that allows students to obtain both degrees after completion of a 5-year curriculum. Many experts, including William Dement, MD, PhD, a Stanford professor known as the “father of sleep medicine,” believe that dreams contain personal messages — and are linked to our emotions and mood. Over the course of ten weeks, these speakers join the teaching team in a dynamic classroom environment that includes lectures, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. PSTP Career Development Symposium. Participants will select projects, define objectives and deliverables, manage teams of 4-8 students from the core class, and ultimately serve as a bridge between students, faculty sponsors, and other health care stakeholders. Inpatient Medicine Shadowing Rotation. CALL CODE: 0. Each clinic has approximately 15 to 30 patients who are seen by students, residents, and fellows with faculty members in endocrinology. MED 255C. Aims at a proficiency level of medical interpreting or doing other independent work in Chinese. Conceptual, technical and empirical basis for measurement essential to health policy. Some aim to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease; others aim to understand how it spreads and how people’s immune systems respond to it. Students work as an integral part of a large ICU team aiding housestaff in managing a wide range of critically ill patients. VISITING: Open to visitors. It encompasses both the use of biology as a new engineering paradigm and the application of engineering principles to medical problems and biological systems. Each group will work with the course leadership to define a specific challenge and utilize the design thinking process to create deployable solutions. Students will learn breathwork and meditation based techniques to decrease stress and increase peace and focus in day to day life. Other topics that will be discussed include FDA regulation of medical technology, intellectual property, value proposition, and business model development. INDE 234. Independent study projects culminate in a presentation to our team, with the potential for posters or manuscripts. Inpatient consultations provide experience with management of the acute crisis. Interpersonal Communication in Health Care. Same as: BIOE 374A, ME 368A. The goals are to familiarize students with evaluation and management of patients with major liver diseases. MED 330C. nPrerequisite: EMED 201A. Drug Development: From a Concept to the Clinic. 12 Units. PhD minor in FGSS must enroll in FEMGEN 241. Scientific Method and Bias. INDE 217. The clerkship affords direct patient involvement under supervision in the outpatient clinic and on inpatient consultation services. MED 278. Divisional clinical conferences are held weekly, and a joint medical-surgical conference bi-weekly. Stanford University School of Medicine Higher Education Palo Alto, CA 66,982 followers Come join the biomedical revolution. Frontier Technology: Understanding and Preparing for Technology in the Next Economy. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: PAVAMC, Bldg. (408-885-7744). » Research 3-4 Units. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. Prerequisite: completion of 208C or advanced Chinese proficiency. DESCRIPTION: Provides an opportunity for a student in the clinical years to have a clinical experience in one of the fields of Medicine, of a quality and duration to be decided upon by the student and a faculty preceptor in the Department of Medicine. 3 Units. Career Prep and Practice: Academia. 5 Units. MED 272A. MED 334C. In 1888, his name was fittingly honored in that the most distinguished medical institution on the coast, the Medical Department of the Pacific, was rechristened Cooper Medical College. LOCATION: KPMC. Continuation of INDE 208D. Application information can be found at Stanford's Office of Graduate Admissions web site. We explicitly focus on child and public health problems in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) to reflect the global burden of disease among children. The interdisciplinary field of medical humanities: the use of the arts and humanities to examine medicine in personal, social, and cultural contexts. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full time for 3 weeks, 2 students per period. Students also round with the Med VIII team in the morning and attend outpatient clinics in the afternoon. Class participants will be divided into small groups and designated coaches. by providing perspectives beyond the cut-and-dry scientific issue that the disease is often made out to be, enabling students to explore the "human-side" to the disease. MED 321A. Please note that regular use of the phone and internet are required and may not be the best option for those who are residing out of the country. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. Students participate in four half-day ambulatory care cardiology clinics, perform at least 3-5 new consultations per week, with each consultation being presented to an attending physician and having a consultation note written. Projects will culminate with student-led presentations to faculty sponsors and other health care stakeholders, as well as opportunities for further dissemination of solutions. Tag: Stanford University School of Medicine This emergency medicine fellow explained movie injuries for GQ. See the school's Undergraduate Studies web site for additional information. 1-3 Unit. program is open to M.D. Blocks of session led by Stanford expert faculty in particular fields of study. MED 314A. Primary Care Presentations. Topics include the latest developments in genetics and genomics (including genome testing in clinical practice, direct to consumer testing, and frontiers in neurogenetics), immunophenotyping, utilization of databases to research diseases and the emerging field of machine learning and clinical decision support in optimizing diagnostic strategies. Preference given to postgraduate fellows and graduate students.Focus is on implementation science and evaluation of health care delivery innovations. INDE 209C. 5 Units. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: H3147; Time: 8:45 am. Topics include bias, confounding, diagnostic testing and screening, and "how statistics can lie." Infectious Diseases Clerkship. Foundations for Community Health Engagement. Students in the EMed block can/will work on holidays. CALL CODE: 5. Students must register for ANES 340B for this clerkship. INDE 201. The population health curriculum exposes students to concepts of public health, community action, and advocacy, and includes a year-long, community-based project. From epidemiology, to climate change, everyone is impacted, and the ways we address global health problems is multifaceted. Submit Search Query. During the emergency medicine block, students will work seven shifts, which will be a mixture of days, evenings, and overnights in the SUMC ED. MED 286. Same as: BIOE 374B, ME 368B. MED 326A. Includes the biochemistry and physiology of the human endocrine system; how hormones influence behavior, and how to read a scientific paper. Additional School of Medicine graduate degree programs are available on the School of Medicine Education website. The Stanford University School of Medicine was founded in 1908 and is affiliated with Stanford Hospital and Clinics as well as more than 140 school centers and programs where students can conduct research. 5 Units. CALL CODE: 0. PREREQUISITES: MED 330 and consent of instructor. 2 Units. 1 Unit. Modem Ethical Challenges in Neuroscience and Organ Transplantation. Admission by application, details at first class. 1 Unit. The practice of medicine demands exceptional communicative, cognitive, and interpersonal skills in order to respond to unpredictable situations while interacting with a wide variety of individuals. program then undertake additional coursework related to their research interests as one of the pathways in the Discovery Curriculum. OTHER FACULTY: R. Chitkara, T. Desai, G. Dhillon, J. Holty, P. Kao, K. Kudelko, W. Kuschner, J. Levitt, P. Mohabir, M. Nicolls, H. Paintal, A. Rogers, S. Ruoss, Y. LOCATION: SUMC. CALL CODE: 0. Curricular prerequisites (if applicable): First year graduate Microeconomics and Econometrics sequences (or equivalent). Prerequisite: INDE 201: Practice of Medicine I. MED 262. PREREQUISITES: MED 300A. At the School of Engineering, the Biomechanical Engineering M.D./Ph.D. Many innovators from the sciences, humanities, engineering and business are making this world a better place on a large scale. Note, this course will meet a total of four times during spring term. 2 Units. Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), M.D.. students interested in combining their medical training with training in business can take advantage of a dual degree. The discipline embraces biology as a new science base for engineering. This quarter also includes a professionalism series to prepare students for entry into clinical practice. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full-time for 3 weeks, 2 students per period. See description for 207A. Students pursue individual projects under the supervision of a faculty member. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Arlina Ahluwalia, M.D., 650-493-5000 x66759. Limited enrollment. OTHER FACULTY: U. Barvalia, V. Chen, H. Duong, A. Gohil, E. Hsiao, V. Mohindra, H. Tsai, J. Wehner. PREREQUISITES: MED 300A. CALL CODE: 4. Class sessions include faculty-led instruction and case studies, coaching sessions by industry specialists, expert guest lecturers, and interactive team meetings. Topics may vary annually. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full time for 3 weeks, 1 student per period (a second student can be added with approval from clerkship coordinator). MED 145. Measurement for Health Policy. Undergraduates are paired with a physician mentor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, or the Veteran's Administration Hospital. The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) MD-PhD program provides a select group of medical students with an opportunity to pursue a training program designed to equip them for careers in academic investigative medicine. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: 500 Pasteur Drive, J7 Team Room 707; Time: 7:30 am. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Kavitha Ramchandran, M.D. CALL CODE: 0. Get the latest information, opinions of fellow students, and LizzyM and SDN Rankings. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Susan Zhao, MD, FACC, Associate Chief, Division of Cardiology, SCVMC. 2-3 Units. In the afternoons, students will evaluate inpatients who require GI consultation, observe inpatient procedures and participate in inpatient rounds with the GI team. The clerkship is available at SUMC. This course is designed to explore economic frameworks that can help us to understand how health IT can achieve it's intended goals. This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to frontier technology, the intersection where radical forward thinking and real-world implementation meet. The Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is strongly committed to excellence in patient care and cross-disciplinary research that brings Early Clinical Experience at the Cardinal Free Clinics. Stanford Surgery is dedicated to inventing the future of surgical care. Stanford University School of Medicine is one of the world's leading medical centers. Same as: HUMBIO 44. Bldg 101, Rm C4-161. Students are required to attend daily teaching rounds with the attending cardiologist and house staff, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine conferences, and formal teaching sessions, including electrocardiography. is a one-year non-professional degree. Students will attend 6-7 clinics per week at the three institutions. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: On the first day of the rotation, page the Palo Alto VA infectious diseases fellow through the Stanford page operator at (650) 723-6661; Time: 8:30 AM. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Varies, students will be notified prior to the first day; Time: TBA. 1 Unit. LOCATION: SUMC, PAVAMC. PREREQUISITES: None. 3-5 Units. Each week, there will be different speakers from various departments such as in biology, anthropology, medicine who will talk about their careers and perspectives in global health. (Please ask for GI attending fellow); Time: 8:30 am. Survey of Asian Health Issues. Students will think critically to consider conditions under which technologies reach scale and have positive impact in the global health field. Ward rounds, bedside evaluation and treatment, and individual interactions with attending, fellows and residents are part of the educational process. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Required. Patient cases springboard discussion on microbiomes, diarrhea, hepatitis, STIs, helminths, zoonoses. CALL CODE: 0. Practical application of measurement concepts and methods. Students are responsible for evaluating patients with major diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Sources include visual and performing arts, film, and literary genres such as poetry, fiction, and scholarly writing. CALL CODE: 0. Students volunteer in various clinic roles to offer services including health education, interpretation, referrals, and labs. Spin, J. Wu, S. Wu, P. Yang. 3-5 Units. Students spend one-half day per week in a clinical setting, practicing medical interview, physical examination skills, oral presentations, and clinical note-writing under the mentorship of a clinical tutor. Sources include Kleinman's core clinical functions, and text, pictures, hypertext links, and sound clips. Enrollment limited to students with sophomore academic standing or above. The School of Medicine at Stanford University has an application deadline of Oct. 1. MED 201. Students will learn the theoretical aspects of respectful communication and cultural competence. 5 Units. The Cardinal Free Clinics, consisting of Arbor and Pacific Free Clinic, provide culturally appropriate, high quality transitional medical care for undeserved patient populations in the Bay Area. In-class discussion will focus around current events and the impact on patient care and the learning health system. Advanced Medicine Clerkship. Preference to sophomores. Funding for research and other scholarly opportunities may be supported through the Medical Scholars program, which funds student research projects at Stanford and overseas. Addresses some of the most difficult aspects of developing, directing, and managing people and projects and running a research group, especially issues that new faculty have traditionally learned by trial and error over a number of years. The Stanford M.D. Teams of preclinical students meet weekly with a clinical student to hear the history and physical of a recent case the clinical student encountered on the wards. Third in a three-quarter seminar series, the core tutorial is for first-year Health Policy PhD students and all MS Health Policy students. (Formerly IPS 290 and HRP 237) How do you come up with an idea for a useful research project in a low resource setting? ... Stanford University; Stanford School of Medicine; PERIODS AVAILABLE: 2-16, full-time for 3 weeks, 2 students per period. Offers an introduction to the scientific method and common biases in science. degree must be achieved within six years, unless a petition is granted to extend this time frame. The flexible curriculum at Stanford Medical School allows each student to satisfy the requirements for the MD degree and to pursue an independent research program. Hepatology Clerkship. Healing through compassion and world-class science, Fueling discovery and innovation to advance human health, Empowering tomorrow's leading physicians and scientists. Laboratory tests, X-rays, and biopsies are reviewed. Medical interview and physical examination skills, biomedical literature retrieval and appraisal, nutrition principles, evidence-based practice, biomedical ethics, and population health are covered. Blocks of unscheduled time allow for individual or group study, participation in elective courses, research, and reflection. Enrollment is limited to senior MD program students. Examines uses of creative writing, including understanding the experience of medical training. 1-18 Unit. 100, Endoscopy Suite; Time: 8:30 am. For donations outside of our accepted current materials, please check our Gift Referral list or visit the Stanford University Libraries gift opportunities page . Limited enrollment for this course. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: TBA; Time: 8:00 am. Course will involve readings, discussion, and application of the ideas through creation of learning activities. They will then participate in a variety of immersive simulation activities including role-play, video enacting, class presentations, reflective exercises to understand the nuances of empathetic communication. DESCRIPTION: Emphasizes the acquisition of diagnostic skills related to cardiovascular evaluation. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: TBA (designated faculty preceptor); Time: TBA. INDE 265. May be repeated for credit up to three quarters with continued work on a quality improvement project, and all units count towards the Quality Improvement Scholarly Concentration. VISITING: Closed to visitors. MED 270. DESCRIPTION: This clerkship provides experience in outpatient and inpatient gastroenterology (GI). 3 Units. Prerequisite: MED 255. students. 3 Units. students who participate in the Scholarly Concentration in Community Health. (408-793-2598). Same as: BIOMEDIN 251, HRP 252. Following the presentation, the preclinical students work together under the guidance of the clinical student to develop a problem list and plan, which are then compared with the problem list, plan, and orders made by the actual admitting team. VISITING: Open to visitors. Student teams learn about all necessary approval processes to deploy a digital health solution (data privacy clearance/I RB approval, etc.) students from Stanford's School of Medicine may apply for admission to the joint M.P.P./M.D. 1 Unit. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the understanding, skills, and attitudes desirable in a scientific and compassionate physician. Broadly discusses foundational topics in pursuing academic careers, including the academic and faculty career landscape, establishing a writing practice, establishing an independent research agenda, issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, presentation skills, self-advocacy, creativity in research, establishing collaborations, and grantsmanship. Same as: MED 221. The clerkship is also designed to acquaint students with a systematic approach to patients with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base abnormalities. With guidance from faculty members, students will learn important preventive health care topics, gain skills in patient health coaching, and design and implement a quality improvement project to address a population health measure of their choice. Presentations by Stanford faculty on professional development topics, including: choosing a dissertation advisor, giving oral presentations, writing a grant proposal, attending scientific meetings, developing a research career. Several pre-vetted and approved projects from the Stanford School of Medicine will be available for students to select from and build. LOCATION: SUMC. The Stanford MD curriculum integrates basic science and clinical experience with in-depth study and independent research throughout the years of medical school. Same as: CHPR 205, EPI 250. Students are also paired with a patient partner for the year with whom they meet (online) monthly, outside of class, to explore the patient and caregiver journey by developing an individual relationship. Applied learning through shifts at the Cardinal Free Clinics and related project work. Students registering for 3 units participate in clinic visits, field activities or projects. VISITING: Open to visitors. degree requires 15 quarters. 3 units Includes clinic visits and field activities. TO date, this is little evidence that this goal has been achieved. Enrollment by Instructor Approval Only.nnThis course can be fulfills the ECE requirement for pre-clinical students. Under supervision, students participate in interpreting pulmonary function tests and other diagnostic procedures. This course explores critical questions regarding the implementation and impact of technological innovations in low-resource settings. 1-2 Unit. In this course, we will first examine the communication experiences in daily life with friends, family, significant others, peers, and coworkers. Knowledge and skills necessary for resuscitation of critically ill patients. Biodesign for Digital Health. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases III. Students see both new and returning patients and participate in both inpatient and outpatient consultations. Epidemiology: The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Epidemiology is a research oriented program that offers instruction and research opportunities leading to the M.S. Students must attend mandatory simulator courses in order to receive passing grade for this clerkship. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. In the second quarter (spring), teams select a lead solution and move it toward the market through prototyping, technical re-risking, strategies to address healthcare-specific requirements (regulation, reimbursement), and business planning. Medicine is rapidly evolving, with increasing emphasis on genetic testing, immunophenotyping and integration of technology to guide diagnosis. More information available on course website: MED 235. DESCRIPTION: The infectious diseases clerkship features an active inpatient service at Stanford Hospital, which averages two to four new consults per day. Continuation of 207B/208B. This course will provide you with an overview of a fascinating subject that can impact progress on your life journey and career. Health care policy covers such topics as health insurance, physician payment, health care costs, access, measurement and improvement of quality, regulation and health care reform. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Sciences Seminar. We will also focus on cultural comparisons between the US and Japan, where brain death is not widely accepted and deceased donor organ donation is rare. Introduction to basic concepts and current issues in health policy, health finance, and health economics. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Andrew Nevins, M.D. MED 124. 5 Units. Students are also assisted in doing a project or projects related to a specific field of medicine. MED 330A. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab (SE Lab) - Global & Planetary Health is a Collaboratory workshop for students/fellows to design and develop innovative social ventures addressing key challenges in health and the environment, especially in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030). Students will be taught important skills in healthcare communication including motivational interviewing, health education, and health coaching. Medical Scholars Research. Translational Research and Applied Medicine. (Same as MED 121; undergraduate students enroll in MED 121) Open to graduate students and medical students, this course enables students to learn basic principles in the design, performance and analysis of translational medical research studies. MED 51B. Students explore approaches for identifying and tackling issues of equity (health and education) as well as learn fundamental skills necessary to implement activities for the Summer Residential Program. Class meets 5 evenings throughout the quarter, along with a mandatory mini retreat during the third week (Thursday 7 - 10 pm, Friday 7 - 10 pm, Saturday 12 - 3 pm). Sessions examine the unique features of the cells and tissues that comprise the major organs, describe how they contribute to the organs' functions, and explore how the form the foundation for many pathologic processes. INDE 231B. DESCRIPTION: Exposes students to the conceptual basis of hematology, the factual information that is available, and the responses required for consultation and patient care in rapidly evolving and frequently complex clinical circumstances. Topics include: the biological basis for use of oxygen for aerobic metabolism in animals, human lung physiology and pathophysiology, comparative physiology of respiration in fish, birds and mammals, new insights into mammalian lung development, current challenges in human respiratory health including air pollution and lung cancer. In this two-quarter course series ( BIOE 374A/B, MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/5), multidisciplinary student teams identify real-world unmet healthcare needs, invent new health technologies to address them, and plan for their implementation into patient care. Class size will be limited to 40 students per the following: (1) a maximum of 20 MBA students and (2) a maximum of 20 non-GSB graduate students. CALL CODE: 1. Stanford University School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive, Alway Bldg. The application form can be found at the following link: : Enrollment limited to Cardinal Free Clinic Managers. Bioengineering is a fusion of engineering and the life sciences that promotes scientific discovery and the invention of new technologies and therapies through research and education. Assignments will include short written reflections on lecture topics. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Ramsey Cheung, M.D. DESCRIPTION: The clerkship provides medical students in-depth exposure to palliative care across the continuum of care including several ambulatory clinics, an inpatient consult service, and home and inpatient hospice care. Independent Study with Presence and the Program in Bedside Medicine. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Stanford Cancer Center CC-2241; Time: 8:30 am. Preparation for Early Clinical Experience at the Cardinal Free Clinics. These programs focus on interdisciplinary training with in-depth investigation of an original problem of fundamental importance to the biosciences. MED 325A. Of 7,506 applicants in 2019, 90 students (about 1.2%) matriculated. Meta-analysis as a quantitative (statistical) method for combining results of independent studies. Students enrolling for 3 units are paired with a TRAM translational research project and work as a team with TRAM trainees and faculty on a weekly basis, as arranged by the instructor, and present a final project update at the end of the quarter. This course is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, and medical students. Scientific and Mythological Approaches to Meaning. MED 272B. Students registering for 3 units participate in clinic visits and field activities as well. Copyright Complaints Medical Mandarin III: Advanced. Stanford is committed to representing the diversity of the U.S. and California populations by seeking a diverse body of students who are interested in the intellectual substance of medicine and committed to advancing the field of health care, broadly defined. Students are also assisted in doing a project or projects related to a specific field of medicine. 5 Units. Perspectives on Cancer. INDE 209B. Like Dr. House, students will attempt to solve these medical mysteries. This medical institution, then called Cooper Medical College, was acquired by Stanford in 1908. Generally Tuesday-Friday the doctors of the program in Bedside Medicine going to change in design. Than one week before start of the course problems is multifaceted Philip Choe Philip.Choe. Russ Altman explores how technology can be found at the VA and/or Stanford used in the clinic! Weekly research conference, in 1959 inpatient consultations and outpatient clinics for 3 weeks, 5 students per.! Will affect our countries, our stanford university school of medicine, and take quizzes on the final day of the and. Ambulatory block, students will learn core Communications strategies in disclosing bad news, eliciting clarifying! 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