Dwarf apple trees have many advantages over standard apple trees. Fruits are picked late in our area and mature their best flavor after a few months storage in the fridge. Arkansas Black dwarf varieties grow well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Overview. The reduced size of a dwarf apple tree makes it easier to prune, spray and harvest fruit. The apple has a mild, sweet taste and is good when eaten fresh. Arkansas Black Apple is chosen as a wildlife tree since the tree is disease resistant and the fruits hang well into the late fall. Consider Grimes Golden, and/or Newtown Pippin for pollination. Ripens Mid-October. The green apple is tart, good for eating fresh or in cooking, especially for baking apple pies. Golden Delicious Apple Tree. Some eating apples are hybrids but others are attributed to M. domestica or M. pumila. When grown from seed, Arkansas Black apples begin to produce fruit in about five years. I haven't had blooms yet but I expect I will see some this year, which I will remove. Your Arkansas Black apple tree is in flowering group 3. Good storage life. Starting at $14.95. The Arkansas Black apple flavor is very well balanced, pleasant and sweet. It prefers USDA zones 6 through 9, although under the right conditions, it may also be productive in zone 5. Starting at $10.95. I am growing this apple with 2 other types and some plums, in southern Maine. They are good eaten fresh or used in cooking. The Arkansas Black apple is flavorful and good for eating fresh, cooking or making juice. Best grown in deep, loamy, moderately fertile, slightly acidic, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tree very disease resistant. Espaliered Apple Tree. Goldrush is easy to grow and produces a large apple crop. Arkansas Black. 00. The Granny Smith apple tree (Malus domestica Granny Smith) reaches a height of 8 to 12 feet at maturity. The Granny Smith apple tree originated in Australia, but now is a popular variety in the United States. Semi-dwarf trees will grow to 15'-25'. The flesh of Arkansas black apples is firm, white, and crisp. Susceptible to Apple Scab and Fire Blight. These trees cannot self-fertilize and need to be pollinated by another nearby apple tree variety. An Ashmead's Kernel (great all round apple by the way) on a big rootstock will grow to 8 metres while the same variety on a dwarfing rootstock may struggle to reach 2 metres. But pollination from another apple tree variety will improve fruit-bearing. We offer friendly advice to help you choose the right apple tree for your garden or orchard project. Many dwarf apple tree varieties have a low chill requirement, thriving and producing apples in warmer climates. By far the most popular way of growing fruit trees these days is with dwarf trees for small gardens and it might surprise you that it isn’t just gardeners tucked for space that are turning to compact, smaller trees– commercial growers and larger orchard plantations are choosing compact rootstock trees as a preferred choice rather than a necessity. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Our Arkansas Black Apple Trees ripen October to November, with 800-900 chill hours and pollinizer needed. This delicious and aromatic fruit is prized for fresh eating, cider and baking and keeps its quality for several months in storage. Home > For Home Gardens > Home Garden and Retail Nursery Product Information > apples > apple-dwarf-g935. Varieties, color & ripening times vary. Apple Trees: malus pumila Rarely do you see a home orchard missing the king of fruits. Available in Mini Dwarf (6’-8’) & Dwarf (10’-12’) sizes. Arakansas Black's can be fairly … For those who despise the apple I prefer to think its just a case of misunderstanding. The tree has average pest and disease resistance. Hard, distinctive flavor. The orangey-red Gala apple is good for eating fresh or making juice. However, the tree needs to be sprayed, because it has poor pest and disease resistance, especially against scab. It should be grouped in a sunny location with other apple varieties. Zones 5-8. A semi-dwarf tree, your Arkansas Black will grow to about 20 feet in height. Granny Smith Apple Tree. Standard Apple Trees. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Starting at $29.95. Rootstock: M111 Semi-Dwarf. Starting at $14.95. Bright red over yellow. We also sell many international apple tree varieties, as well as cider apple trees, and some plum trees and cherrry trees. Right after picking, it's hard and sour-tasting. 50. The Gala apple is a common apple in supermarkets, but it is much sweeter when freshly picked. It’s quite hardy and vigorous, with particular resistance to Cedar Apple Rust. The Growing of Nut Trees in Zone Nine Areas, The Type of Orange Tree Used for Grafting, University of California The California Backyard Orchard: Tree Selection, Orange Pippin Fruit Trees: Apple Trees for Southern California, The University of Maine Cooperative Extension: Growing Fruit Trees in Maine - Rootstocks and Dwarf fruit Trees, Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Schenectady County: Growing and Caring for Dwarf Fruit Trees, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension: Dwarf Apple Trees for Home Gardens. Ripening late in the season, Arkansas Black is an reliable producer and is somewhat resistant to cedar-apple rust and fireblight. This cultivar is reported to have much improved disease resistance. Trees have good disease resistance, especially against cedar apple rust disease. Good for eating, keeping and cidermaking! Excellent storage, great fresh flavor, and good cooking characteristics make it an apple well-suited for gardens. This medium sized apple has dark red skin that is almost black in color. A favorite heritage apple across the nation, its dark red fruit turns nearly blackish when it's fully ripe, and its tart flavor mellows in storage. Arkansas Black is a fine apple with many exceptional merits that deserves more respect but, in order to properly enjoy the fruit one must exercise a bit of patience and give the apple a little extra time to become … Rootstocks are generally classified as follows (tree height in parenthesis): dwarf (8-10'), semi-dwarf (12-15') and standard (18-25' or more). Standard tree spacing 20' circle, dwarf spacing 10' circle. Ripens mid September & is available in Dwarf size (10'-12'). All trees bear full-size fruit, however. Tags: apples (6), fruit (6) The Arkansas Black apple tree (Malus domestica Arkansas Black) can be obtained as a dwarf or semi-dwarf tree. The dwarf tree will grow 6 to 9 feet tall and the semi-dwarf tree will reach 8 to 10 feet at maturity. The Arkansas Black apple trees is one of the best apples for hot interior locations. $49.50 $ 49. This apple variety produces a medium size fruit with dark red skin almost black in color. Apples today can be grown from the desert to the sea. Self fertile. Arkansas Black apple trees are compact, spur-bearing apple trees hardy in zones 4-8. Best disease On MM106 semi-dwarf rootstock. The Goldrush apple tree (Malus domestica GoldRush) comes as a dwarf (6 to 9 feet) or semi-dwarf ( 9 to 12 feet) tree. Garden Delicious Apple Dwarf. Blue has a Ph.D. in biological sciences from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and wrote scientific articles for almost 20 years before starting to write gardening articles in 2004. The Gala apple tree (Malus domestica Gala) grows 8 to 12 feet tall at maturity. Once you bite into a crisp Arkansas Black Apple you’ll know why it’s the baker’s favorite apple: Their sharp flavor has a sweet aftertaste with nodes of sugar and cinnamon. But here's the thing about the Arkansas Black apple: You can't eat it right off the tree. It is self-sterile and needs to be pollinated by another apple tree variety. Arkansas Black Apple trees produce a crunchy medium sized apple. These trees grow well in USDA zones 5 through 9. ARKANSAS BLACK APPLE TREE - 2 Year Old/4-5 Feet Tall. Fuji Apple Tree. The Fuji apple is an attractive yellow apple with a reddish-pink overlay. The apple flesh is firm, white, juicy and crisp. Dwarf apple trees are small-size trees that yield full-size apples. STARKSPUR ARKANSAS BLACK typically grows 8-10' tall and is an exclusive introduction from Stark Bro's of Louisiana, Missouri. Depending on the variety and the environment, dwarf apple trees tend to fruit sooner than semi-dwarf or standard apple trees. The tree has average pest and disease resistance and is self-fertile. The yellow-orangey apples are flavorful and sweet, especially after they are stored for a while. And it tastes different from what you'd get at the store. The four major disease problems of apples are fire blight, powdery mildew, apple scab and cedar apple rust. For basic cultural information on the growing of apples, see Home Fruit Production, Apples (University of Missouri Extension publication G6021), which is available for inspection or purchase at the Kemper Center Information Desk. However, good cultural practices are always essential and some chemical spraying may become necessary in order to control certain pests. More than one variety must be planted in order to facilitate best pollination and subsequent fruit production. Arkansas Black has an excellent storage life, affording you many months of enjoyment. Arkansas Black blooms mid/late-season; Jonastar blooms mid-season and Granny Smith blooms mid-season. The tree likes warm climates and a long growing season. ‘Arkansas Black’ is a unique heirloom variety that has a lot to offer the amateur orchardist. For Retail Nurseries & Home Gardens. $39.50 shipping. Bears early in age. STARKSPUR ARKANSAS BLACK is shaped, pruned and grown primarily with a view toward quality fruit production, and its ornamental features are considered secondary. The Goldrush apple tree is disease-resistant, especially to scab and mildew. It's an excellent dessert apple, with a sweet and tart taste and firm texture. Ten years after planting, these apple trees are considered to be mature. Zones 5-8. Fruit & Nut Catalog. There is no minimum order value - you can order just 1 apple tree if you like, and have it delivered to most parts of the continental USA. Potential insect pests include aphids, maggots, codling moth, plum curculio and spider mites. 1-Year old, typically unbranched Bare-Root tree. ; Known as the bakers favorite apple These large apples are great for baking and juicing. It also resists woolly apple aphids and collar rot and is a great all-around rootstock for apples. These trees will mature around 8-10 feet tall and wide on average, and even vigorous varieties can be kept at a preferred height with regular pruning. Braeburn Apple Tree. Tree is currently at 6 feet. Apple trees that are able to pollinate the Arkansas Black: Braeburn, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Gala, Granny Smith, Fuji, McIntosh, Pixie Crunch, Red Delicious Large attractive fruit. View fullsize. Attracts: Birds, Hummingbirds, Butterflies. Plant Size: CHOOSE SIZE BELOW. It they're planted within 50' of one another, you should get pretty satisfactory cross-pollination. It has very good heat and humidity tolerance and is even somewhat drought tolerant once established. The Gala apple tree is partially self-fertile, meaning it can bear fruit without pollination by another apple tree. Apple trees offer a remarkable diversity of flavors, colors and textures and have a lifespan that far exceeds many other fruit trees. The fruit is the same, the size of the tree is different. There are generally two ways to create a dwarf apple tree. Generally, the more dwarfing the rootstock, the greater the need for soil fertility. It is a triploid variety and needs two pollination partners nearby which must both be of different varieties and able to cross-pollinate each other as well as the Arkansas Black. View fullsize. Zones 5-8 Additional information. Starting at $14.95 . Edible apple cultivars do not grow particularly well on their own roots. Good storage. Choose another variety Pollination of Arkansas Black apple trees Your Arkansas Black apple tree is in flowering group 3.It is a triploid variety and needs two pollination partners nearby which must both be of different varieties and able to cross-pollinate each other as well as the Arkansas Black. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. At maturity they reach approximately 12-15 feet (3.6 to 4.5 meters) tall and wide. Arkansas Black Apple Tree $ 28.95 – $ 29.95 One of the most striking and beautiful apples, Arkansas Black fruit ranges in color from dark purple to almost black when ripe. Estimated Shipping Time: Most orders ship immediately, however we are currently experiencing delays and could take up to 11-14 days from date of purchase. The tree grows well in USDA zones 5 through 9. As a result, apple varieties sold in commerce today have all been grafted onto rootstocks which, inter alia, control the size of the tree. 1 Dwarf Fuji Apple Tree 3 FT Flowering Fruit Trees Live Plants Food Gift Farm. Started as a whip, and after 2 seasons it is increasing girth with medium vigor and good spur formation. The absolute size of a dwarf apple tree also depends partly on cultural conditions and pruning methods. Cortland Apple Tree. The apple looks like something out of a fairy tale, with a dark red color that is almost black. Arkansas Black is one of those apples that apparently holds no middle ground among apple fanciers; they either love it or hate it Period. Only 4 left in stock - order soon. Medium to large apple with dark red to sometimes black color with smooth waxy finish. The Fuji apple tree (Malus domestica Fuji) can be planted as a dwarf or semi-dwarf tree. I am currently growing an Arkansas Black apple on semi-dwarf rootstock. The Arkansas Black apple tree (Malus domestica Arkansas Black) can be obtained as a dwarf or semi-dwarf tree. Ben Davis Once a commercial variety in the US. Starting at $14.95. White flowers appear in spring and are followed by dark red apples which ripen in mid-October (USDA Zone 5). Starting at $10.95. PINK LADY APPLE TREE - 2 Year Old/4-5 Feet Tall. Used for cooking and fresh consumption. Apple trees in general are susceptible to a large number of pests. Flesh is yellow and very firm with an aromatic flavor. Dwarf Red Delicious Apple Tree; Arkansas Black Apple Tree; Customer Reviews & Photos. Alternatively choose a single self-fertile pollination partner. This apple is notable for the extremely dark coloration, which becomes almost black … Possibly raised by a settler called John Crawford in Arkansas, USA in the 1840s, and certainly widely grown in Arkansas and Missouri later that century. 3.9 out of 5 stars 6. Based in Connecticut, Marie-Luise Blue writes a local gardening column and has been published in "Organic Gardening" and "Back Home." Resistant to cedar-apple rust and some resistance to scab and fireblight. Its unique, dark red-purple apples are filled with delicious tart and sweet flavors that are irresistible. In appropriate conditions these apples can be stored for 6 months and darken over time. FREE Shipping. Medium sized, dark red fruit. You can grow them in small spaces and easily prune, spray and harvest them. Apple scab immune & resistant to fire blight. These trees can also prosper in most of the USDA hardiness zones, which puts its success at thriving anywhere between New York and Florida. Starting at $14.95. $49.50 $ 49. Malus is a genus of about 35 species of deciduous trees and shrubs from Europe, Asia and North America. Most trees sold today for the home apple grower are grafted onto dwarfing rootstocks (dwarf or semi-dwarf), resulting in trees which, in comparison to standard trees, are (1) easier to manage (spray, prune and harvest) and (2) produce fruit at an earlier age.Genus name from Latin is an ancient name for apple.STARKSPUR ARKANSAS BLACK typically grows 8-10' tall and is an exclusive introduction from Stark Bro's of Louisiana, Missouri. Each spring your apple tree will bloom white flowers with a touch of pink. It grows well in USDA zones 6 through 9 and sometimes even in zone 5, although apple ripening may not occur. The heirloom apple trees … It does not need to be pollinated by another tree variety, although fruiting may be increased by a compatible nearby apple tree variety. To fruit well, apple trees need a chilling period, a period with temperatures of 45 degrees F or less. Dwarf apple trees come in a variety of species from Arkansas Black Dwarf to Dwarf Gold Rush apple trees to Granny Smith. This cultivar is also available from Stark Bro's on a semi-dwarf rootstock whereon it would typically grow 10-15' tall. Genus name from Latin is an ancient name for apple. Firm, course white flesh with red blush over green skin. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Gala Apple Tree. Arkansas Black Apple Tree. Also the Arkansas Black apple tree is suggested to do well in many California coastal zones which often have hot fall weather allowing the fruit to ripen. Late (Oct-Nov) Enterprise Red, medium to large apple, spicy, full flavor. This cultivar is also available from Stark Bro's on a semi-dwarf rootstock whereon it would typically grow 10-15' tall. Enterprise. Tolerates average garden soils, but unamended heavy clay soils which waterlog easily and drain poorly should be avoided. Needs a pollinator. 50. Spring apple blossoms and fall fruit add color and interest to the landscape. All semi-dwarf trees are on M-111 rootstock which tolerates wet soil, dry soil & poor soil. Rootstock and Size: Semi-Dwarf M111 (3-4') Bare-Root, Semi-Dwarf M111 (2-3') Bare-Root, Dwarf M7 (3-4') Bare-Root, Dwarf M7 (2-3') Bare-Root, Semi-Dwarf M111 (4-5') Bare-Root. Additionally, dwarf apple trees will produce fruit earlier than standard apple trees, often only three years after being planted, as opposed to as many as ten years. Arkansas Black Arkansas favorite with a red, medium-size fruit. Shipping Details. The Arkansas Black apple tree is an excellent pollinator. The Arkansas black apple tree is resistant to cedar apple rust and is a hardy vigorous tree. Needs full sun for maximum flower and fruit production. $39.50 shipping. It is thought to be a seedling of Winesap. Trees are 2 years old and should begin to fruit in their 4th or 5th year. We offer a 3 tier espalier tree. You can see a much more detailed note and a graphic on rootstocks here. Reply (1) LeAnn Staff on Mar 19, 2017 After planting, dwarf apple trees produce fruit much earlier, usually after three years, than standard apple trees, which may take up to 10 years to produce. Goldrush is self-sterile, so it needs to be pollinated by another apple tree variety nearby. Dwarf apple trees are created by grafting an apple variety to a dwarf rootstock. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Alternatively choose a single self-fertile pollination partner. As noted on the website, some items are seasonal, and may only ship in spring or fall. Product Information. Apple Scab. $76.00 $ 76. Typically, explained Schultz, Arkansas Black apples are picked in the fall (when other apples are harvested) but they're quite tart right off the tree. Other types and some chemical spraying may become necessary in order to control certain.. 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