out there. Though not considered outright or overly aggressive, Mals can be territorial and protective of their people—coupled with their alert nature, this makes them great as watch and guard dogs. Back then, all four Belgian shepherd varieties (Malinois, Tervuren, Laekenois, and Groenendael) were typically lumped into one breed. This high-energy breed needs plenty of daily strenuous exercise and mental stimulation, but is otherwise low-maintenance. If you’re looking for a fearless friend to accompany you on long adventures—biking, hiking, and running are great!—the Mal might be a good fit for you. They have a well-developed jaw region with strong teeth firmly set inside the mouth. Weight: 55-75 lb. Almond in shape, brown in color, preferably dark. At a glance, the Mal is often mistaken as a German shepherd. The breed has a long, slender head with triangular, erect ears that are rounded at the base, and a long, narrow but … Malinois typically stands anywhere from 22 to 26 inches tall as adults, with males standing about two inches taller than females in general. 200+ Cute Cat Names for Every Kind of Kitty, Weighing the Pros & Cons of an Electric Dog Fence, We Can't Stop Scrolling Through 'UPS Dogs' Social Media Accounts, bombed his service dog test in hilarious fashion, The Belgian Malinois is one of the fastest breeds in the world—it has been clocked to. The relationship comes from spending time doing fun stuff and learning how the dog communicates.”. But sometimes it's hard to channel their enthusiasm. I train on two things: relationship and behavior. The accounts have more than 1.7 million followers—and the photos are delightful. Mals require lots of daily outdoor exercise and mental stimulation. During the 1st World War, they were heavily used as carrier dogs, messenger dogs, and Red Cross dogs by the military. The Belgian Malinois is the official dog for the United States Secret … According to the American Kennel Club, Mals were one of the first Belgian shepherd dogs brought to America (in 1911), and experienced a long streak of popularity until the outbreak of World War II, which paused the European imports. Thanks to their slicking coats, Mals can go a while between baths and, unless they’ve rolled in something smelly, won’t need to be fully bathed more than a few times a year. Mals enjoy spending time outside, but what they most want is your constant companionship. More recently, and perhaps most famously, a Mal named Cairo assisted Seal Team Six in the 2011 raid that killed terrorist Osama Bin Laden. If you have a mix-breed dog, see our puppy weight charts to see which breed category your puppy falls into based on his current weight and age. Though more frequently seen on the job than at the park, the Mal’s gentle, playful demeanor and loyalty can make it a great family companion. Whereas, a female Belgian Malinois weighs around 25-30 kgs and is 56-61 cm tall. But, training them is not that hard and an experienced trainer can make them learn various new things in no time. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. They do shed twice a year and that too in good amounts, hence, during that period, the frequency of brushing of coat should be increased to remove extra loose hair and to avoid mat formation. There’s good reason the Belgian Malinois is a favorite among working dogs. Ear canals should be pale pink with very little—and fairly odorless—wax. This devout loyalty makes them unsuitable to be alone for long periods of time and a lonely Mal will likely develop separation anxiety. If you don’t stop and look twice, you might confuse the Belgian Malinois with a really tough-looking German Shepherd. They may not be ready to beat you in a game of chess, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and generally anxious to please you. Life expectancy: Belgian Malinois have an average lifespan of 14-16 years. Most female adult Malinois dogs are 40 to 60 pounds and stand 22 to 24 inches tall. on the body is a fault. Official standards for the Belgian Malinois are as follows: The average weight of a Malinois dog is around 18-36 kg. It’s equally important to care for your dog’s mental and emotional needs. Belgian Malinois puppy development from birth to adulthood typically spans 18-24 months. Weight . For some pet experts, these “invisible fences” are a source of controversy. They are very friendly and affectionate with their loved ones including small children. Also, the Belgian Malinois dogs are mostly found in the colors which are listed below: A high-quality feeding material rich in proteins and nutrients is good for any breed and that includes the Belgian Malinois. Weekly brushing with occasional baths and trimming of nails is more than enough for them. Today the breed is a sought-after working dog, from herding and protecting livestock to serving alongside policemen—they’re more in-demand for these roles than even German shepherds. These dogs originated in the 1800s in Belgium and mainly served the purpose of sheepdogs.Today the Malinois is popular military and a police dog and can be a good family companion in the right home. This breeding resulted in the formation of four closely related breeds: the Laekenois, the Tervuren, the Groenendael, and the Malinois. These four breeds were collectively called as ‘Chien de Berger Belge’. Is the added expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet? Malinois Height and Weight. Around the 1800s, several Belgian breeders in search of a perfect Shepherd Dog started breeding various pastoral canines. You see a lot of Malinois now used for police work or the army. The Belgian Malinois breed can be traced back to the 1800’s where they were developed in Malines, Belgium -- where the breed got its name. Though the Belgian Malinois may resemble the German shepherd in passing, the breeds are distinct and historically unrelated. COMMON COAT COLORS. Belgian Malinois. Their short coat requires little maintenance and grooming. Belgian Malinois. Now comparison that with the male Belgian Malinois dog, who generally weighs between 60 and 80 pounds and stands 24 to 26 inches tall. The average height and weight for a full-grown, healthy Belgian Malinois is 64 to 75 pounds (29 to 34 kg) and 24 to 26 inches (61–66 cm) for males, and 55 to 66 pounds (25–30 kg) and 22 to 24 inches (56–61 cm) for females. How much weight. They are highly energetic and thus loves to spend their energy on some physical activity. Belgian Malinois were historically bred to herd sheep for hours on end. If you plan to bring a Mal into a family with existing children or pets, a puppy may be a better choice as Mals who are introduced at a young age tend to do better. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. They are also considered to be wonderful house pets and companions and are well-respected and admired by most people. In fact, the breed is so revered for its service that a memorial to military dogs in Fayetteville, North Carolina, features a life-size statue of a Mal. It’s also important to discuss the history of thyroid or cardiac issues, and overall temperament. Though sweet, sensitive, and deeply devoted, the Mal is an intense dog and will be too much for the inexperienced owner. The females are more slender body wise. Belgian Malinois Puppy Weight Chart. But, it is also important to note that, these dogs have a tremendous amount of exercise needs. The Belgian shepherd dogs were officially registered by the AKC as separate breeds in 1959, and the Mal saw a resurgence in interest (though it fell behind the three other Belgian shepherds in popularity). The Weight of Malinois Shepherd Dog adult female varies from 20 to 30 kg. All Belgian Malinois found here are from AKC-Registered parents. The Belgian Malinois dogs are extremely hard-working and diligent in nature and thus they perform any kind of task or activity with utmost sincerity and dedication. These dogs can be given home-cooked or commercially prepared meal, whichever suits their health and taste-buds. This breed is used for many purposes including: tracking, police K9, herding, agility, obedience and protection sports. Lifespan: 10 - 12 years. Consistent training is a great way to bond with your dog and will be extremely important in shaping a well-rounded, even-tempered Mal. Some temperamental traits of the Belgian Malinois are listed below: These canines hailing from Belgium are highly intelligent and trainable dogs who are widely used as police and military dogs in many different areas of the world. They also are not meant to be outdoor dogs, as they need lots of loving companionship. The Mal’s waterproof coat is easy to maintain. Weather & … All are named for Belgian villages: Groenendael, Laekenois, Mechelar (Malinois) and Tervuren. Size: Belgian Malinois range from 22 to 26 inches in height and 40 to 80 pounds in weight. The Belgian Malinois is a medium size, athletically built dog with a proud carriage and a 'high drive' personality. The Belgian Malinois can live in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. Although the title of this page is Malinois Height and Weight, the goal of this survey is to capture statistical information on the height and weight of the Belgian Shepherd Dog, all varieties, for comparison purposes. The Belgian Malinois is one of four Belgian shepherding breeds developed in that area and is most likely the most popular of those shepherding breeds. A Belgian Malinois will constantly be trying to keep the toddler in one spot! Generally, Belgian Malinois require two to three cups of high-quality dry dog food per day, divided into two meals. Early socialization with other humans and animals, exposure to different sights and sounds, and obedience training are a must for a well-rounded Mal. And, hence, regular high levels of exercise are necessary for them and if they do not receive proper and required amount of work and movement, they may become slightly frustrated and destructive by nature. It’s important to teach children how to properly interact with dogs and always supervise them when playing with any dog. The club also recommends testing for epilepsy and cancer, specifically hemangiosarcoma. But there is not a lot of difference between the stature of male and female Malinois dogs. With its strong, powerful body and confident demeanor, there isn’t much this dog can’t accomplish. If treats are being given to them as rewards, then it should be given in limited amounts. If you notice any weight change, consult your veterinarian to make a meal plan, and measure the Belgian Malinois's weight regularly. 18-36 Kilograms. Regular brushing is a good time to check for things like coat sheen (dull hair can mean a lack of nutrients in diet), nail length, and ear health and dental health. Puppy Weight Chart This Is How … In addition to capturing height and weight, please enter general pedigree information for your dog, ie the primary focus of the breeder and when known the country(s) … Belgian Malinois. If adopting, ask the rescue for all available health history. Bred to work, the Mals are packed with powerful muscles, yet their bodies have an elegant appearance. Be sure to look for any signs of movement (mites!) Males are visibly heavier and grander than the females. Mals form intense bonds with their owners and are happiest accompanying their humans in anything, and everything, they do. Black-tipped Fawn, Mahogany, Fawn Sable, Red, Red Sable. The coat is mostly quite short in length and is evenly spread all over the body. For a more accurate estimate, enter your Malinois puppy's current age and weight into our Puppy Weight Predictor to predict its adult size. He ranks 76th among the breeds registered by the … There’s a huge differentiation. Size: Belgian Malinois range from 22 to 26 inches in height and 40 to 80 pounds in weight. The Belgian Malinois excels not only in herding, but also in protection and law enforcement; drug, bomb, and gas detection; search and rescue; tracking; obedience; sledding; agility; and therapy assistance to disabled, ill or elderly people. German Shepherd vs Belgian Malinois vs Weimaraner – Which one is a better dog breed for you? 04-08 Puppies (approx.) These dogs are solidly built, somewhat elegant in appearance and like to carry their heads high with pride. Male Belgian Malinois weigh in between 60-80 pounds, and females range between 40-60 pounds. LIFE-SPAN. Coat: The coat of a Belgian Malinois is short and waterproof. Belgian Malinois weight: Male: 65-75 pounds (29-34 kg), Female: 60-70 pounds (27-32 kg) Avg. Insurance for dogs, cats, and other household animals can run as low as $20 a month, but that cost can add up over time. 22-26 inches. This canine is being used by a lot of different law enforcement … Colors range from a … Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female) Weight: 55-75 pounds (male), 35-55 pounds (female) Life Expectancy: 14-16 years Belgian Malinois are directly built, happy, and sharp herdsmans standing 22 to 26 inches. But, the hindquarters have relatively longer strands of hair and also, the tail is fairly feathered and bushy in appearance. Like with Ryker, a trainee at the. HEIGHT. Revered for their strong work ethic and high intelligence, the Balgian Malinois is a top pick for police and military K-9 units. Those are specifically bred working dogs; they’re not pets, and they’re certainly not for a novice owner,” says Brian Kilcommons, founder of The Great Pets Resort, a training facility in Connecticut. This dog is demanding and nee… Not all Mals will encounter serious health issues, but you should be aware of these common concerns when considering this breed. SIZE AND WEIGHT. On the other, the height of female Belgian Malinois is ranging between 22 to 24 inches. “When you’re looking for a purebred dog, what are the characteristics you’re looking for? The Weight of Malinois Shepherd Dog adult male varies from 28 to 35 kg. The height of male dogs is ranging between 24 to 26 inches. ... exercise and feeding. Female Belgian Malinois have a withers height between 22”-24” (56-61 cm) and a weight in the range of 40-60 lb (18.1-36.3 kg). These dogs were the first to be used by the law enforcement agencies of Belgium and were very good for guarding purposes. Today, the Belgian Malinois is recognized globally and is part of the military and armed forces of numerous countries. Twice, you have a well-developed jaw region with strong teeth firmly set inside the mouth you notice any change! For, they do water at all times spend their energy on some activity. Care for your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with and. Them is not suitable for households with small, erratic children they ’ need... Become problematic if not properly channeled this dog is demanding and nee… Belgian Malinois exhibits wide... 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