First, ensure that windows and balcony doors are shut firmly. Cat-Friendly Cities. Take this 3 question quiz below to find out if your pet is allowed inside the hotel. Taking your dog on your flight. A wheelchair-accessible room will have a much larger bathroom,... Placement of their items in the bathroom. It’s a small enough space that your cat can explore and listen, smell, and become familiar with the new place without hiding behind a dresser or under the bed. If you have one of those fancy smartphones, you can often load .pdfs on it or email them to yourself. Bring toys. You might run to dinner but don’t plan to spend the day out exploring without taking Kitty with you. Secure your cat. Sometimes we may eat something we shouldn’t and get ill on vacation. It’s not as common for people to travel with their cats but some do. Look for an errant pill, discarded vape cartridge, piece of dental floss–anything that the hotel maid might have missed but your cat is sure to find. Simply setting your cat in the litter box and letting them feel the litter under their toes will help them to find it later. Even an adventure cat might be on edge in a new indoor environment, so you may want to invest in a lavender calming collar or pheromone diffuser. The hotel will most likely charge you a deposit or fee for each pet. Also, the hotel may request a copy of these records to make sure we’re up to date with vaccines and not spreading sickness to other cats who may staying in the hotel. Check the hotel’s website for details and then call to confirm. Cat guests will receive a plush bed, tasty treats, and bowls … Even if your cat is an experienced adventurer, it’s a good idea to make sure she’s safe and comfy because she’s likely nervous being away from home. There are varying different standards when it comes to Cat Hotels, some being quite basic and others being more like … This will help keep his mind off of being in a foreign place. Being stuck by our throats definitely is terrifying. No, really. Kathy never takes me or my brother on trips. Even keeping your pet in the crate or carrier if you’re not gone for long is advisable. I’m not shy. @zumic, 7 tips for climbers bringing cats to the crag, 5 Ways Cats Can Get on Board with Clean Living, The Spicy Trio peppers Instagram with stunning cat pics, Adventures for every kitty — at home and in the shelter. Right before putting your cat in its crate, place a harness on it so … Don’t forget the litter box. Take Your Cat. Cats Can Cause Damage To The Hotel Rooms If you have a cat that isn’t declawed they can do things like damage the blankets, furniture and curtains. Share them in the comments below. Bring our doctor records. Most hotels don’t allow pets, so your choices will be limited. When you hire a dog sitter your dog remains at your home and the sitter visits to feed, walk and play with your dog. Meet the fearless felines who accompany their humans on outdoor excursions — from camping and climbing to biking and kayaking — and learn safe and fun ways your cat can become an adventure cat. At that time, obtain a set of his medical records to bring them along on your travels. It lets us know that things are stable even if the environment is new. If that’s the case, then yes, leave them home and make arrangements to ensure they are cared for. Is there a way the cleaning staff will know to not enter the room and let the cat out accidentally? Cats need stimulation and playtime even while traveling. Conditions of Use. You might also consider a litter mat to protect the flooring from any accidental messes. “I also recommend owners keep a list of emergency clinics located whereever they are staying on along their route,” Bahr said. I’m not even going to get into the fact that I can’t chase a bird. If you really want to make a hotel room cat friendly then you should bring along his favorite toy from home. Traveling with cats, even under ideal circumstances, can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. When you check into the airport, they will require you to take your cat out of the carrier so they can inspect it. But when we take them with us on a trip here at petswelcome, we see a different side to their personalities. Be sure to include all of the following somewhere on your carrier: 1. When you get settled into your room, let your cat out in the bathroom first. Ask first how many dogs are allowed. Even if you never plan to hit the trail, the basics of leash training remain the same, which … Finally, never leave your cat unattended. Summer has just begun and many owners are wondering if, for the welfare of their cat, it would be better to take their feline with them or make alternate arrangements. It’s important to have our medical history at your fingertips for the emergency vet (blech). It’s #felinefriday! She has gone away for a few days and left us food in our bowls and extra water. Pick a safe location for kitty’s bathroom and show her where it is. They could also knock down lamps or … It’s the one place cats will know is “safe” and can retreat into if something startles them. Pick a hotel with a good pet policy. We would like to hear of personal recommendations so that we can contact the establishment to ascertain if they would like to be added so please do contact the Webmaster on if you know of such a place, or indeed if you are a proprietor and would … Type and date of last vaccinations, especially rabies 4. When you do find that cat-friendly hotel, do a sweep and block all entrances to places you can’t reach, like behind or under the bed — before you let your cat loose in the room. Guess what? Also, they’ll typically have a full kitchen and access to laundry facilities, which could come in handy if you’ll be staying for more than one night. Will you be taking your cat on holiday this year? If your cat experiences motion sickness or is anxious with travel, contact your veterinarian, who may prescribe an appropriate medication for travel. When making the reservation ask if they allow cats and what the policies and terms are regarding extra fees, rules, and so on. It’s usually purpose built and houses several cats in individual cages or rooms. Cats (and other pets of all sizes and breeds) are welcome with a limit of 2 per room and a $35 per pet, per night fee. Your dog will be cared for by the staff and may interact with other dogs being boarded. Your Cat should Stay in the Bathroom of Your Hotel Room Ask for a wheelchair-accessible room (larger bathrooms). 3 Options for Cat Care When You Leave for Vacation. Take a soft cotton cloth (or use lightweight cotton gloves) and rub your cat gently around the cheeks and head to collect the scent from glands around her face. My brother on the other hand…. Even if the carrier will be in the back seat of your car at all times, you must label it thoroughly in case of an accident. Both of these situations demonstrate how inflexible cats potentially are. Keep kitty calm. It can take your cat anywhere from five days to two weeks to adjust and accept a new routine (sometimes even longer). Again, if your cat spooks and jumps out of your arms, it is much easier to step on a trailing leash than to catch a scared running cat. So I’m posting tips for you humans on what to do when staying in a hotel with your feline. Pick a hotel with a good pet policy. Make sure to take time out of your day to play with him. We are taking our kitten to the 5 Star Cat Hotel! Ask hotel staff to remove any furniture or furnishings that your cat might use to sharpen his claws, or you can cap his claws before traveling to ensure they can’t do any damage. Owner name and address, including phone number 2. They really want to go on a trip with you but they just act like they’ve got better things to do because, well, they’re cats. Leave the carrier out with the door open. There are some cats (like my wimpy brother) who won’t enjoy taking vacations. It’s best if you can get your pawesome pal used to travel before you set out on your first hotel adventure, but even without training, cats can be kept comfortable while on the road. That’s what cats do. Carry along an extra backpack just for this purpose. Have kitty travel tips of your own? Learn what kind of accommodations they provide as well. Dr Maria Grazia Calore, veterinary surgeon and expert in pet behaviour, discusses the best options for our cat. Next time you plan a camping trip go ahead and invite your little furry friend … Much of the cost of traveling with your pooch comes down to transportation. When going out, you may want to leave the cat in the bathroom with food, water, the litter box, and the carrier. Pet friendly has its pets allowed limits. With the onset of Covid-19 over the past 3 1/2 months, hotels have... More, With the 2020 hurricane season beginning on June 1 in the middle of... More, At Petswelcome, there’s nothing new about social... More, Now that the World Health Organization has officially declared the... More, Every once and a while Petswelcome discovers a great pet friendly... More. With four cats. First, do a sweep of the room to make sure it’s cat-friendly. Make sure we have our collar and tags on at all times and please make sure we are wearing cat collars that can break off if we get caught on something. Please read before using this site. I’m not even sure if I want to go where they go but these four walls and windows get boring sometimes and I don’t always like having to sniff the air through a screen. We freak out as it is when we’re stuck in a box, hook our claw in the rug, or lost. Select a carrier that is well-ventilated and big enough for your cat to get up, move around in and stretch. Car Travel Tobey has also taken her cats on long car trips, driving 10 to 14 hours between Boston and Washington, D.C. New places can be a little scary… but like I said, I’m scared of nothing! . Your cat will still need to be stimulated and played with even in a hotel room. Cats are allowed in hotels too. It’s a great alternative to hiding under the bed. You’ll want one that’s easily collapsible and will provide kitty a place to hide and play, like the Hide and Sneak tunnel. You just have to ask. Before you settle in, make sure your room has a hang tag or sign you can post at your door to alert hotel staff to the cat’s presence. Backpack. And don’t underestimate your cat and where he can shimmy. Animals share a special bond with humans, and this can be traced back thousands of years. Please read before using this site. Most cat friendly hotels don‘t want you to leave your cat unattended in the room. Cats aren’t as independent as they pretend to be. I’m not scared. Start small. This is beneficial because hotel suites usually have a tile or hardwood floor in the kitchen area, which makes it the best location to place their cat food bowl and water bowl. Otherwise, you may find yourself forfeiting a hefty deposit. Take your cat to his veterinarian for a checkup shortly before your vacation. … A Cat Hotel, or a Cattery, is a facility that you take your cat to when you travel away. To prepare your cat for travel, make sure your cat eats and drinks several hours before traveling and has access to the litter box until it's time to go so it doesn't need to go on the road. Just leave them in the car first them come back to get them once you have your room. It’s a small enough space that your cat … © 2020, Inc. VAC Cat Hotel & Spa – China. Finally, do a search for “cat-friendly” hotels, restaurants, attractions, etc., for the destinations you’re considering. Rub this cloth or glove against the corners of doorways, walls and furniture at cat height to help your cat … Want to learn how to leash train your cat? Traveling with your cat is better than ever now that cities are more pet-friendly. Bring Cat Toys and Treats to the Hotel. Staying at a hotel with your dog or cat takes a bit of prep work to make sure every family member enjoys the trip. Take meowtside this weekend! Owner Vivi Wang’s vision for the perfect, modern cat hotel is coming to life as I write. Name of cat 3. In case she does make an escape, veterinarian Lynn Bahr says it’s important to microchip your cat and keep the information up to date. Once you settle into your hotel room, though, set up a collapsible pet tent or other enclosure for your cat to stay in whenever you aren’t in the room. Beware of small spaces in hotel rooms where cats can hide. Even if they don’t have claws they could also stain the carpets if they defecate all over it. Hike wi, It’s kitten chilly out there. #AdventureCats, Reach for your dreams. Check in First Without Your Cat Another tip to successfully sneaking your cat in is to check into the hotel without your cat first. Make sure that the cat can be fully … The last two summers, my husband and I had to evacuate our Florida home thanks to hurricanes. This will make it a lot less likely for someone that is working there to notice you have a cat with you. Step 1: Get your kitty to love their carrier. Take Your Cat Camping. Some of us also relax faster if there’s something of our humans too with us like a sweatshirt we can snuggle up with. When you get settled into your room, let your cat out in the bathroom first. The anticipation of a road trip is fun for everyone including your pets who know it’s time to go when they see everyone packing. If kitty will tolerate it, keep her harness on so you can easily attach the leash should you need to. I’ve found that extended-stay hotels usually have the best pet policies because the rooms are designed for long-term visits. When you board your dog you take them to the equivalent of a hotel for dogs. Not all cats are content to simply watch the world through the window. Your cats will hide in your hotel room. Check the hotel’s website for details and then call to confirm. Anyway, the other night Kathy was on the phone with a friend of hers talking about things and from what I gathered her friend had taken the family (including the dog) on a trip. If you can't take your cats with you, you need to do something more than extra food and water. Vacation A Cat is a brand new state-of-the-art cat hotel, designed with the 21st-century cat in mind. Panda-Painted Dogs, Fake Testicles, & Other Weird Things We Do to Our Pets, Life Lessons We Learn from Traveling with Dogs, Meet the Pet Friendly Hotel of the Future, Hurricane Preparedness For You and Your Pet During Covid-19, Pets, Omens, and Magical Thinking During Covid-19, How Hotel Chains are Reacting to the Coronavirus, The Canyon of Eagles: A Great Pet Friendly Resort. Airlines usually charge around $125 one way to take a dog in the cabin. You can also purchase a pheromone diffuser, such as Feliway, that discourages stress behaviors, like clawing or marking. Ask the manager for suggestions of a boarding facility or pet sitter than might watch your cat for a day if you plan an activity that needs to be cat free. If your cat is wearing a harness, snap a leash onto it before you take your cat out. Often, hotels will hold a security deposit and then refund it or not charge your credit card prior to checking out. If you use a crate, make sure she has enough room to easily maneuver. Conditions of Use. So here are some tips to make your four-legged family members safe and comfortable while staying at a hotel. This human-animal relationship has had a significant impact on our lifestyles. The bottom line is that traveling with cats doesn’t have to be stressful, especially if you do a little “purr-eparation” beforehand. This is Molly, the cat that owns Kathy, and I have a gripe: dogs get all the fun and excitement of going out to places. Save the room and your wallet. It’s also a good idea to use the same ones you are using at home. If they're going to … #AdventureCats Getting your cat ready for a road trip. For a feline who is particularly nervous around strangers, you will need to secure her when housekeeping cleans your room. This high-end luxury hotel in Beverly Hills is happy to welcome your cat to its stylish property. Just consider how long it takes some cats to accept new cats into their homes or to adjust to a new house. A great idea for travel is a tent or play tunnel. The only trips we get to take are to the vet… yuck! The things that are more familiar to us, the better we feel. Is the cat going to like his hotel and will he remember us after 2 weeks?!? It wasn’t the ideal cat adventure, but we made the best of it and learned a lot along the way. Name and address of veterinarian 5. Who to contact if found and owner is not available Also consider bringing familiar bedding or comfort items from home. Another way to make the hotel room more cat-friendly is to choose a hotel room that is a suite and contains a separate bedroom, a kitchen area, and a bathroom. I don’t know if I’d like spending hours in a car in that horrible carrier but I may like checking out a new place. You can bring three kids, just not three dogs, as an example. While your cat remains in his carrier, prepare the hotel room. We are compiling a list of cat friendly hotels/B&Bs throughout the UK and hope that you will find this useful. Cats will appreciate the familiarity in a stressful situation. Train your cat should Stay in the cabin it or not charge your credit card prior checking., veterinary surgeon and expert in pet behaviour, discusses the best of it learned..., that discourages stress behaviors, like clawing or marking 5. who to contact if and. Our medical history at your fingertips for the destinations you ’ re considering ” and can retreat if. Cleaning staff will know to not enter the room to easily maneuver simply setting your cat first found that hotels! Consider a litter mat to protect the flooring from any accidental messes cats hide. Startles them toes will help keep his mind off of being in a hotel emergency vet ( blech.. 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