Of similar general appearance, the Harlequin Rasbora is sometimes confused with Trigonostigma Espei and Trigonostigma Hengeli, but on closer inspection, they are not alike that much! Living zone. They will do best in setups that resemble their natural habitat and that have consistent water parameters. Harlequin_Rasbora. Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 72-77° F; pH Range: 6.0 - 6.5; Hardness Range: 6-10; Temperament: Peaceful. At the rear portion of their body, they have a nice black triangular patch ending near the caudal fin. Feeding different types of food Once or twice a week should be great to keep them happy and energetic. The species was introduced into the aquarium hobby in the early 1900s by the traders. Approximately ¾ - 1 inch purchase size. Avoid fishes larger than double size of harlequin rasbora. Hence, it’s important to select suitable tank mates. As they reach a maximum of 2 inches in size thus this fast growth rate is quite a treat for fish keepers. 12. Most rasbora species kept by aquarists are egg scatterers that distribute their eggs among plants and provide no parental care. Harlequin rasbora belongs to a family Cyprinidae. This is a peaceful fish that makes the right choice for adding this fish to the community aquarium as well. Let us continue reading to know more details about the aquarium hobbyists’ favorite Rasbora, Harlequin Rasbora. But, do it with moderation. My recommendation is to choose a dark substrate as their natural habitat is with subdued lighting. They love making groups and intend to swim around the aquarium happily. Size. Keep changing the type of food once or twice a week this way the fish stays happy and healthy. The right ph level for water is 6 to 7.7 and the hardness should be 2 to 15 KH. Ideally, you need a tank of at least 20 gallons to accommodate a shoal of ten rasboras. we recommend planting live plants in your aquarium which makes it much more realistic and natural. It is very important to separate out the parents with the hatched eggs. So, you should choose the right food which is comfortable for this fish to feed on. These requirements are different if you want to breed Rasboras, as they generally require a higher temperature and very soft, acidic water. As a group, they are active and vibrant, and alone, they are shy and hide amongst the plants and the other decors in the tank. They do best in schools of 8 or more. Harlequin Rasboras are omnivores. Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful freshwater small tropical fish. A large school of Harlequin Rasboras fill the upper areas of the aquarium with movement and color so lively and vibrant that even non-hobbyists marvel at the display. If you have Live plants, caves, rocks and decorations in your aquarium you will find them swimming around these types of equipment most of the time. They will likely view the tiny rasboras as a snack, which is a definite no-no. According to Tropical Fish Magazine, most fish don’t show any sign of nitrate poisoning until it reaches the level 100 ppm. They just love this type of environment. To keep them healthy you should always keep your tank clean. How Much Do Harlequin Rasboras Cost? The mild nature of the Harlequin Rasbora makes it a great community fish. we welcome your feedback and suggestions contact us here. The Harlequin Rasbora is a small colorful fish that can be kept in a shoal or by itself with other peaceful fish (examples-cherry barbs, neons, ... Due to their small size they are a great way to add color without adding a large amount of size. If not, Parents might try to eat them. These fish don’t get very large at all when fully grown. Keep the water movement to the minimum. The one from Sumatra island, Indonesia refers to another species. It’s hard to differentiate between a male and a female in harlequin rasbora. It comes from the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, and Sumatra. Harlequin Rasbora Behaviour Peaceful, shoaling Typical size 3cm Max size 5cm Tank Area Middle, all Min Tank Size 60cm Min Number in Tank 6 Temp Min: 22℃ Max: 26℃ Feeding Flake, frozen, live foods pH Range 5-8 Hardness vs,s,m,h later, if you are looking to breed these fishes you may proceed. Managed by Praful Kharade, Harlequin Rasbora: Complete guide and care- [2020]. Tank inhabitants: 8 adult Harlequin Rasboras, one adult Featherfin Catfish, 9 down to 6 young Harlequin Rasboras. Harlequin rasboras need at least a 10 gallon aquarium. Behavior. Most of its body is covered with silver lining and few tinges of orange. Water parameters should match their original habitat. They hardly grow more than 2 inches in size. You can also use a sponge filtration system. It is the most common and the easiest-to-keep member of the rasbora family and was first imported into Europe in 1906, making its … These are some fairly small fish which usually grow to a maximum length of 2 inches. Contact us for further clarification or details Here. You can also have invertebrates like loaches. It mainly inhabits streams and small bodies of water, most of which are located in the unique peat swamp forests. Infusorian is the first best food for the fry. However, The size of the harlequin rasbora is small in size. They are undemanding, peaceful and thrive in a school of 6 –8. Sumatra island, Indonesia refers to another species. There are other Asian fish that are not in the genus Rasbora but are closely related to Rasboras, and aquarists call them Rasboras too. Housing Harlequin Rasbora with Betta is quite popular among the aquarium hobbyists. Endemic to Southeast Asia, the Harlequin Rasbora is a popular rasbora species in the aquarium trade. Maximum Size: 1.5 inches (4cm) The Harlequin Rasbora (originally named Rasbora heteromorpha, but recently changed to Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small fish native to Southeast Asia. You can isolate the individual fin nipper to prevent the fins from getting wounded. The Harlequin Rasbora is easy in care as long as it has stable water parameters with good water quality. Harlequin Rasbora – Physical Characteristics and Appearances: Harlequin Rasbora is a freshwater fish. Harlequin rasboras are distinctively marked out from other cyprinids for their metallic color and black patch that covers nearly half of their body. Although harlequin rasbora is a fairly hardy species and adapts to the local aquarium conditions they thrive their best in water conditions closer to their natural habitat. This is necessary because when the female is ready to mate it usually rubs its belly with these broad-leaves which signal the male. The harlequin rasbora, a prolific little fish, belongs to the family Cyprinidae. Should be kept in planted aquariums with plenty of open space to observe their schooling [2020]. Hence, they have small-mouth. While spawning females will invert her position rubbing against the leave and the male will approach the female and take the same inverted position against her. They have a diamond-shaped with a shiny reddish, pinkish, orange-bronze colored body. I sometimes use Affiliate links & Advertisements in my content. You can choose other peaceful schooling community fish such as Danios, Tetras, such as neon tetra, ember tetra, cardinal tetra, platies, mollies, dwarf gouramis, small barbs, corydoras, and other rasboras. You may need some small supplies such as a thermometer to keep watch of the temperature of the tank water, a gravel vacuum for a weekly water change, and a test kit to check pH and the other water parameters. Although, harlequin rasboras are fairly small in size but they grow astonishingly fast. For beginners, harlequin rasbora is a good choice as these species of fishes are quite peaceful. How to feed the Harlequin rasbora? In the wild, they eat a wide range of food such as insects, larvae, worms, zooplanktons, planktons, etc. Premium Rasbora for Sale Just above a Harlequin Rasbora for sale in our online store. Its scientific name Trigonostigma heteromorpha, meaning “differently shaped rasbora” in Greek is to imply to its body shape is different from other members of the genus. The species is near to its extinct in its natural habitat due to the expansion of the agricultural activities of these regions. Most of the aquarists recommend this fish with some other small peaceful tank mates. The pH should be approximately 7.2, and the water hardness level is relatively soft. The price for a Harlequin Rasbora actually depends on where you’ll buy, but prices range from $3-$10 per fish, though sometimes you’ll find a pet shop that have them on sale for less than $3 each. The best time to move them to the breeding tank is in the late afternoon or the evening. The shape and the black pattern on them are not distinct when alone, only a group of schooling harlequin rasbora can create a dazzling effect on the spectator. The harlequin rasbora is a native of Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, and southern Thailand. You should avoid species that are more than double the size of the harlequin rasbora. Nitrate is a lesser-known toxic amongst ammonia, nitrite. Algae bloom usually is an indication of high nitrate levels; algae start to grow with a nitrate level 10 ppm. Cichlids, for example, are not good companions for your harlequin rasbora. Food. Do check out Aboutfishonline -Information on freshwater and marine fish keeping, aquarium maintenance, species profiles with photos, and fish health. For the breeding tank, you can use peat filtration to condition the water to mimic their natural habitat. Often, some boisterous species in the community tank can trouble them and stress them out. You may buy these equipment from the nearest aquarium store: These components are more than enough to make your fish tank look beautiful and attractive. This is the most common question, asked by the aquarists and the answer to this is yes. This is when you can maintain a nutritious diet to these fishes. With all the Cyprinids, the pectoral and pelvic fins follow a certain pattern. Above: The picture above shows a young premium quality Harlequin Rasbora , swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us took this picture. Choosing frozen foods or live food once in a while should be fine. You can go with a simple sponge filter media or hang-on-back filter or a canister filter. Yes, It’s a good idea to keep the same species of fish in your aquarium. Both Harlequin and Lamb Chop Rasboras thrive well in an optimal water tank temperature of around 76 degrees Fahrenheit. They have an amazing coloration of orange while having a pork chop shaped dark patch toward their tail. The Harlequin Rasbora is a fairly small fish, reaching only two inches (5 cm) in adulthood. It is a shoaling fish that should ideally be kept with at least six individuals or more. They eat whatever comes on their way irrespective of their type of food. Let them eat as much as they can up to one minute of time. The Harlequin rasbora is a small, peaceful and playful fish. The water parameters, plants, decors, and open space for harlequin to swim around. Besides, the beauty of the harlequin rasbora lies in schooling. In contrast, the patch on the female Harlequin Rasbora is straight. There is also another reason for harlequin rasbora to get ill. Rasbora Tank Conditions. The reasons for housing them together are: The chances of betta attacking harlequins are slim as they are fast swimmers. As the females stick the eggs to the underside of the leaf, the male will spray the milt and fertilize the eggs. Place your fish tank on a plane surface if possible, add a thermocol sheet (This sheet provides proper balance and equal weight) below your fish tank. Harlequin Rasbora is a freshwater fish. Plant broad leaves aqua plants such as Cryptocoryne, Anubias nana, Limnophila, etc. Also, feed them with some blanched vegs such as spinach, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, etc. Diet & Nutrition: Omnivores; should … The waterlogged soils of these forests inhibit the complete decay of leaf litter and result in the formation of peat, which leaches humic acids. They have a black wedge pattern on their body, starting approximately from the midsection of dorsal fins till the end of the caudal peduncle. . They are native to the streams and water bodies from Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. Your aquarium will surely look nice when these fishes are kept in a group. Harlequin Rasboras are a great shoaling fish to add to your community tank. It is the most common and the easiest-to-keep member of the rasbora family and was first imported into Europe in 1906, making its way to the rest of the world’s aquariums soon thereafter. Out of all the species of rasboras, harlequins are the most popular among fish keepers. Leave enough room for them to swim around, as they are one hell of an active species. However, to enhance their colour, regularly offer them live or frozen food such as daphnids, bloodworms or brine shrimp. From our tank to your tank! Due to its quiet and peaceful nature, the aquarium store owners tend to stock them up. William Thornton Innes III, an aquarist and author of innumerable influential books and articles on aquarium fish, aquatic plants, and aquarium maintenance, has graced the cover of the first edition of his publication, and the image of the trio of harlequin remained through all 19 editions. The Harlequin Rasbora should be kept in schools of 8-10 individuals and housed with other small, peaceful fish. The Harlequin Rasbora is one of the more popular species of Rasbora found within the aquarium hobby. Origin / Habitat : Thailand The fry will hatch in about 18 to 24 hours at the right temperature 82°F(28°C). If you are planning on keeping more fishes, consider buying a bigger tank. Harlequin Rasboras are hardy species, and the disease is not an issue in a well-maintained tank. This fish is mainly found in the southeast of Asia, Near the region of Malaysia, It is also found in the region of Singapore, Thailand, and in some-part of Sumatra too. They do not nip or bother other species in the tank. View this post on Instagram. How Many Can Be Kept Per Gallon? Harlequin Rasboras are omnivores. keep their life interesting. When it comes to their wild habitat they, usually feed on the insect larvae, eggs and plant detritus. Contact us for further clarification or details, Harlequin Rasbora – Size, Feeding, Lifespan, Tank Mates and Care Guide. This condition is the consequence of the waters flowing through tropical forests where waterlogged soil prevents the putrification of dead leaves and other green matters completely. In this article I will cover all aspects related to How should properly take care of it, Its appearance and Behaviour, the Selection of the right tank mates, The complete breeding process, Choosing the right tank size, Tank requirements and Setting it up. With their head-turning appearance, it’s not hard to see why. The Harlequin Rasbora, Rasbora heteromorpha, is very stunning nano fish. They are more or less stay at the middle level of the tank, rarely venturing to the top or bottom of the tank. If you are planning to breed these fishes. Adult Size: 2 inches. According to. The Harlequin Rasbora is easily identified by its characteristic black \"pork chop\" shaped patch and beautifully lustrous copper/orange body. usually, these larger fishes try to hunt and eat them up. Nitrate is colorless and odorless; the only way to detect is to measure with ion specified electrodes (ISE). We recommend adding a few drops of medicine to water too. The body is relatively tall and it is about two inches (5 cm) long with a thin tail-stem. Avoid keeping a bright light when it comes to lighting your fish tank. The more the tank size the more space they have to swim around the fish tank. The harlequin rasbora, a prolific little fish, belongs to the family Cyprinidae. We recommend these tank mates as they are non-aggressive and they are also peaceful too. So, this shouldn’t be a problem while choosing the tank mates. Care Level: Easy to Moderate, but only add to a tank that has already been through the aquarium nitrogen cycle. Your email address will not be published. However, even though they aren’t the biggest fish they can still live for a long time. Harlequin Rasbora is the most popular of over 60 species of Rasboras. Even still, that’s on the higher end of the size spectrum. Males have larger black patches compared to females. you will hardly find them experiencing unpleasant problems or diseases. Premium Pet Fish are more energetic, hardier, and have brighter colors with a beautiful In the wild, they eat a wide range of food such as insects, larvae, worms. Harlequin Rasbora Tropical Fish Learn all about the Harlequin Rasbora's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Copyright. Their body looks interesting They do have a black pattern from the rear half of its body and end at the caudal fin. As they thrive better in a fairly big group, we recommend you keep a group of 8 to 10 fish at least. Unlike the solitary betta fish, Harlequin rasboras are a schooling species that are happiest when kept in a group of up to ten individuals. The species is near to its extinct in its natural habitat due to the expansion of the agricultural activities of these regions. For beginners, we recommend Harlequin rasbora as one of your choices. These… Further, you should take proper care of these new-born fishes. How to feed the Harlequin rasbora? : Rasbora is the name of a large genus of fish, whose ancestors all lived in Asia.. Can I keep Harlequin Rasbora with Bettas? Males tend to be slender in shape. However, The size of the harlequin rasbora is small in size. Good decor for harlequin rasbora is to plant plants that are tall and reach to the surface of the tank and some broadleaf plants such as Anubias nana with some open space to swim. Also, it is aesthetically appealing as the dark substrate brings out their best colors. Due to its size, you can easily add more than one harlequin rasbora in a small-sized tank as well. Breeding Harlequin rasbora is harder as compared to other species of fishes. The biomass contains many beneficial bacterias/enzymes, that will digest the ammonia and convert into a byproduct called nitrite (a toxic byproduct), and then to nitrate. The Harlequin Rasboras have orangey-silver metallic bodies with a signature black triangle shape that starts at the dorsal fin and continues to the tail fin, and their fins tend to be lined with red. If you look after your Rasbora well enough then they will grow up to 2 inches in size and live for 6 years. The common diseases among Harlequin rasbora are Ich, dropsy and fin rot. , most fish don’t show any sign of nitrate poisoning until it reaches the level 100 ppm. First of all, Choose the right tank size as per the number of fish you are planning to add. It also depends upon the tank conditions and their tank mates and their food habits. While creating a habitat for Trigonostigma heteromorpha, you should try to replicate as close as possible their natural habitat if you want them to grow to their fullest potential and to live to their maximum lifespan. Middle. Fish Keeping Difficulty. Unlike Harlequin Rasboras, Chilli Rasboras are much smaller only growing up to 0.8 inches in size. The maximum limit for nitrates in the freshwater aquarium is 50 ppm. It comes from the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, and Sumatra. They love swimming you will rarely find these fishes sitting or relaxing on a substrate. Temperature : 72°F - 80°F (22°C - 27°C) Lifespan : 3 - 5 years. Tank size. The harlequin rasbora at a glance: Fish size 4 to 5 cm Tank size From 54 l Temperature 22°C – 26°C pH level 5.0 – 7.0 Compatible with Labyrinth fish, loaches, other danios Tank region Middle Food Eats all smaller food types, particularly likes black bloodworms The harlequin rasbora … The patch on the male Harlequin Rasbora is slightly rounded at the bottom with an extended tip. Size 2 inches (5 cm) Diet Insects, worms, other small invertebrates; Range Malaysia, thailand, singapore; Habitat Peat swamps, forest pools, streams with lots of … The max size of the Harlequin Rasbora is about 2 inches in length when in captivity. Here are the recommended tank mates for Harlequin Rasbora: These are the suitable tank mates you should be choosing. It became instantly popular among hobbyists. 3 to 5cm (1.2 to 2") Longevity. Up to 4 years! Due to its attractive looks, Larger fishes try to meal of it. Size of fish - inches: 2.0 inches (5.00 cm) Lifespan: 5 years - They have an average lifespan of 5 to 6 years with proper care. Adding big or boisterous or aggressive fish is not an option as a tank mate for rasbora harlequin. As mentioned above, Harlequin rasbora fish is very peaceful in its behavior. Most of the time harlequin rasbora spends its time swimming around the aquarium with other fellow tank mates. Rasbora Harlequin predominantly dwell at the middle level of the tank, they rarely venture up to the surface of the tank or the bottom of the tank. Keeping a lone individual harlequin in a community tank will not serve any purpose. Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnight (1 Day) option. – Ghost Shrimp Care, Neon Tetra Lifespan And A Complete Care Guide For Aquarist, Why Does A Goldfish Turn Black?- Causes and Measures, How To Take Care Of Goldfish – A Complete Guide, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White?- All the Probable Causes, Celestial Pearl Danio – aka Galaxy Rasbora or Microrasbora Galaxy. Algae bloom usually is an indication of high nitrate levels; algae start to grow with a nitrate level 10 ppm. Appearance & Habitat. Hardness: 1 - 10 °N Lifespan: 5-6 years The Harlequin rasbora is a common and popular aquarium fish that can be found in most well stocked fish stores. Habitat: Southeast Asia on the Malay Peninsula throughout western Malaysia and southern Thailand as well as Singapore. How Do You Care for Harlequin Rasbora? These types of food contain a large amount of protein which is necessary to keep fish fit and healthy. Harlequin Rasbora (Size L) - 10 pack . They repeat this course of action for approximately 2 hours depending on the condition of the female. Harlequin Rasbora Size. The posterior half of the body is overlaid with a large, roughly triangular black marking, that tapers toward the terminal end of the caudal peduncle, and begins approximately below the midpoint of the attachment of the dorsal fin (com… Harlequin, lambchop and a few other species are known to attach their eggs to the underside of plant leaves. If the fish isn’t getting the right amount of food and nutrition within its diet, it will become weak to fight these diseases due to improper diet and nutrition. These diseases attack fishes when the water quality is too poor and this is the reason you should keep the water clean. Do not forget to keep the aquarium tank size at least 10 gallons. Size: 2" Harlequin Rasbora are hardy freshwater fish that make for excellent starter fish. 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