> Both potato types differ slightly in key areas including appearance, texture, flavor and best uses. White potatoes are also mashed more easily, unlike the red ones which have a waxy texture. They're also both high in vitamin C, with both coming in at 21.8 grams. Full flavoured potato, tending towards being floury. In addition to vitamin C, all potatoes contain several carotenoids, which include lutein, zeaxanthin and violaxanthin, and flavonoids that act as antioxidants. Copyright Policy Red potatoes add a brilliant splash of color and lend a firmer texture to potato salads, while white potatoes can stand up to the rigors of frying and grilling better and produce a richer, creamier mashed potato. Vitamin C can help combat oxidative stress, reducing your risk of certain types of cancer and heart disease. Red potatoes vs. White potatoes So I have been telling my clients that it is healthier to use red potatoes versus your generic white potato because I know in some ways it's healthier, but I decided to research their nutrient content to actually compare the difference health wise. When comparing red potatoes vs. white, the nutrition is almost identical. She contributes food and drink related articles to The Daily Meal. They reside in the waxy category and are suitable for boiling and slicing in salads or casseroles. Data for potatoes is based on a medium-size potato (148 grams/5.3 ounces). While similar in several ways, both potato types differ slightly in key areas including appearance, texture, flavor and best uses. Adequate intake of the vitamin is also linked to eye health, reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration (or AMD) and cataracts, the two leading causes of blindness in older adults. They’re perfect for gratins. According to another report in Annals of Medicine published in November 2013, potatoes may improve your heart health by lowering blood pressure, reducing levels of bad cholesterol and decreasing inflammation. A cream skinned white fleshed potato. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, For example, 100 g of baked white potatoes has 21 grams of carbs, the same number as Russets. Reds possess a waxy, yet creamy, texture. One of the major benefits of red potatoes and white potatoes is that they're one of a handful of foods that contain resistant starch, which, similar to fiber, is a carbohydrate that your body can't digest. Although there are numerous potato variations out there, this post compares the two most popular: the red and the russet (or brown) potato. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. A red-skinned spud of the same size has 154 calories and .04 grams of saturated fat. . Larger in size and thicker skinned than new potatoes, russets have a “flaky” texture thanks to their high starch and low moisture content. Because the resistant starch isn't digested like other carbohydrates, potatoes also don't raise your blood sugar as much as other foods that have similar amounts of carbohydrates but no starch. You can increase the resistant starch in your potatoes by cooking them the night before you want to eat them and then storing them in the refrigerator to allow them to cool. Potatoes rated lowest to highest: Ruby Crescent, Russian, Round Red, La Soda, La Touge, Red Norland & Red Pontiac. In addition to helping control blood sugar, the resistant starch in potatoes can also: Read more: 7 Kitchen Tricks to Make Carbs Less Fattening. Lindsay Boyers is a holistic nutritionist with a Bachelor's degree in food and nutrition and a certificate in holistic nutrition consulting. Christina Kalinowski is a writer from the Twin Cities who began her career in 2011. Also, red potatoes are medium in size and they are better in salads, chowders, and soups.White potatoes, on the other hand, can be small to large in size and they … It is best suited for baking, roasting, wedges and mashing. Both are high in vitamin C and potassium, but red potatoes may have more antioxidants. Sweet potatoes have a medium-to-high GI, around 60, and yams have a lower GI at about 50. diagnosis or treatment. Vitamin C needs range from 65 to 90 milligrams, so a single medium red or white potato provides anywhere from 24 to 34 percent of your daily needs, depending on your individual circumstances. Reheat them the next day when you're ready. The main difference between red and white potatoes is that red potatoes are the light red color-skinned potatoes that are less starchy and more sugary whereas white potatoes are the brown color-skinned potatoes that are starchy. A medium red potato has 33.9 grams of carbohydrates (3.1 grams of which come from fiber), while a white potato comes in slightly higher at 36.5 grams (3.6 grams of which come from fiber). While both reds and whites have mild, subtly sweet flavors, their differing textures makes each ideal for specific uses. Janet Renee has over a decade of experience as a registered dietitian. As such, they aren't well suited for casseroles or potato salads. Red potatoes are spherical, while the shape of white potatoes is round or rectangular. Whites hold their shape well when cooked and tend to better handle frying and grilling. So should you opt for white or sweet potatoes? These potatoes all have a different texture and taste. Cranberry -- also known as all-red -- is one such variety. A full flavoured potato which falls in the middle of the range between waxy and floury. The second name of red potato is Red Bliss Potatoes. The white potatoes stand the baking and the frying process much better thanks to their tougher texture. Especially the skin of potatoes is very fibrous and filled with healthy carbohydrates. Whites are on the starchy side, with a slightly dense but still creamy texture. Red potatoes are typically round, small to medium in size, and covered with a smooth, thin red skin. Russet potatoes are larger and more oblong in shape than white potatoes, and they have a tougher skin, which is also commonly kept for skin-on French fries.” Russet potatoes are also generally healthier than white potatoes. and The skin can be white, yellow, red, purple or brown, and the flesh can be white, yellow, orange or purple. A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv. Red potatoes contain a higher ratio of water to solids than the thick-skinned, oblong russet (brown) potato. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't choose either of them. 1. Potatoes have much more fibre than white rice. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM In addition to contributing to Livestrong.com, she has 12 published books, including The Everything Guide to Gut Health, The Everything Guide to the Ketogenic Diet, and The Everything Guide to Intermittent Fasting. That means that one medium red or white potato provides 36 percent of a woman's needs for an entire day and 28 percent of the daily needs for a man. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) contributes to plaque, which can clog arteries and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. 2020 But they are also available in larger sizes. If you incorporate potatoes into your diet, watch your portions and bake, mash or boil them, instead of frying them or eating them as chips. The flesh of white potatoes is smooth and pure white. Round red potato: These red, smooth-skinned boiling potatoes, notably the Red LaSoda and Red Pontiac, are most commonly sold “new” or small. Most potatoes mainly contain carbohydrate with a little bit of protein and almost no fat. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from Purdue University. The way you prepare your potatoes makes a difference in how good they are for you, though. Red potatoes are average-sized; on the other hand, white potatoes can be small or large. Although one more gram may not seem to make much difference, most Americans only get about 16 grams of fiber per day, which is significantly lower than the Institute of Medicine's recommendations of 25 grams for women … The report also noted that regular consumption of french fries was associated with Type 2 diabetes, while other potato preparations were not. Like potatoes cooked by other methods, fries provide important shortfall nutrients and are now prepared with healthier oils. Brown potatoes contain 37 grams of carbs and red potatoes contain 34 grams of carbs. POTATOES The Pontiac with its pink skin, low starch & a GI=80, stands out. From this point, your grocery store may have specifically named types of potatoes such as Red Bliss, Katahdin, Purple Peruvian, Yukon Gold. The variegated pink and white flesh retains its color after it's cooked, making for a striking presentation. The round white potatoes that you see all over your grocery store are a generally good all-around potato. Potassium keeps your bones and heart healthy, reducing your risk of stroke and heart disease. It’s not too difficult to choose the best potatoes. As a “white food”, potatoes are often lumped together with white bread and white pasta, which are considered off limits when trying to eat healthy. There are a lot of different potato options out there, but when it comes to red potatoes versus white potatoes, the nutrition is nearly identical. Comparing white potatoes with red potatoes and Russet varieties, they have similar nutritional content. This process helps the good bacteria multiply so they outnumber the bad bacteria and keep your gut healthy. They're best for soups, stews, boiling, roasting, potato salad and casseroles, and worst for mashing. The link between starch & GI’s is strong. Note: “White” potatoes refer to one of the seven common potato types: russet, yellow, white, red, purple/blue, fingerling and petite. , Potatoes are often shunned because they're high in carbohydrates. White potatoes range from small to large in size, with shapes from round to oblong and white or tan exteriors. However, if you are hoping to make a dish extra special (such as super crunchy roast potatoes, or extra floury homemade chips), then it is advisable to spend a little more and choose potatoes which specifically meet your needs. Another noteworthy nutrient in both red and white potatoes is vitamin C, which is responsible for around 13 percent of the total antioxidant capacity of the vegetable. The Food Lover’s Companion; Sharon Tyler Herbst and Ron Herbst. They can be used in anything but some are better than others in certain recipes. Red potatoes also contain more sugar than russets and have a sweeter flavor. Although they're high in carbohydrates, the specific type of carbohydrate can actually keep your gut healthy. Innovations in food science and technology are driving continuous improvement to ensure this nutritious and popular vegetable continues to align with dietary guidance. Both types t… The nutrition fact that probably gets the most attention, though, is the carbs in red potatoes. Potatoes are a fabulous source of fiber and nutrients (especially if you eat the skin). In addition to resistant starch, both red and white potatoes are high in potassium, which is a nutrient that many Americans don't eat in sufficient amounts. Yet, according to a May 2013 report in Advances in Nutrition, the average intake is just over half of the recommended amount. Both red and white potatoes are high in potassium, containing 943 milligrams and 941 milligrams, respectively. Red bliss potatoes live up to their name, imparting a tender texture and delicate flavor. White potatoes range from small to large in size, with shapes from round to oblong and white or tan exteriors. However, in the United States, there are two main varieties of sweet potato: One has a golden skin with creamy white … Red Potatoes vs. White Potatoes. ", USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference: "Potatoes, Red, Flesh and Skin, Baked", USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference: "Potatoes, White, Flesh and Skin, Baked", National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Potassium", Advances in Nutrition: "Potassium and Health", Annals of Medicine: "The Role of Potatoes and Potato Components in Cardiometabolic Health: A Review", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics: "Carotenoids in Human Nutrition and Health", American Journal of Potato Research: "Antioxidants in Potato", National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Vitamin C", PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Long White. They're both high in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin C and contain approximately 150 calories per medium potato. Consuming red and white potatoes can also help you meet your potassium and vitamin C needs. Resistant starch passes through your stomach and small intestine, finally reaching your large intestine where it starts to ferment. Reds possess a waxy, yet creamy, texture. Even though russets and red potatoes have many similarities -- amounts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and most B vitamins -- they do have several differences. Both are ideal all-purpose varieties. She has a background in functional nutrition and is currently studying for her RD exam. The same size servings of russet and red potatoes contain similar fat, calorie, sodium, protein and carbohydrate counts. The table below contains nutritional information for 100 g of different potato varieties.As you can see, the 4 different types of potato above are very similar nutritionally. All Red. So, when looking at all three types of potatoes, gram for gram, white potatoes will cause a sharper spike in blood sugar when eaten. When cooked, russet potatoes have a dry, fluffy, floury texture and a mild, earthy taste. They're slightly bitter, and have a firm, moist and waxy texture. Fries are made from fresh white potatoes. Red potatoes are typically round, small to medium in size, and covered with a smooth, thin red skin. The current recommendation for potassium is 2,600 milligrams per day for adult women and 3,400 milligrams daily for adult men. A red skinned white fleshed potato. 7 Kitchen Tricks to Make Carbs Less Fattening, 13 percent of the total antioxidant capacity, 18 Foods with a 'Bad Rap' That Are Actually Good for You, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "Potatoes and Risk of Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease in Apparently Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review of Clinical Intervention and Observational Studies", Johns Hopkins Patient Guide to Diabetes: "What Is Resistant Starch? In today's video we show you how to grow red potatoes and white potatoes. This potato has a very pleasantly bland flavor, which carries other flavors beautifully.Red: Hash browns, latkes, and potato saladThe red-skinned potato, on the other hand, is a waxy-fleshed potato, which makes it terrific in shredded or layered applications, where it … Cholesterol is a lipid essential for producing hormones and takes two forms: LDL, or bad cholesterol, and HDL, good cholesterol. Of course both types have their advantages over the other, but in the end they're both still just good ol' tasty spuds. Red bliss potatoes sit pretty in this roasted and herbed pork loin and effortlessly wear the creamy coating in this potato salad with peas. White potatoes, on the other hand, are smaller and oval shaped, with a smoother more delicate, yellow-white colored skin. A medium-sized russet has 168 calories and .04 grams of saturated fat. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. According to a July 2016 report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating potatoes as french fries has a stronger link to weight gain and increased BMI than preparing them boiled, mashed or baked. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Terms of Use Whites are on the starchy side, with a slightly dense but still creamy texture. Red potatoes contain 151 calories per medium potato, while a white potato of the same size clocks in at 159 calories. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse White potatoes (medium starch) may be round or oval (called long white potatoes). Red Bliss . Copyright © The second name of white potatoes is Brown Russet Potatoes or Idaho. Harvested before they mature, potatoes are low in starch & GI, later, they have a higher starch & GI. Choose baked, mashed or boiled over fried. It should not be As with all potato varieties, all-purpose potatoes are good sources of vitamins, mineral, and fiber when eaten along with their skins. What Is the Difference Between Chardonnay & Zinfandel Wine? While the white sweet potato does not boast as many nutrients as the orange sweet potato, it is still a healthier option than starchy potatoes. Potassium present in potatoes keeps you hydrated and healthy. If you need to up your intake of potassium, eating potatoes with other healthy, potassium-rich foods like acorn squash, kidney beans, spinach, chicken breast and Atlantic salmon can help you meet your needs. They both will bake, fry, mash, roast, steam, and eventually be eaten. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes are both included on the FDA’s Top 20 Raw Vegetable list. The skin of potatoes is very healthy and contains no fats or starch at all. Although rice has three times more iron than a baked potato, a potato provides five times the amount of calcium in a cup of white rice, twice the phosphorous and 14 times the potassium, rivaling potassium-rich foods such as bananas, spinach and broccoli. Sweet potatoes come in many different colors. Red potatoes have smooth, thin light-red skin with a white inside and a sweeter, creamier taste and texture. When comparing white and red potato nutrition, they're almost identical. A handful of varieties of potato possess not only red skin but pink flesh. Another reason potatoes get a bad rap is because of the way people choose to eat them. Round white potato: The Katahdin (the principal variety grown in Maine) and the Kennebec are representative of these multipurpose potatoes. Medium starch ) may be round or oval ( called long white potatoes ), as. But pink flesh health, ” Friedman continues over half of the way people choose eat... 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