An Arab women who were working the same bank were dealing with me as I am one their sisters, while eating they were asking me to accompany them, they were greeting me while they come to office and wile going back home. – MARILYN GUNAO, LAILA, PHILIPINE. My first question for them was about wearing Hijab for which they gave me logical and moral reasons to wear it. This leads them to research further about Islam, and eventually … I was born to an American Father and a Roman mother, when I came to Dubai I found People practicing Islam very seriously which led me to know more about Islam.- PALA HASEMAN, PALA HASEMAN, AMERICA. – SONIA KHIACA, KHADIJA, INDIA. I just thought of being a part of Muslims during this holy month and I accepted Islam. – MAHESH BELLE, MUHAMMAD USMAN, INDIA. The Islamic religious leaders also have programs where they challenge muslims to marry non-muslims so that they can convert them. He told me that cleanliness is the topmost importance for all kinds of worship. You may say only Adhan had made me to accept Islam. The first time I came to know that Allah has no image was when there was a visit to a Masjid for Non Muslims conducted by Islamic Affairs Dept. Islam gives that to people. Thus I embraced Islam and I make DVDs of these lectures and I distribute them among my non Muslims friends. These regulations include the five pillars of Islam, which underline the fundamentals of Islam that must be completed by every able Muslim, dietary guidelines, dress code and the hijab, the method of washing ourselves through wudu and ghusl, and the Sunnah, which is the practice of the Prophet ﷺ. It was shocking for me to know that Jesus had never stated in the Bible that he is God. – SZIDONIA BALINI, MARYAM FATIMA, ROMANIA. Within a week I got the chance to restart my work and earn money. I understood Islam through an Egyptian RTA bus driver. Why did you choose America and Russia to comment on? – JOCHEN PFISTERER, YASIN, GERMANY. And I asked my Madam to make me Muslim.–RASIKA KUMAYI, FATIMA, SRI LANKA. 17 May, 2017. – AMELIA BLANCO, MARYAM, SPAIN. I even had no knowledge that Muslims acknowledge Jesus, once I came to know that Muslims believe in Jesus, his name is mentioned in the Quran several time and it is obligated upon every Muslim to believe in him and respect him, I started reading the Holy Quran and I found that Quran respects Jesus and provides clear picture about his personality. – JERLYN QUICOY, HUDA, PHILIPPINE. For example, Christians believe that Jesus is God, but Jesus himself had God who was superior to him. After prayer I took Shahada in the Masjid itself. Then he told me the meaning of” Asslamualikum” and briefed me about Islam. I have seen changes in Muslims once they come back from Hajj. New converts are treated like royalty. But slowly, we could not spend any day without fasting. Wearing white clothes shows humanity, brotherhood, equality and shows that they are away from pride and showoff. Aaya Kontos. I stayed in combined accommodation with few Filipino new Muslim girls when I came to Dubai and tourist visa. – LIZEL GICA, MARYAM, PHILIPPINE. – JASON DULIS, MUBARAK, GERMANY. My sponsor had gone to perform Hajj and came with clear heart. This book gives us scientific and logical way of understating the religion of Islam with brief information about all important aspects of Islam. In the beginning I felt unhygienic to eat in one plate, but later I discovered and informed that eating together builds brotherhood and compassion. I was interested in Islam but not willing to accept it only because of my parents as I love them, take care of them and I was the only bread-winner for them. Sitting together and breaking fast together on the hearing of Adhan is one of the best ways of showing brotherhood. So I started to look at other religions. The UAE is perhaps one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world and hence the inputs from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives make the book especially interesting. – ALLA TYKHONOVYCH, FAHMIDA, UKRINE. So I did according to her advice and stated visiting her often and asking her many things. Everyone is equal in Islam. – KUNAL, ABDUL RAUF, INDIA. Muslims are very charitable and help poor and needy. I was born to an American Father and a Roman mother, when I came to Dubai I found People practicing Islam very seriously which led me to know more about Islam.- PALA HASEMAN, PALA HASEMAN, AMERICA. Prominent individuals like Malcolm X have popularized this model, and many black Americans feel that they have a collective grievance against Christianity for slavery which is best solved by turning to Islam. MUSLIMS FOLLOW MUHAMMAD ﷺ IN THEIR DAILY LIVES, 22. In fact, peace is the essence of Islam and Muslims in every aspect of life. I remember while sitting at the New Muslims Section, one of the Guides explained to me about the life of Prophet Abraham, who in the beginning worshiped the Star, Moon and Sun and at last he discovered that we should worship the Creator not His creation. I was surprised once I came to know that Muslims believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of God mentioned in the Holy Bible like Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John and Jesus etc, and I had been informed that all the messengers and prophets were following one religion and brought one message. From Nepal to India, from Kashmir to KanyaKumari, you can list the names of our gods in thousands but for Muslims, they have one Universal God. I took care of her for a long duration and through her I accepted Islam. – ANITA SUDAM, MARYAM, INDIA. The most common reasons are marriage, believing it is true, or for other personal reasons. My Muslim friends used to call me for Eid celebrations at their home. I have seen my Madam and her Husband always there to care for their elders, even I saw them getting up at night to provide any assistance they needed. Many women from different nationalities were there to provide help and aids. Answer Save. CHAPTER ‘AL AHAD’ OF QURAN MADE ME MUSLIM, 72. I never believed trinity because it made no sense.
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