Let cake sit for 10-15 minutes to develop a slight crust. Bag it. See 10 Cake Baking Tips for best practices on baking and cooling cakes.. Three sizes: $44.99 each. Also, I find it easier to have a rectangular template and be able to just place it onto my rolled out fondant and cut around it, than faff about with a tape measure/ruler making sure the fondant is long enough to go around the cake, and having the fondant sitting there drying out while you measure. Tear off a piece of Glad Press'n'Seal about 2 1/2 times the diameter of your cake. The thinner you can roll your fondant, the neater your top seam will look. So, whether you’re making a 12” tall triple barrel cake, or a 4” tall 4” cake, soon you’ll know…. Trim ends of ribbon. If you have a look where my blurry finger is pointing in this photo, you’ll see where the fondant is sticking to itself a little…. The thinner you can roll your fondant, the neater your top seam will look. How to Freeze Cakes. More layers means a taller cake and more oohs and aahs from friends and family when you slice into it. Roll out a small piece of the fondant, aiming for a thickness of 3-4mm. 99 ($6.24/oz) Get it as soon as Thu, Nov 19. The fondant on the top of your cake will be on this paper, so the smoother it is, the smoother your fondant will be. Sweet? But it’s a character flaw that I’m learning to live with. Large custom cakes may not include a box for transport or may be in an open box without a lid. If you have several slices you are wrapping, they can all go in one bag. Place wrapped pound cake in bag. Measure the circumference and height of your cake. You can be a little lazier with the other three sides, but that first one will be the star of the sharp-edged-cake show, so be gentle with it. Fold each long end over toward the middle of the cake. Wrap the cake tightly with plastic wrap. Like serious, personal issues. If the cake is frozen, let is thaw slightly. Other bubbles you’ll need to prick with a fine pin or needle (acupuncture needles are great for this) and smooth. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Keep Cake Moist Overnight Without Frosting It, How to Defrost a Frozen Cake With Buttercream Frosting, The Wedding Site: Save a Piece or Two of your Wedding Cake to Enjoy Later. You could also use a piece of PVC pipe (the kind used for drinking water plumbing) with the end cut straight. Directions: Spread the sandwich spread lightly on the tortilla. 4. Under what conditions was the cake originally made? These cake boxes are a great way of giving your guests a slice of party cake to take home with them, or for those who couldn't make it to the party but you still want to give them a slice of cake. Fondant hates me. Freshness Wrappers are thin crystal clear plastic rectangular sheets, used to wrap the bottom and both sides of cake slices and rectangular pastries. Place it onto the top of the cake, smoothing out any air bubbles. You’re going to want to trim it into the shape of a football (an American football) so that it’ll wrap up under the bottom of the watermelon slice. All Rights Reserved. Freezing Cake Slices or Pieces. Then tape along the other two edges, again pulling tightly. But I’m a weakling like that. If you wrap before the filling freezes, ice crystals form, which melt when it thaws, making the cake surrounding it soggy. For instance, this is an 8″ cake, and the wrap is about 20″ long. Just whatever you do, don’t pull on the fondant roll to try and unstick it. Lay your template onto the fondant, and press it down gently with a fondant smoother. #IknowthatcozIhavedoneit . They are a unique way to add flare to your event. These cake slice rice krispies treats have layers of pink and white rice krispies made in a cake pan to create the appearance of a layered cake with spirals of buttercream frosting on top, just like a slice of cake! Place romaine lettuce on top of the spread. Use a knife to cut through the tape holding the waxed paper onto the board, and remove the board. Wrap your cake slices in plastic wrap. If you happen to have a rolling pin with spacers, that will make it a whole lot easier to make sure your fondant is evenly rolled. If you are taking it from the reception, make sure the plate is disposable. If the tortilla is a little stiff and hard to wrap and keep closed, try microwaving the tortilla under a paper towel for 15 to 20 seconds. The weight of the plate and cake will keep the napkin on top of the cake. Wrap it. Anything we can do to reduce the time the fondant is exposed to the air is worth doing. If the fondant hasn’t joined together well (as you can see in the picture above, mine hadn’t – totally planned it that way to show you.. you’re welcome!) The trick to keeping pumpkin rolls as fresh as possible in the freezer is freezing the frosting filling all the way through before wrapping it. Try to remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing. Cake Slice Box May 7, 2020. You will need to add 2-3” to the circumference, and 1” to the height. And indeed, the best way to wrap a cake for freezing is to wrap it in plastic wrap. Once I’m happy with the edge, I like to go around the whole cake again with the thinner flexible smoother. Now, if your fondant is a bit sticky, then it may, at any stage (but I find it tends to be as I get to the end of the roll) stick to itself. You can save the top layer of the cake or simply save a few slices to enjoy later. Use the smoother in a gentle circular motion. I’m right-handed and like to hold the roll of fondant in my right hand and smooth it onto the cake with my left. Aim again for 3-4mm in thickness, thinner if your fondant is capable of it. Spread the guacamole on … Any good quality fondant should work. But we’re friends so I don’t lie to you. Using a Vacuum Sealer to Freeze Cake Tape the outer container shut, but not so tightly that the dry ice isn’t able to vent. If, for the purposes of your cake design, you want to have the seam on the side you’ll need to skip the first step of covering the top, and flip your cake upside down straight away. Carefully peel the waxed paper off the cake. One tool that probably needs an extra mention before we start is the one you’ll use to roll your fondant around. Remove any inedible decorations that may be on top of the cake slice. If you have several slices you are wrapping, they can all go in one bag. If you plan to freeze your wedding cake, consider asking a friend or family member to be in charge of freezing the top tier after the reception.. How to Freeze Slices of Cake Place a rigid cake smoother against the side of the cake, and the thick flexible smoother on the top, and gently run around the top edge with the smoother. Step 1: Bake and completely cool a cake/cake layers. Make a tasty snack that looks like a slice of cake! Grab your flat paintbrush, and use it to gently run up and down the fondant, easing it apart. Hates me. There would be tears (my tears, because of the tears). Last month, TikTok user Rose shared a video of the moment her daughter Jules blew out the candles on her 20th birthday cake. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Unfold a paper napkin and lay it over the piece of cake. ~Long metal ruler, pencil, craft knife or scalpel and cutting mat I have had your program for over a year and a half now and I can honestly say – it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made! Try to remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing. I usually do a bit more work on smoothing the back seam as well (although if the back of your cake won’t be seen, you may not want to waste time smoothing it further). Wrap the slice of cake in several layers of aluminium foil. There are probably also a lot of decorators who aren’t as ridiculously fussy as I am and don’t lose sleep over minor imperfections, but I do. Then grab one of your thicker flexible fondant smoothers and use it to buff the seam. The structure is a bow with strings attached to the levelers. Too much excess cornstarch under the fondant will stop it from sticking well to the cake, and in turn, cause air bubbles and other nasty you-really-don’t-want-thats. Fondant and I have issues. If you don't want to mess up the icing on top, add more icing to the exposed sides of the cake and package it as you would a whole cake. If your cake moves around as you’re smoothing, you can pop another piece of non-slip mat under the setup board to hold it in place. Wrap whole loaves like peasant or sourdough twice in plastic wrap before sealing in a large freezer bag. Start rolling the fondant around the rolling pin, keeping a careful eye on the edge closest to you, to make sure it is flush with the end of the rolling pin. Check for air bubbles as you go, often if they are towards the top of the cake you can use the fondant smoother to gently ease them up so they release the air at the top. Run the knife along the cake board as you cut, making sure the knife stays flush against the board, to get a perfectly straight cut. ~Thin fondant. Pro Catalog April 29, 2020. Step 2: Once the cake(s) cools completely, wrap it in Press & Seal.From one baker to another– this is the best product for wrapping cakes. If the cake tier is on cardboard, you’ll want to wrap that in aluminum foil first. We are passionate about helping people enjoy the pleasures of working with yarn. You can put a bit of cornstarch on the brush if you need to, but just the brush tends to be enough. A little baking and cake decorating blog. Always wrap sponges, cupcakes or cake slices well in cling film. ~Neat cuts. … Hemera Technologies/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images, Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. (Not really). Push and rub the plastic as close you can to the pie wrapping tightly without breaking up the pie. I haven’t tried this technique with a buttercream covered cake, but I imagine as long as you use a fondant that sets firmly, and you’re confident working with fondant on a cold cake and the condensation issues it can cause, then it should work. Pull tightly and tape on the opposite edge. There’s nothing worse than groping around for a knife and realising they’re all half a kitchen away. Place the wrapped cake slice into a freezer bag. Wrap the slice of cake in several layers of aluminum foil. Things that don’t matter right now: air bubbles (we’ll get ’em later), bumps, anything to do with the excess fondant, we’re hacking it off in a minute anyway. See more ideas about bake sale, cookie packaging, creative packaging. Add the cheese and chicken. Place tag and jingle bells on ribbon and tie ribbon into a knot. Typically, a sheet cake slice is either 1 in × 2 in (2.5 cm × 5.1 cm), 2 in × 2 in (5.1 cm × 5.1 cm), or 2 in × 3 in (5.1 cm × 7.6 cm). If you’re shipping individual slices of cake, place each frozen slice within a freezer bag and pack snugly within the insulated cooler, again secured with bubble wrap. Fold each long end over toward the middle of the cake. ~Shortening/Crisco – this is what I like to use to stick my fondant to ganache, see this post for more info. Too much, probably. Wrap mini pound cake in wax paper and tape edges closed. Keep this brush nearby for the next step. 5 1/8" x 3 1/2" (130 x 90mm) I know some of my cake preferences make things harder on myself. Paint some vodka or water onto the top of the cake. Step 1: Bake and completely cool a cake/cake layers. Posted on July 2, 2016 by Natalie | Last Updated October 10, 2019 | 159 Comments. How to Freeze Cakes. Again, there should be no openings in the foil; it should completely cover the cake several times. And it’s that trial and error that led me to realise that sometimes, you just have to do things differently. Having a nicely ganached cake will give you a great base for your fondant. With any luck, the slice is gracefully removed to reveal the beautiful layers inside. If the edges are slightly dry and they don’t stick, you can use a small paintbrush dipped in vodka or water (vodka is better as it dries faster and doesn’t mark the fondant) to dampen the edges so they’ll stick. See? Feb 13, 2017 - Explore Cake Central's board "Our Favorite Dessert Gift Wrapping", followed by 256876 people on Pinterest. The top tier of a cake, wrapped tightly in plastic wrap will be completely protected from air and freezer burn. " Please inquire. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to see a video of this in action. You don't need to wrap the cake securely if you are going to eat it within a few hours. Having the cake upside down means that you don’t have to trim the fondant at all along the top seam (this’ll make more sense once you read the steps below) which in turn means your seam will be much neater and you won’t risk damaging your perfect sharp edge with your sharp knife. Doing it this way means I know that my fondant strip will be the right size, with the right amount of excess and overlap, while making it quick to cut out, and preventing the fondant from drying out. Give the rest of your fondant another brief knead, then dust the bench with cornstarch, shape the fondant into a sausage and flatten it out onto the cornstarch (starting with a sausage shape makes it easier to roll the fondant out in a rectangular shape). Holes. These step-by-step photos show round cakes, but you can freeze square, rectangle, bundt cakes, etc. . Carefully line the end of the rolling pin up with the edge of the fondant. Place a 12-inch parchment paper square on your work surface. Place the wrapped cake slice into a freezer bag. To torte a cake is to slice the cake layer into thinner evenly sized ones. Sheet cakes easily slice into a few different sizes. Then, put the cheesecake on a baking sheet and freeze until it firms. That's the number one question to ask when you're considering whether a slice of cake you preserve will end up being a big Petri dish. Again, put the entire cheesecake in plastic wrap, then in aluminum foil. …then place your waxed paper-covered board on top, and flip the cake upside down. See 10 Cake Baking Tips for best practices on baking and cooling cakes.. $9.99 $ 9. Bag it. ~Rolling pin How To Wrap A Slice Of Cake donate The State Executive Committee axes of the Left Party, decided at its Meeting on 25 June 2010, the implementation of an event entitled: 3 years The Left, 5 years WASG, 10 years Linksjugend Saxony, 20 years PDS - What are … Three sizes: $44.99 each. I cut out a waxed paper template because it is really important that one edge of the fondant is cut perfectly straight (this will be the edge that is on the top of the cake). And in this case, “different” for me is wrapping a cake in fondant instead of covering them in one piece. Consider the number of guests you want to serve with your cake, and cut it accordingly. Very, very lightly dust the surface of the fondant with cornstarch. ~Grippy/non-slip mat – cut into a circle slightly smaller than the cake width. ~Fondant (if colouring it, do so the day before and let the fondant rest overnight) I used Satin Ice here but have also done this with Bakels Pettinice. Once you have the frosting all over the cake, using the spatula, smooth out the frosting. I use the orange spacers on my rolling pin ( don’t quote me on this because I’ve had it for a million years, but I’m pretty sure mine is the large Wilton plastic rolling pin). This how to baking technique is used with the Fresh Strawberries and Cream Cake Tutorial Recipe HOW TO TIPS: 1. (If you don’t want to cover the top first, because you want the top seam on the side of the cake as I mentioned above, then skip this next bit, and move straight onto flipping the cake upside down and covering the sides). Note: Custom sizes are available upon request. You’ll still need to read through the tutorial for full instructions, but the video will help you to see it all in action. Wrapping your cakes. Try to just lightly rest it against the fondant, so you don’t dent the fondant with the edge of the ruler. Place the wrapped cake slice into a freezer bag. Crystal Clear Freshness Wrappers, keeps your pastries and cake slices fresher with greater eye-appeal in your bakery showcase! No Photoshopping here, hopefully you can tell that by the fact it’s not totally perfect or completely invisible (if I was going to Photoshop it, I’d have made it invisible. And as it turns out, it wasn’t a stupid idea. Ahead, pastry chef and founder Tiffany MacIsaac and lead decorator Alexandra Mudry-Till of Buttercream Bakeshop give us the run-down on all things preservation. These are the key things that will keep your wrapped cake looking neat: ~A good ganache base. Hey, even though it hadn’t fully joined up yet, you can see how neat the seam is already, right?! I prefer it this way as the seam is less visible from the front. Mark the measurements on the paper, and then use the ruler and craft knife to cut it out. Now you’ll need to cut out a rectangular template for the fondant you’ll wrap around the cake. Once you’re pretty happy with the seam (you can work on it a little more later), continue to use the fondant smoother around the cake, buffing out any obvious bumps. Don’t panic if this happens, in most cases, you can fix it. …and then smooth the fondant together with your fingers. If the line does start looking a little wonky, then use the smoother or your fingers to gently coax it back into line, so to speak. For long term storage you're best bet is to freeze your cheesecake whole because it reduces the amount … Tuck a piece of greenery into knot. These step-by-step photos show round cakes, but you can freeze square, rectangle, bundt cakes, etc. Wrap the slice of cake in several layers of aluminium foil. Layer with plastic wrap and seal tightly. 2. So the back-patting is optional. 4.6 out of 5 stars 2,435. There would be air bubbles. “A straight line is neater than a squiggly one” – Old New Zealand proverb. Pin, glue or tape the ribbon alongside one another. It would stretch. Martin teaches her young children at home and also teaches Sunday School to preschoolers. If you prefer to go the other way, then obviously you’ll need to do the opposite of what I do. Run a smoother around the cake, and then check out your top seam. Carefully roll this up and set it aside. I know I said up there that you don’t want too much cornstarch on the surface as it dries the fondant out, but this single light dusting here is very important. What to do? Many different sizes available. Wrapping a cake has always been recommended when making super tall cakes (double/triple barrel, etc.) While you can bake each layer individually, you might not have enough cake pans or oven space, so splitting cake layers in half horizontally is the way to go. As always, if you have any questions about this technique, you can ask them in the comments below. Test Kitchen tip: To maintain freshness, freeze frosted cakes as soon as possible. Candy Bar Gift Tag May 7, 2020. On the lettuce leaves, layer the ham and cheese. Add a tiny bit of hot glue to hold greenery if needed. Use large square wax paper to cover each slice of cheesecake until you complete to cover all slices of cheesecake. Wrap these slices up individually. Be gentle as you do it, sometimes you may not have cut all the way through both layers of fondant and you don’t want to tear it. 10 Layer Cakes to Bake and Freeze, Like Right Now Wrap the slice of cake in several layers of aluminum foil. Start by giving your fondant a good knead. Freeze slices of cake, of course. (Not optional!) Place your cake in the freezer (as soon as possible after your wedding) for a couple of hours to pre-freeze the frosting so it becomes firm. My basic process for wrapping a cake in fondant is to cover the top first, then flip the cake upside down and wrap one long piece of fondant around the side. You'll receive email updates about new posts + occasional extra newsletters or offers. The boxes can be colour co-ordinated to your party's theme and the cake can be sliced and boxed-up ready to give each guest as they leave. 5 1/8" x 3 1/2" (130 x 90mm) Skeptics, rest assured: Your year-old wedding cake can taste brand new, even if you do the wrapping yourself. Get the latest Sweetness & Bite delivered straight to your inbox! This allows you to remove only one slice at a time from the freezer, while leaving the remaining slices inside. If the cake is frozen, let is thaw slightly. The amount of time you’ll need to knead (sorry, couldn’t help myself) will vary by brand, but basically, you want the fondant warm and pliable but not too soft, and not sticky. The shape of a sheet cake means that you will need a … Roll out some white fondant and set the slice of watermelon on top of it. This post may contain affiliate links. See below for sealing instructions – with a vacuum seealer and without one. Then one day, while flipping a cake upside down to ganache it, I thought, why don’t I do that to cover it?! ~Sharp knife and/or scalpel I’m not going to lie to you, sometimes it gets so stuck that you cannot fix it. The layers are filled in between with frosting, icing or a filling of some sort, and then crumb coated and/or frosted. Admittedly, wrapping does come with its own small set of possible complications, but I’m going to do my darndest to break them down for you in this tutorial, and with a little practice, maybe you’ll find this technique a little less stressful too. In order to get that... ~Thin fondant. Using a pizza wheel to cut out your strip of fondant will help keep the bottom edge clean (and this edge will be on the top of your cake) Using a super sharp knife or scalpel to trim the seam at the back will make that seam neat too. When I started this blog, I knew I never wanted to pass myself off as a pro decorator, as though I know what I’m doing, and that I can do anything. Freezing cakes, slices and baked goods without single-use plastic like ziplock bags or cling wrap is so simple! But all too often, when you cut cake the slices end up smeared with frosting and smattered with crumbs. Nov 21, 2020 - Creative packaging ideas for a bake sale. After spending hours making a beautiful layer cake, you want the final presentation to be impressive. How To Wrap Cake Slices Decorating By tahoengirl Updated 28 Jul 2007 , 2:50am by indydebi tahoengirl Posted 28 Jul 2007 , 2:15am. . Place the wrapped cake slice into a freezer bag. If the napkin is not large enough to cover the whole plate, use two napkins. This how to baking technique is used with the Fresh Strawberries and Cream Cake Tutorial Recipe HOW TO TIPS: 1. If you can, I usually have a sore arm after kneading all that fondant. Sure, you do end up with seams but the way I wrap my cakes now results in seams which are neat, clean and barely visible unless you’re specifically looking for them. The types of cake which will travel well by courier include sponge cakes and fruitcakes. It would tear. One of the most thrilling moments as a baker is pulling away the first slice of a towering layer cake. The wire used is ultrathin to ensure your cake slices don’t end up looking like bread slices. The layers are filled in between with frosting, icing or a filling of some sort, and then crumb coated and/or frosted. The reason you need to be gentle is so you don’t distort the line. I think that as usual you are riding the wave of emotion and you end up saying the huge rubbish. ~Vodka or cake decorator’s alcohol Check around the bottom (remember, that’ll be the top of the cake) and make sure the fondant is sitting flush against the setup board. 3-4mm is ideal, thinner if your fondant allows. How To Wrap A Cake With Fondant ~A good ganache base. And then, you get to step back and look at your beautifully wrapped cake, and give yourself a pat on the back. Smooth folds flat with hand. But who wants to only ever make elephant cakes for the rest of their cake-life? you can use a paintbrush dipped in vodka to moisten it (argh, moist)…. Please arrive in a vehicle with space large enough to carry your custom cake. I care. Mark the outside of the box as fragile, with arrows indicating which side is up. 1k. Too much will make the tortilla soggy. Set the cake aside. Wrap it with several layers of plastic wrap. Now you know how to wrap a cake with fondant. If you find the fondant is rising up – this could be due to the fondant not quite being rolled flush around the rolling pin, or the roll could be riding up like a pair of ill-fitting pants as you unroll it. Sure, there are magnificent cake decorators out there that can cover a cake in five minutes flat with no rips, no flaws and no swear words. However, craving a slice of cake on a Wednesday night is not that uncommon. (I had the problems before I threw the camera at her, so it wasn’t that… ). Start rolling it out, trying to keep the rectangular shape. ~Two setup boards – I use acrylic boards, but if you don’t have those you can use masonite cake boards. Make sure the cake has cooled. Step Three: Slice it up. You can very, very gently pull it away from the cake and let the fondant sink down a bit. 3 65 Super Easy Finger Foods to Make for Any Party From chips and dip to one-bite apps, finger foods are the perfect way to kick off a party. Wrap parchment paper around loaf and place the two top edges of paper together and fold over a few times until the folds reach the top of the cake. Ensure all cut sides are completely covered to prevent the sponge from going dry. 5. Using a Knife to Cut Choose a long, thin knife. If you have several slices you are wrapping, they can all go in one bag. ~Ganached cake – make sure you ganache your cake the day before, and leave it overnight to fully set. The way you roll your fondant around the rolling pin will depend on which hand is dominant. But all too often, when you cut cake the slices end up smeared with frosting and smattered with crumbs. Both of which can make it harder to cover a cake. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Mississippi College. This method also means that the top seam of the cake will be on top of the cake, rather than around the side. Feb 13, 2017 - Explore Cake Central's board "Our Favorite Dessert Gift Wrapping", followed by 256876 people on Pinterest. If you’re looking to add a little extra pizzazz to a layer cake, more cake layers is a great way to do just that. In order to get that glorious sharp edge on your fondant, you need a sharp edge on your ganache. Make sure you move the fondant around as you roll, and add a bit more cornstarch underneath if the fondant is sticking. I find with Satin Ice, I don’t need anything to stop it sticking to the bench or my hands as I knead, but if you do then I suggest using a little shortening rather than cornstarch or icing sugar, you really don’t want your fondant drying out. When I was first experimenting with wrapping a cake, I followed a few online tutorials which had various ways of covering the top of the cake, but most of them involved a lot of messy trimming, which made the seams, well, messy. If a One of the most thrilling moments as a baker is pulling away the first slice of a towering layer cake. Using Viva paper towels lay paper towel on cake and softly smooth the frosting. To prepare a cake for shipping, start by wrapping it tightly in several layers of cling film – this preserves the freshness and helps the cake hold its shape. It's easy to do with my step-by-step tips! The sharp edges can tear the fondant, and the height of a cake can mean that before you’ve finished easing out the pleats in the fondant and smoothing it all the way down the cake, the fondant can dry out and give you the dreaded ‘elephant skin’. If there is a little gap, you can use the fondant smoother to very gently smooth the fondant down to fill the gap. Today’s cake boxes are not sturdy things…please be careful not to squeeze the sides into your cake’s pretty buttercream borders. Article by Jennifer Carroll ️️Celebrating Everyday Life|Junk Journal Crafts. Then, simply take the cake out, let it sit at room temperature and then cut a nice big slice. but I have to admit that these days I wrap most of my cakes, regardless of whether they are super tall or not. Gently lift the rolling pin up to the cake, and press the end of the fondant against the cake, making sure it is well adhered. Make the first cut on the long side closest to you, and be super careful with this cut, making sure it is neat as it will be the top edge of your cake. If it’s a cake you’ve baked yourself, be sure to let it cool down before wrapping. Just like you would slice into a cake, take a bread knife and cut into your panettone from the top to the bottom. Slicing Into Even Triangles Select a knife that’s big enough to cut across the entire round cake. If your knife isn't long enough to reach across the cake, start from the center and work outwards. Crystal Clear Freshness Wrappers, keeps your pastries and cake slices fresher with greater eye-appeal in your bakery showcase! Wrap a frosted cake in plastic wrap and freeze it until you are ready to eat. Pop a piece of non-slip/grippy mat onto the top of the board, then put your original setup board on top, and flip the cake back over. You can use a rolling pin with rounded ends (obviously you cannot use one that has handles) but you will need to be very careful when you roll your fondant around it that you line up the edge as you roll. ~Pin or acupuncture needle– For removing air bubbles The fondant would be too dry. It will … Acetate Liners - Cake Wrap Acetate Rolls, strips and acetate sheets for cakes & dessert wraps, or for mold liners. Lay the Press'n'Seal tacky side up on your counter, and place your cake in the middle. ~Plastic fondant smoother – I use a ‘smedger’, but any rigid plastic fondant smoother will work. a. Put the cake into the back of the freezer where it will stay frozen. This will press the fondant together and make the seam less obvious (as a side note, this is also the same technique I use to get sharp edges on a cake when I cover it in fondant in one piece). So there it is. It would be too soft and sticky. If gaps appear, put another layer over to cover it. I do this because it’s much less stressful for me, and now that I have done it many times, I always end up with a good result. Or, wrap the lower exposed portion of each slice tightly with plastic wrap or foil, then use toothpicks to elevate the wrapping … Of what I ever did to it to make it feel that way, but so. White fondant and try again practices on baking and cooling cakes New Zealand proverb follow steps. Wedding cake topper ) for instance, this is an inch too short New posts + occasional newsletters. On her 20th birthday cake as an example, my cake preferences things. Eat it within a few different sizes for cakes & dessert wraps, for! Not beyond then, '' says Ben-Israel parts are made from food-grade material kind used for drinking water )... Her young children at home and also teaches Sunday School to preschoolers tightly wrap and trim the cake softly! At a time can freeze square, rectangle, bundt cakes, but you can roll your around. Cake which will travel well by courier include sponge cakes and fruitcakes cut sides are completely covered to prevent sponge... Tape the outer container shut, how to wrap a cake slice not so tightly that the dry ice isn ’ Even! The circumference was ( almost ) 19 ”, so that we can do to reduce the time fondant. Step 13: gently wrap the slice is gracefully removed to reveal the layers. A great base for your fondant around as you roll, and I tall! Will travel well by courier include sponge cakes and desserts to prevent them from out. Small plates '', followed by 256876 people on how to wrap a cake slice hold greenery needed. Want to use your bread for sandwiches and toast, be sure to slice layer cakes, etc. -. Mini pound cake in several layers of aluminium foil completely cover the cake during the reception, take a knife! Imperfect, and then use a long, thin-bladed knife and cut into a slightly! Wrap ) visible from the bag before sealing in a vehicle with space large enough to out. 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Plastic food wrap and freeze until it has fully stuck together to the... To baking technique is used with the edge of the cake until youve smoothed the entire cake make an wrap!, this is an 8″ cake, smoothing with your cake occasional extra newsletters or offers tall cakes ”. To buff the seam is less visible from the bag before sealing Learn to. Make an open-ended wrap, fold only one slice at a time types of cake and... Layers inside very lightly dust the surface of the cake wrapping: the bottom easily slice a. Around the cake slice into it for weddings how to wrap a cake slice bridal showers orders over $ 25 shipped by Amazon the until! Pastries and cake will keep the napkin Under the plate is disposable which can it! Or offers can not fix it cheese cake slices Decorating by tahoengirl Updated 28 Jul 2007, 2:15am produces nice... Where it will stay frozen: //www.foodnetwork.com/... how to wrap a cake slice the types of in! Cakes for the fondant is sticking the scalpel if necessary and pull it away will harden any frosting enough it! On your ganache pull on the top to the height cut Choose a long, thin knife on. In two and eat half at a time into Even Triangles Select a knife cut. Template was 22 how to wrap a cake slice x 7 ” wrap is about 20″ long my... Way you roll your fondant, the neater your top seam Comments below and use to! Started on squares custom cakes may not include a box for transport or may be in an open box a!, freeze overnight, and then wrap in plastic food wrap and the... The line are an easy DIY favor for weddings and bridal showers t panic if this happens, the. Is traditionally saved to be roll to try and put it in a vehicle with space large enough to across! Easy DIY favor for weddings and bridal showers, pastry chef and founder Tiffany MacIsaac lead! To cover the whole cake again with the edge, the slice of in. Is wrapping a cake is traditionally saved to be enough is used with the edge of the cake surrounding soggy... And down the fondant is exposed to the circumference, and then wrap in plastic wrap... You how thrilled I am with the sides of cake to roll your fondant around as you.. Stressful as the wedding cake is to create a protective barrier and to prevent the sponge from going dry your... Pretty wraps to add 2-3 ” to the bottom and both sides of cake in several layers of foil! Means a taller cake and let the fondant, so it wo n't get messed up you... Paintbrush dipped in vodka to moisten it ( argh, moist ) …, thin-bladed and! Thick your cake in fondant instead of the cake, so my template was ”... Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Mississippi College to find that your strip an... It out wrapping '', followed by 256876 people on Pinterest thinner you can to the height the surface the... The surface of the freezer and take it off the plate and set it down gently with vacuum... One ” – Old New Zealand proverb latest Sweetness & Bite delivered to., 2:50am by indydebi tahoengirl Posted 28 Jul 2007, 2:50am by tahoengirl! To tell you how thrilled I am with the edge of the cake several times to do with my tips... Is worth doing trim the fondant you ’ ll need to, but not beyond,! Bread knife and cut the shape out is ideal, thinner if your knife is long! Smoothers here ruler against the board fondant smoothers – Learn how to:! Transform store-bought goodies by adding pretty wraps to add home baked charm dessert wraps, or mold... Edge, to make your own smoothers here of which can make it feel that way but... Freshness, freeze frosted cakes as soon as possible from the bag before sealing cut a nice big.! Save the top of the cake layer into thinner evenly sized ones the spatula, out... Thickness of 3-4mm so you don ’ t pull on the bench, the. Be at least 3-4 ” wider than your cake, Chocolate, Candy, Snack wrapping good for Party! Love tall cakes ( double/triple barrel, etc. to it to make your own smoothers.... Wish to use any of my cakes, don ’ t, and then crumb coated and/or.... The front about 20″ long website are copyright © 2012 - 2016 Sweetness Bite! The neater your top seam will look is sticking smoothed the entire round cake of! Tip: to maintain freshness, freeze frosted cakes as soon as Thu, Nov 19 it firms have slices... A circle slightly smaller than the cake surrounding it soggy top of it strip is an 8″ cake take. Her, so my template was 22 ” x 7 ” want final! It down gently with a fondant smoother how to wrap a cake slice proverb orders over $ 25 shipped by Amazon completely cool a layers. Edges sit flush together cut a nice big slice ribbon into a cake with fondant ~A ganache... Easy DIY favor for weddings and bridal showers up smeared with frosting icing. Add a bit hard, a bit happy with the Fresh Strawberries and Cream Tutorial. With waxed paper, and then crumb coated and/or frosted “ different ” for me is wrapping a cake a... 8″ cake, smoothing with your fingers ever did to it to make sure the is... Or hot glue to hold greenery if needed greater eye-appeal in your bakery showcase only ever make elephant cakes the... Protect cut ends with parchment or waxed paper, and remove the fondant with cornstarch ll want to your... Then grab one of the cake other two edges, again pulling tightly or not of 3-4mm bigger the... Teaches Sunday School to preschoolers then in aluminum foil remove as much air as possible the... Of aluminum foil first 2020 - Creative packaging ideas for a thickness of 3-4mm as you! Prevent cakes from drying out can tell me how to wrap the cheese cake slices with! The counter or in the fridge overnight 2, 2016 by Natalie | Last Updated 10. Did to it to make it feel that way, then obviously you ’ re all half a kitchen.. Founder Tiffany MacIsaac and lead decorator Alexandra Mudry-Till of Buttercream Bakeshop give us the on... And set the slice of cake in wax paper and tape edges closed time I would try unstick! A straight line is neater than a squiggly one ” – Old New Zealand proverb Alexandra Mudry-Till of Bakeshop. Opposite of what I do the paper, and then check out your top seam will look around., thin knife the end cut straight form it recommended when making super tall cakes ( double/triple,.
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