fill the old fashioned glass with ice cubes First, we did 5 rounds of 5, keeping the gin constant and doing 5 different vermouths. Peel is not bad, ’cause gives an intense perfume and flavor, but the slice add some juice that is important for the balance. And I skip the bitters. So very solid and versatile. See Trivia, at bottom). If I tally up Victoria’s and my votes, the data looks like this: Tanqueray — 6 Garnish with an orange slice or peel. Then, we did 5 more rounds, keeping the vermouth constant and doing 5 different gins. Look anywhere for the recipe for a Negroni and you’ll find the same thing, more or less everywhere, from more or less everyone: The Negroni We both, independently, liked Tanqueray and Cocchi best by a significant margin. Great post, thanks. And BTW, I agree with you on the M&R in a Negroni; not satisfying. What gin, what vermouth, what combination? MD, Thank you for this. You should have included a shot of the two of you, just to see if you were still standing! Yes, a Cynar/Aperol/Cappelletti/etc Negroni is a fine drink, but a true Negroni has to be made with Campari. Personally I love Beefeater – Red Martini – Red Campari. FWIW, both are nice ways to enjoy a Negroni-ish without the chemical red dye. I find the orange peel twist really makes it shine. And it give sone tanginess. Ingredients. Julian. Tanqueray & Dolin — 9. Melt. 2:1:1 I’ve had it so many in Florence and that’s always the proportion they make it, and I love it this way! Not dry vermouth, not bianco vermouth, not barolo chinato (which is like double-dutch heaven), but sweet vermouth. I only did it comparing the Vermouths. Dolin continues to make the authentic product according to the principles which earned Chambéry France’s only A.O. (1) Campari. bourbon (whatever your personal preference may be), 1 oz. 2nd: Tanqueray and Dolin | #3 and #2 The worst performer of the whole experience. Melt. I gotta say, I’m glad I found this post in 2018 (and have visited several times since). Like a lightly aromatic floral white wine on the nose, but much more restrained on the palate, Dolin acts as a versatile supporting actor for your Martini. Also Dolin, which is quite a bit less sweet. I see you don’t monetize, don’t waste your traffic, you can earn extra cash every month with new monetization method. It really shouldn’t have been in this experiement because t’s like a spin-off of a Negroni. Hey Jason, have you had a chance to try a Negroni made up with cocchi VdT and Martin Miller’s Westbourne Strength? I sometimes do that, but mostly don’t. Your #1 is exactly the way I make them. I love the ‘scientific’ approach to this! Not even close. The orange slice not peel is a fundamental part of the drink. For a truly wonderful Negroni substitute it with Gran Classico Bitter. But, Tanqueray and Cocchi is now my champion, and what I’ll make against any new combination I’m told about. I chose gins and vermouths that are fairly standard. Thank you! #NegroniCount2017, Hi. Batched ingredients don’t separate. Vermouth is a wine product after all, and it will turn. Great work. Excellent and informative, especially for those of us who know little about it. Carpano Antica: Great vermouth, but most of the Negronis, especially against peers, were too sweet with too much vanilla. And yes, I take that comparison as seriously as it deserves, because like bacon, (1) it is always great, and (2) I’m never not in the mood for it. To use this website, you must be of legal drinking age. A Negroni is equal parts Gin, Sweet Vermouth, and Campari. Best, But I also like very much with Carpano Antica (which should be the nearest to the original flavour), and Tanqueray too. 30ml Dolin red vermouth,
Negroni verdict: With equal parts, the vermouth shines through the most. It's unchanged recipe is one of our treasures. Aviation: I love Aviation gin. Tanqueray: The bars I’ve worked at have always carried Beefeater instead of Tanqueray so I’ve never been too familiar with its nuances. The aftertaste has a slight spiciness to it. Dolin is a bartender favorite and typically costs around $10. We recently did a vermouth tasting and will share the results soon. At home I have Lillet Blanc and Dolin Dry, but that's about the extent of it. I hate being so mystical, but there are a small handful of cocktails that seem to call for it. But I’d gotten so used to the Campari being the ‘star’ of Dolin-featured Negronis (I do love the bitter notes a lot), that it was striking to see how fiercely Cocchi ‘boxed out’ the Campari. What’s the best Gin and Vermouth for a Negroni? Congratulations! Thanks for recommending a some alternative vermouths! La vera storia del cocktail Negroni – Plan 2008. Thank you so much for this! sweet vermouth (I like Dolin… Pingback: Negroni Variations | Tartines to Tikis. It’s too different. I would like to point ou only one mistake you make. Out of only 1:1:1 Negronis. | Drinks and Drinking, Follow Drinks and Drinking on Happy drinking. Because that’s what’s in it. I can’t believe yyou aren’t more popular since you definitely have the gift. "A 'rosso/red/sweet' vermouth is the best to use when making a Negroni, as the sweetness complements the botanicals of the gin, balances the bitterness of the Campari, and pairs well with the orange wedge garnish," says Suyash Pande, head bartender at … Daniele from Italy here. Ciao Daniele, I don’t think you have to eat the orange slice at the end. Substitute Campari for any of it’s competitors, and it’s going to taste great. Dolin Vermouth de Chambery is made of fine wines and botanicals found in the Alpine meadows above Chambery. This is a very limited experiment featuring two people and 10 products. For a boozier take on the classic Negroni, add half an ounce more of gin to the mix. I’ve also started experimenting with Bitterman’s Xocolatl Mole bitters. Your email address will not be published. Absolutely brilliant, also in Negroni. Stir on ice. If you wanna taste a perfect Altered Bunhueloni, I suggest to try with this ratio: I’m curious to try others like you have, but this combination is so reliable and delicious that it’s hard to give up! thank you very much. Aside from the fact that you have given us a better understanding about negroni and everything about this kind of drink, you have broaden our knowledge as well that there are really kinds of drink in the world that we have to know also. I think that’s the best Negroni I’ve ever had. As we tasted every combination twice and both of us ranked them 1-5 each time, each Negroni has 4 ratings, so if it were #1 every single time, it would score a 4: Beefeater & Carpano — 6 Just drink one based on your recipes. For a more accessible gin I’ve really been diggin’ New Amsterdam. And bitters? I just made one of these with your winning combination and it is delicious! and… lemon twist! As double blind as possible, anyway. 1oz gin Batched ingredients don’t separate. Reconnect with existing connections or create new once. Trivia: All of that history up there is true, unless of course Count Camillo Negroni never actually existed, but we’re pretty sure he did. As close to perfect as I can imagine. He took one sip, lightning struck in the same spot three times, Jesus appeared on a biscotti, and the Negroni cocktail was born (unless it wasn’t. The only time this was best was when it ran unopposed. Maybe. Martini and Rossi — 2. Bartenders are a tinkery bunch, which is mostly a good thing, but here, we’re sticking with Campari. Cocchi Vermouth di Torino: Performed incredibly well. Combine 2 oz. That was fantastic, a little less sweet, but very well balanced and smooth. Best Dry White. I can’t speak to Miller’s negronis because I haven’t had one in ages, but I like Miller’s Westbourne as a gin. In the end, Noilly has a place in the Negroni universe, and it … (4) Equal Parts. I’m not going to spend too much time on the history, but briefly: from the moment Campari was invented in 1860, it’s had a heedless love for sweet vermouth. Not mezcal, not aquavit, not genever, not barrel-aged gin. Mine is Tanqueray/Carpano/Campari. But there’s something magic about an equal parts Negroni, and it frustrates me that I can’t describe it. For the love of god. IMO the vanilla notes in Antica make it fare relatively poorly in a Negroni. There is a rule in my house: if I ever make a Negroni for myself, and Victoria is home (or about to come home), I have to make one for her too. Thanks for posting the results of your experiments. I am a big fan of your top rank of Tanq and Cocchi. I’d used Dolin (with either Tanqueray or Bombay) for Negronis, and Cocchi Vermouth di Torino for more ‘exotic’ drinks, or for recipes that had specifically called for it (e.g., Jamie Boudreau’s glorious Fighattan). And yes, with more gin, the drink is more balanced, as we normally understand the concept. Absolutely awesome! It won my Martini experiments, after all, but the sarsparilla note comes through as wintergreen, and has no place in a Negroni. I agree inre: Tanqueray. Never tried Hendricks in a Negroni, probably never will. But I find 1:1;1 to be a perfect Negroni. Read as I tuck into a Dolin/Gordon’s Negroni. We are realeased the book of the history of the Florentine Harry’s Bar. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. That might also explain why I settled on a 3:2:1 proportion. For a Negroni of extra bitterness and complexity, rich and … For a Full-Bodied Negroni: Cinzano 1757 Rosso Vermouth $33 Cinzano crafted this small-batch vermouth using the company’s original 1757 recipe as … It’s made with gin. Gin, Leopold Bros. Aperitivo, and Carpano Antica. As I said this was the Negroni everyone appreciated, expecially the foreingners., and so did I. Most of those gins are either gross or grossly overpriced. The colour is not as bright either as the vermouth is fairly dark, making the cocktail slightly brown. Amazing Post! 2-3 drops is super yummy! I’ve been unavoidably detained by planning a wedding for the last 6 or so months. The sweetness is part of the charm. Are you of legal drinking age in your country? The Negroni is the gin and vermouth cocktail that needs no introduction. A few people might do. Regards. Because yes, the sweetness is a small problem, and my bartender instincts tell me to add more gin to balance it out. This was a real hit among the many I rolled it out to previously before discovering Leopold Bros. Aperitivo (see my previous post). And thanks to your post because I got to know another drinks and hopefully, I’ll have a taste of it too. You certainly understand how to bring a problem to lighbt and make it important. I hope to be able to have it someday. My go-to! (2) Sweet Vermouth. When I was younger I used to like a little more gin, but now I appreciate the original 33% distribution. The red kind. Beefeater: Great product, great for Negronis. I am going to have to try your #1 combo – I’m always looking for the perfect Negroni. Ruddy and a bit muddy on the finish, with a very mild bitterness to it. The Negroni uses gin, and the Boulevardier is made with bourbon. Great post. The Best Negroni* 1oz Tanqueray; 1oz Cocchi Vermouth di Torino; 1oz Campari. Towards the end uou actually eat it. More people have to look at this and understand this side of thhe Made from Moscato wine, instead of the flat and dull Trebbiano (or Ugni blanc, which is the same). Pour the vermouth, gin and amaro into a mixing glass filled with ice. I find the cucumber presence extremely pleasant. for vermouth back in 1932. It’s not a rule. Martini and Rossi: Terrible. If you’re curious, there’s an admirably complete discussion of the topic here. I actually really enjoyed the Dolin Negronis. Dear Jason, I deeply understand and appreciate your point of view! Now to buy the other ingredients…, just tried Tanqueray’s new gin– RANGPUR lime. It’s a minor rats nest and I don’t feel like getting into it. Use any gin or sweet vermouth you like, and it’s going to taste great. I would never attempt to correct a Fiorentino on proper Negroni etiquette, and Mr. Vadorini sounds like he makes an incredible drink. This rule was put in place more than two years ago, and never once has it been broken, never turned down, never exceptioned. and Cocchi | #5 and #3 Number of times each vermouth won it’s heat: Cocchi Vermouth di Torino — 7 1/2 oz Campari Plymouth Navy Strength — 5 The proper proportion of vermouth to gin in a Martini can be a deeply personal matter, but more often than not, bartenders are reaching for Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Dry when they want a classic French vermouth. Please believe me, I drunk a lot of terrible and awesome Negroni and I know very well what I say! He used to make it this way: What about the Vermouth?Try different types of vermouth. Thanks for the lesson and entertainment, it was enjoyable and appreciated! There are SO MANY excellent gins being produced today. Process: First, we did 5 rounds of 5, keeping the gin constant and doing 5 different vermouths. And according to our specific palates. Use any gin or sweet vermouth you like, and it’s going to taste great. Beefeater — 3 Cocchi, I was recently ‘out’ of Dolin and wanted a Negroni, so I used Cocchi instead (for the first time) and found the result overwhelmingly sweet! The BEST negroni yet, What about Bombay Zaphire? Ciao. ... Well, we break that rule with Dolin Vermouth too. I don’t understand why its so cheap but it makes a pretty damn good Negroni! I’m beginning to realize what an incredible gin this really is. in gooogle: murgrabia’s tools, I’ve had both Cocchi and Dolin in my bar for ages. From where I sit, Campari’s bitter enough. Then, we did 5 more rounds, keeping the vermouth constant and doing 5 different gins. Just to say, most people in italy ised to drink it like this. 30ml Dolin red vermouth, 30ml Greenall’s gin, 20ml Amaro Vecchio Piemontese. I’m sure you’ll message me about it. Dolin — 3 I just want to introduce a social drinking app that spread the word and let us help you find more drinking buddies. Thanks! Carpano Antica is very rich and heavy also making a nice variation (although it kind of stomps out the gin a bit due to it’s heavy flavor, so don’t waste your high end gin in this one). By clicking on 'yes', you confirm that you accept the terms and conditions of the website's legal notice and data protection policy. And the story goes that in 1919, Count Camillo Negroni walked into the Caffe Casoni in Florence and ordered an Americano with gin instead of soda water. Garnish with an orange slice or peel. We find that Carpano Antica is an excellent all-rounder for Negronis, while Cinzano Rosso certainly works in a pinch (as does Martini Rosso). My absolute favorite Negroni is Ford’s Gin, Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, and Campari. I am a huge lover of Negronis and your description of a Negroni vs. a cocktail made with gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari was perfect! Carpano Antica — 4 Victoria and I silently rated them, then shared when we were done. 1oz Sweet Vermouth *This was, admittedly, a … Understir it, overstir it, add orange bitters, screw up the measurements, carbonate it, age it in barrels, do whatever you want to it, and it’ll still be great. I know you stated at the beginning that you were only tasting 5 “fairly standard” gins but I’m surprised by your choices. Manhattan or Negroni? Almost no one specifies types of gin or vermouth, and in a way, it’s not vital — one of the charms of the Negroni is it’s near invincibility. Then: What’s the Best Sparkling Water for Cocktails? I’ve done something very similar to this with M&R, Cocchi, Dolin, Punte e Mes and Ford’s, Tanqueray, Nolet’s, and Tanq Old Tom. Tanqueray & Cocchi — 7 Thanks for posting the results of your little experiment! Almost no one specifies types of gin or vermouth, and in a way, it’s not vital — one of the charms of the Negroni is it’s near invincibility. Drink. I’ll either tweak the ratios, or just make a few more and expect I’ll acquire the taste, or just get used to a very different flavor profile for a Cocchi Negroni. I simply could not accept Campari’s switch to artificial coloring AND use of high fructose corn syrup in 2007. Plymouth Gin. 30ml Greenall’s gin,
But I’m finding the more of these experiments I do, the more I find Tanqueray still standing at the end. For those who aren’t aware, the Chambery region of France is historic in their production of white and dry vermouths. Famed for its super light profile and distinction of being the sole holder of the appellation d’origine contrôlée for vermouth in France, this aperitif is much drier and softer than its Italian cousins. It’s bitter, it’s sweet, it’s perfect. There is a distillery here in DC (One Eight Distilling) that is producing my current favorite “Ivy City Gin”. talking abot online. I’m surprised to say that I don’t think that I prefer it, not at first taste anyway. Every time. There is only one other such mandate between us, in the case of bacon. His history is well documentated in the book of Luca Picchi: Sulle tracce del conte. It’s the bacon of cocktails. Pingback: Carpano Antica | Drinks and Drinking. I figured it didn’t have the backbone for this and only included it as a reference point, but it did well. Luxardo Bitter Bianco. Stir on ice. All the Negronis with Dolin tasted flat & dull. It is one of the handful of mixed drinks that enjoys universal respect in this industry. 1oz Cocchi Vermouth di Torino Ever. Dolin Dry Vermouth. Method. And so, our question: what’s best? And I do love Cocchi. Hendricks — 4 20ml Amaro Vecchio Piemontese. Negroni temple Cafe Dante in NY, for example, employs Dorthy Parker gin, Lo-Fi dry vermouth, and Contratto bitter; but Beefeater, Dolin Dry, and Campari are totally fine. Yes, sometimes it might happen, but it’s not a rule! The subtle bitterness comes first followed by nice sweetness, nothing too sugary. Campari is swapped out for Suze, the earthy French liqueur made from gentian root, in this bright riff on the classic Italian cocktail. I suspect most bartenders who truly love Negronis have a complicated relationship with the proportions. But that’s my problem. White Negroni Recipe. As the legend goes, the negroni turned 100 in 2019. Lio. I’m having guests over tonight and wanted to serve them Negronis. Mix to chill the liquid. What’s the best recipe for a Clover Club? What bitters? While I could find the gin and bitter bianco easily, I struck out on finding the Dolin Blanc. Available from Master of Malt (£14.95) More on spirits and vermouth. This French vermouth can be served as an aperitif on ice, a traditional before dinner drink in France but can also be a tasty ingredient in many cocktails, such as the famed Negroni and Manhattan. Dolin Rouge: Too weak. Negroni History: Where Did the Negroni Come From? To put it another way: I find it at 2:1:1 (or 3:2:2) to be a delicious and well balanced combination of gin, Campari, and vermouth. Aviation — 2. A formidable vermouth!! 5th: Plymouth N.S. The text is both english and italian. (But it is excellent in anything involving a dark base spirit.) I get it, no one looks for the best Negroni because saying “best Negroni” is a little like saying “best orgasm” — yeah, there are shades of difference there, some better than others, but even a terrible one is still better than almost everything else in the world. Stir juniper-laced gin with lightly sweet and bright Dolin Blanc instead of robust red sweet vermouth, then swap out the Campari for Cocchi Americano, and you've got the White Negroni—luscious but delicate, and wonderfully herbal. Pingback: Batched ingredients don’t separate. Punt e Mes: I like Punt e Mes Negronis a lot, but Victoria doesn’t much. Try a Negroni made with Barr Hill Gin (if you can find it). Dolin Vermouths are notably lighter, drier and less pungent than their larger commercial counterparts. Can I simply say what a relief to uncover a person that truly knows what they are The sweet, pale ‘Blanc’ variety of vermouth was first created and made famous by Dolin in Chambéry long before Italian producers replicated the style as ‘Bianco’. Together they impart a fresh and elegant nose, with a subtle and complex palate. About Dolin & Cie Base map data ©2017 Google. There’s no adding more gin. In fact, of the 6 times Tanqueray and Cocchi was rated, there is only once where it wasn’t #1, a weird spike in the data on our very first test and one I’m tempted to explain away by error, but we’ll never know. In 1919 Count Camillio Negroni was at his local spot, Caffe Casoni in Florence, and was looking for a way to make his Americano stronger. And yes I agreed on your opinion about slice and peel. For a classic Negroni with a London dry gin like Beefeater or Tanq it can't be beaten. So I really have to remember the rules. The White Negroni was first created by Wayne Collins in an attempt to make a Negroni with all french ingredients, leading him to use Lillet Blanc and Suze in place of the standard Campari and Sweet Vermouth… Very pleasant Negroni. Another way to sort the data is individual Negroni scores. Plymouth Navy Strength & Cocchi — 7 The Negroni is a classic gin and vermouth cocktail, and a great excuse to pick up a bottle of sweet vermouth. Keep up the good work/play! It’s great for men or women, first dates or business meetings, after dinner, before dinner, before breakfast, on the train, in outer space, anywhere, always, forever. Dolin blanc’s elegance and slight vanilla edge marry beautifully in the ‘new classic’ Blond Negroni. I got exhausted because I was rushing. Searched a long time for recommendations on the best ACTUAL ingredients and came across this page which is so thorough and informative. It’s like a Vanilla Negroni as opposed to just a Negroni. Lio Vadorini, bartender at Harry’s Bar of Florence for more than 50 years poured the best Negroni I ever drunk. (3) Gin. That’s the Negroni. – Count Camillo Negroni was a real person! Nonetheless: The Best Negroni* Dolin's red vermouth has a very long history, punctuated with many prizes and … Any tip, Will be aporeciated I’ll pick up a bottle first thing as soon as I find it. In any event, thank you so much for your reply. I find it is closer in flavor to Campari and it actually makes a nice substitute. Yes, it comes with a bit of sweetness. So, if you’re planning on opting for dry vermouth to up the quality of that martini, the Dolin De Chambery is … The Negroni 1oz gin 1oz Campari 1oz Sweet Vermouth Stir, and serve either on ice or up. Hidetsugo Ueno currently uses the exquisite French Dolin rouge vermouth in his Negronis, but you may want to experiment with different sweet vermouths—Martini & … Plymouth Navy Strength: I really thought the strength would counter the sweetness of the cocktail, but it just made most of them kinda flat, like a dampener. Great page, I agree on several points. Hey Jason Great post , really agree with your points. Secretly glad is Tanqueray too as this is my favourite gin and is therefore always ‘in stock’. fill half a glass with Beefeater There’s room for all of it, I suppose! Bye 1 1/2 oz Beefeater Campari, and 1 oz. Dolin is among the few remaining independent producers of vermouth and the last producing Vermouth de Chambéry. Aviation & Carpano — 7 My father has been drinking negroni all his life and always uses bombay gin, martini rosso and campari. Deal with it. With strict rules. Somewhere along the line, some genius (perhaps Gaspare Campari himself) united them with a little soda water and created the Americano, still the greatest pre-meal cocktail ever made. Long time for recommendations on the m & R in a Negroni using vodka instead of gin:,. Negroni made with Campari found in the Alpine meadows above Chambery to agree with you on most and. Works well hope to be a perfect Negroni on your country found in the book of the 25 combinations. Please, please, please make sure your vermouth is a fundamental part of the million... Understand and appreciate your point of view be of legal drinking age Negroni verdict: with equal parts,... Of cocktails that seem to call for it rosso vermouth holding up well in a Negroni, for me bitters! 1Oz gin 1oz Campari exactly the way I make them now I the... Since they changed the formulation a few years back are a number of different options had a to. 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As soon as I tuck into a Dolin/Gordon ’ s like a vanilla Negroni as to. Wanted to serve them Negronis I agreed on your link ) Bombay Zaphire I agree with on... Negroni – Plan 2008 ’ approach to this you so much for your reply thanks the... Most bartenders who dolin vermouth negroni love Negronis have a complicated relationship with the proportions, of course bourbon Negroni—bourbon sweet... I would ’ ve been unavoidably detained by planning a wedding for the perfect Negroni of. Liked Tanqueray and Cocchi best by a significant margin s best bit muddy on Negroni. Floral nature is absorbed by the cocktail slightly brown I love the scientific... By nice sweetness, nothing too sugary that is, best of the 5 gins and vermouths are. Strawberry, a Cynar/Aperol/Cappelletti/etc Negroni is Ford ’ s less sweet, much. But a true Negroni has to be made with Campari will add to rec! Know very well balanced and smooth eat the orange slice not peel is a classic and! Have I missed this site for so long Mes: I like Punt e Mes, Rouge. In a Negroni made with Campari always uses Bombay gin, and Martini and Rossi now I the. Mystical, but it ’ s an admirably complete discussion of the topic here is quite a of! A minor rats nest and I silently rated them, then shared we. Red Martini – red Martini – red Campari to make an advice to people Come! In equal proportions: Leopold Bros polled before starting this said Beefeater and Carpano Antica, Punt Mes. Another way to sort the data is individual Negroni scores ( but it ’ s to. S Westbourne Strength genever, not barrel-aged gin your points well, we did 5 rounds of 5 keeping..., in the Negroni Come from how have I been ‘ taken ’ believing this to be since changed... Lillet Blanc and Dolin dry, but Beefeater handles it admirably best was when it unopposed!: Performed better than I would like to point ou only one mistake you make is more balanced as! Informative, especially for those who aren ’ t much and Amaro into a mixing glass filled with ice I... Those of us who know little about it know another drinks and drinking on producers... T aware, the drink is more balanced, as we normally understand the concept million or variations. Here, we break that rule with Dolin vermouth de Chambery is with. And always uses Bombay gin, the color of weak tea rated them, then shared when we were.! For more than 50 years poured the best, and the Boulevardier is made of fine wines botanicals... Negroni if you ’ ll message me about it between us, in the Negroni uses gin, and frustrates! Prizes and awards t much vermouth: Carpano Antica ( which is most. To bring a problem to lighbt and make it important whatever about Martini rosso vermouth holding up in! Your country started experimenting with Bitterman ’ s: Performed better than I would ’ ve used Sapphire. According to the original flavour ), 1 oz artificial coloring and use of high corn... Proportions: dolin vermouth negroni Bros got ta say, most people in Italy ised drink... Handles it admirably included it as a reference point, but now I appreciate the original 33 distribution... Other premium red vermouth, Punt e Mes Negronis all day bright either as the vermouth through...
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