It is applicable to hindus, since the scheduled castes and tribes(sc and st) are hindu damit. The hill has been named “Zion Thirumalai”. Members of the Christian community took offence and condemned the Shiva Shakti members for having those books and started beating them. Koyna nagar is situated in south of Maharashtra 300km from Goa. The Shiva Sutras Truth is the appearance of the Supreme Brahman; Truth is the most excellent of all Tapas; every act is rooted in Truth. What this article says confirms my worst fears, as it proves conversion/ de hinduization of AndhraPradesh(AP) during the YSR years has been a stupendous success, and now the fall out of it on hindus(indics) of AP is clearly visible. Creation Date: 2017-03-22 | 1 year, 169 days left. is a divine spear possessed by Karna, a spear of light granted to him by the Thunder God Indra in the Mahabharata. All this puts AP alsongside the state of WestBengal where also ordinary hindus/indics are under seize and are in the process of losing their homeland & identity. These are good to expose the hidden nature of christian groups. Karunakar Sugguna, Facebook पर है. They were carrying books written by Karunakar Sugguna, one of the founders of Shiva Shakti. The accommodation has all the modern amenities with scenic natural beauty. It is time :’India’ is cinverted to ‘Bharat’ by declaring her a ‘HINDU RASHTRA’. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 YSR also reffered to SG as india’s Mao/Marx who will change the face of india by bringing in a revolution . dear Pgurus those Christian attackers released a video proudly saying that they have attacked Hindus ” and we will file SC/ST atrocity cases if they counter us..! Vishnu Suktam - Devanagari | Vaidika Vignanam. The incident in Chirala seems to be pre-planned and it is a shame that the State Administration and the Police are trying to implicate Shiva Shakti members under communal laws. Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics I am your host Sree Iyer and joining me is Sridhar... War of Words simmering Such a case does not apply to any other religious group. These were given at throwaway prices to christianise India….to British schools… Do fundamental rights apply only to the minorities? Authenticity certificate available. Animal rights: violations everywhere, but only India is targeted by PETA busybodies, Universities portraying Vaishnavism in negative light: The experience of a Hindu student at a Western University, The low level, random, unceasing, scattered violence (RULLS): The deadliest weapon of Jihad. Episode 51 22 states oppose TX in SCOTUS, Covid concerns, News around the globe... Indo-China war of words is simmering. definitely not for pure love or service….. hope this answers your question, the CM appointed a known christian as Head of TTD. I used avoid any discussion about Hinduism. 10 months ago. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. If they are converted christiaity has no caste system. They also accused that Shiva Shakti members belonged to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). ಶಿವಮಹಾಪುರಾಣಂ - ಭಾಗ-೧ - Shivamaha Puranam - Part-1 Chandra Babu Naidu’s administration has already started minority appeasement politics in Andhra Pradesh. Despite the assault being committed by the Christian group, the Police department, allegedly under political pressure, has filed cases against the Shiva Shakti members. Hindus are under siege everywhere in India. He wrote two books, “The Real character of Bible God” and “The Other side of Jesus”. GHHF & Save Temples © 2006 - 2020 | Welcome to! Hence, this brief in English is presented. Karunakar Sugguna. Karunakar Sugguna. The common public read these books and started questioning missionaries and Christians, this slowed down the proselytization of Hindus in some districts of Andhra. After high school graduation, I spent two years in Hindu college and two years National College in Machilipatnam to receive BA degree and received MA degree from Andhra University. Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi. A group of young and talented Virat Hindus to expose and condemn external forces whose aim is to destroy native Sanatana Dharma culture and values. The christian preachers are basically charlatans & missionaries are engaged in landgrabbing / amassing land from govt or private players in small & big amounts. No doubt that All Pastors will go to Hell. They were carrying books written by Karunakar Sugguna, one of the founders of Shiva Shakti. SHIVA-SHAKTI: Never before confluence of different classical styles (Bharatnatyam,Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathak) portraying Shiva-Shakti. Shiva Shakti. In one of the videos, we see a person claiming to be Christian and openly crowing that he physically abused Shiva Shakti members[3], and saying he would have killed them if he had the chance. In another video, someone else is saying that they belong to SC (Mala) caste[4], and the other person is saying he is Christian. The war of words between India and China is simmering with the absence of Military Commander level talks. I received MA from Michigan State University and PhD from Mississippi State University. 11th Dec, New Delhi She has the kind of background much of my father's family has, except they've not converted. But Narendra Modi ji is the one person who can take strict action abolishing all castes n religious differences in giving aids n reservations…. This is clear breach of law especially for those who are classified as Scheduled Caste[1] as the Indian Constitution mandates that those belonging to Scheduled Castes lose their reservation status when they convert to Christianity. Karaoke of Shiva Shankari, Jagadeka Veeruni Katha (1961) ,Ntr, Saroja Devi, Ghantasala Venkateswara Rao, Pendyala Nageswara Rao Karunakar even received several threats to his life. It snowballed to start a Hindu Temple Society of Mississippi as a Co-Founder and Chairman from 1985 to 1991. Even Hindus don’t listen and they start criticizing us… Executive shivashakti. 10 Jan 2020. After working for 36, I retired as Chairman of the Department of Sociology at Jackson State University MS. Shantaram has studied the traditional style of yoga - yantra – mantra and tantra with Ayurveda and has an eastern approach from Bihar … Dear team pguru. ABOUT THE HEALER. Actually , they are good and due to some reasons they converted. Mission to Protect and Preserve Hinduism and Hindu Temples Worldwide. Shop original Sukka Karuna artworks, paintings and prints from the world’s biggest art hub Mojarto. Kannada. These books were a sensational hit and thousands of people started following Karunakar’s views. Chidambaram... Former colleague exposes Kejriwal’s sleazy affair at Thiruvananthapuram Guest House on... Indo-China war of words is simmering. Religious discourses of all relligions should be covered by law & it should be recorded, for use during any investigation. But now this attacks are different. This is official Page of KARUNAKAR SUGGUNA, founder president - Shivashakthi Adhyathmika Chaithanya Vedika maintained by office of Shivashakthi. But they are conservative brahmins, though not terribly religious. This is official Page of KARUNAKAR SUGGUNA, founder president - Shivashakthi Adhyathmika Chaithanya Vedika maintained by office of Shivashakthi. But who listens? Shivashakti Sugars Ltd., is a Public Limited Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having "Certificate of Incorporation" vide No.08/17655/21/4/995 & received "Certificate for Commencement of Business" from The Registrar Of Companies in Karnataka, Bangalore on 02.03.1999. Are you in search of shiva shakti ?can I help you? They are always brain washing the Christians. shivashakti. Does reservation apply for me? Please CLICK this link to watch the video. Nature will show them their power. Does reservation apply for me? Reservations/aids only based on economical layers.. should be carried out. karunakar sugguna | Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India | Executive at shivashakti | 0 connection | See karunakar's complete profile on Linkedin and connect 4.5K likes. Register domain, LLC store at supplier A2 Hosting, Inc. with ip address These two-people recorded the video while they were sitting in a police car. 28K likes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On August 23, I was reading Enadu newspaper to my surprise and shock that AP government issued GO 21 allowing crores of rupees for the construction of new churches and renovation of old Churches. The interview was done in Telugu language. Karunakar Sugguna is on Facebook. Reveal money trail. He wrote two books, “The Real character of Bible God” and “The Other side of Jesus”. This is official Page of KARUNAKAR SUGGUNA, founder president - Shivashakthi Adhyathmika Chaithanya Vedika maintained by office of Shivashakthi. A collection of spiritual and devotional literature in various Indian languages in Sanskrit, Samskrutam, Hindia, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, English scripts with pdf Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio expected to pay Anil Ambani’s RCommm’s dues... NDTV Director KVL Narayan Rao admits guilt of illegal money routing... Chidambara Rahasya – Details of huge secret assets & foreign bank... Tablighi Chief Maulana Saad who preaches a simple lifestyle caught with... Italian Court judgment exposing Sonia Gandhi & Manmohan Singh in AgustaWestland... London court orders Anil Ambani to pay 717 Million Dollars (Rs.5400... D K Shivakumar’s Hawala agents turn Approvers. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. please give the clarification to Indians whether SC ST atrocity act is applicable to Christian converts …! It was paining. | A project of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation [GHHF] USA! Karunakar Sugguna, Kalyan Chatlapally, Rishin Vijay, Bhaskar Killi along with few others established Shiva Shakti. 26K likes. Cow Slaughter Mafia See how Cows are Slaughtered, Islam is incompatible with Hinduism; Stop the Hindu Holocaust: For Hindu survival, implement Two-Nation Theory or Declare Benign Dictatorship – Part 4, Open letter to Jagan, administer state for all Andhra people, [GHHF] “GHAR WAPSI” – Welcoming about 100 Christians back to Hinduism in Vishakhapatnam District on July 12, GHHF Activities and Accomplishments - Brochure, Secularism is chipping away the very Existence of Hindus; Prime Minister bent on ruining the richest civilization, [GHHF] Harvard University’s Decision to remove Dr. Swamy’s Summer Courses shocking, hateful, repulsive and totally biased, Interview with Swami Paripoornananda - Tv9. Good things will happen…. The YouTube link given below is the result of an interviewing Dr. Velagapudi Prakasarao by Sri Sugguna Karunamakar. Best quality and 100% buyer protection guaranteed. It is learnt that members of Shiva Shakti have been receiving threats from different Christian groups. COD and Global shipping available for eligible products. at is Hosted by If so, the only hope for the Hindu community is a severe global recession. Công cụ phân tích & thống kê video YouTube giúp bạn theo dõi và phân tích hiệu quả video YouTube, ước tính giá trị video. Very true…. Karunakar introduced me by saying that he has been living in USA for about 55 years and we will find how fashioned his life in the religious and spiritual life. After my retirement in 2006, I returned to India. What is registered during birth is final & it should change for any thing. Mission to Protect and Preserve Hinduism and Hindu Temples Worldwide. But from early 1970s through 80/90 2k ,been traveling all through India. Though many have converted to Christianity, officially they remain Hindu. Vasavi Shakti: O' Sun, Abide to Death (日輪よ、死に随え (ヴァサヴィ・シャクティ), Nichirin yo, Shi ni Shitagae (Vasavi Shakuti))?) If press state Govt is not capable/ willing, then it is very serious . The videos clearly show the attackers identifying themselves and crowing that they are proud of what they did. Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi 10 Jan 2020 Save Temples 568 Views The YouTube link given below is the result of an interviewing Dr. Velagapudi Prakasarao by Sri Sugguna Karunamakar. Obama lectures Modi on religious tolerance, Chirala arrest – confession in a police car. karunakar sugguna Executive at shivashakti Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India 0 connections. That was the turning point that lead me to start conducting Sunday School. Please subscribe to our Newsletter. Now I am retired. It is time, the Center took cognizance of this or 2019 elections will be a polarized polemic of obscenities and imaginary threats to minorities. She has the kind of background much of my father's family has, except they've not converted. | A project of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation [GHHF] USA Karunakar in the past has debated many a Christian Pastor on the Bible and its contents. Instrumen analitik dan statistik video YouTube dapat mendukung pelacakan dan analisis kinerja video YouTube serta mengestimasi nilai video. Tag : Sugguna Karunakar . Once when travelling from Chennai to a temple in AP, at Chittoor we saw a small hill on which a cross was planted. Found yOy increase in Christian Sabha,halls n churches. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 A/C Number: 50200027609646: IFSC Code: HDFC0009168: IFSC from SBI: HDFC0000045: Popular; Recent; Comments సందేశం. all other religions except ‘Sanatan’, ‘Sikhism’, ‘Jainism’ and ‘Buddhism’ should be banned – since those dacoit and pirate religions never existed prior to a millennium. If they accept Christianity, they become bc-c, my Guru said this to me- ST convert to christianity can still use his ST reservation, for SC it is not the case, they loose their reservation status. Focus : Unity of all streams of Hindus. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. SHIVASHAKTI SUGARS LTD., SOUNDATTI VILLAGE, ANKALI RAIBAG ROAD,KARNATAKA INDIA-591213. View the profiles of people named Karunakar Sujatha. While narrating the contents of Shata Rudra Samhita of Siva Purana of Maharshi Veda Vyasa, Suta Muni addressed the congregation of Sages commencing the five major incarnations of Bhagavan Siva: Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Tatpurusha, Aghoresha and Isana. Free వ ప ర డ డ క మ గ ప క టర VP REDDY KARUNAKAR SUGGUNA SHIVASHAKTHI mp3 ... Free Shiva Shakti Full Hindi Movie Govinda Kimi Katkar Shatrughan Sinha Full HD 1080p mp3 192 Kbps 192.80 MB 02:26:30 2K . Please subscribe “Shiva where ever the missionary is there must be a reason why they are there…. In the view of Left-Liberals and Chrislamists, Hindus are deemed to not have any right to protect themselves. Shiva-Shakti. Episode 50 Did a Chinese spy honey trap Swalwel, Hunter Biden and more! Actually they are given to Daliths who continue as Hindus. Was the attack on Hindus by Christians in Chirala pre-planned? If they do so, they are projected as communal. 10 Jan 2020 Save Temples 624 Views. You have entered an incorrect email address! After working for two years in New Delhi, went to USA in 1965. Serving as President of GHHF since its inception. In recent years there has been a huge outcry across some western countries that Christians are being persecuted in India. Join Facebook to connect with Karunakar Sujatha and others you may know. If the recalcitrant Police of Andhra Pradesh needs any proof of misbehavior, it is provided in this post, in Black and White. #RAKSHANATV #SHIVASHAKTHI #KARUNAKARSUGGUNA #SHIVASHAKTHI” Youtube channel is maintained by IT team, SHIVA SHAKTHI. (dehinduization) It is also extremely tragic that hindu leaders of AP like Niadu for their short term gains & self aggrandization are choosing to take legacy of YSR forward. For a long time, Christian Missionaries have been actively involved in religious conversions in the Guntur District. Join Facebook to connect with Karunakar Sugguna and others you may know. If you see most of the Christian faces , you can understand that , they are in some type of hypnotism. The fact it surged maximum during the time of Rajasekhar Reddy & Naidu govt is posing silent ignorance. Archives. It is ironic that Missionaries can give Bible to Hindus and their children, but Hindus cannot give the Bhagavad Gita to Christians, and if any Hindu attempts to do so, he is likely to be penalised and attacked. Recently, DYC bought two Churches in Chicago and California to convert them into Hindu Temples. Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi . This is an excellent example how some of the misguided elements claiming to be from SC/ ST are abusing the law. These Pastors are utilizing them very badly. It is also well known that YSR went on to become ‘blue eyed’ boy of Sonia Gandhi had her complete backing in the ‘dehinduization’ of AP. by feeding extra energy to the cell walls of living tissue, the cells would line up in the most orderly, condensed way we know – the ‘bose-einstein condensate’ – and the cell walls would start acting as a … In 1990, I had the opportunity to meet Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji and later I was appointed as Chairman of Datta Yoga Center (DYC) with many centers in USA. Welcome to Save Temples. Suta Maha Muni narrated that having installed a Maha Shiva Linga on the top of Himalayas Vishnu Bhagavan worshipped with each Kamala flower and samitha in Agni along with the recital of each name of Shiva Shasra naamaas as follows: 1)Bhavah Shivo Haro Rudrah Purushah Padmalochanah, 2) Arthitavyayah Sadaachaarah Sarva Shamhumeeshwarah, Ishwarah … They also accused that Shiva Shakti members belonged to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). There is lots of conversion happening in Andhra / Telangana. The YouTube link given below is the result of an interviewing Dr. Velagapudi Prakasarao by Sri Sugguna Karunamakar. Vision : Spreading authentic & reliable information on all religions. sivasakthi mp3, Download or listen sivasakthi song for free, sivasakthi.mp3, sivasakthi Free MP3 Download. Things will change…don’t worry… Lot of propaganda by media is needed. Another hallmark of YSR years is the belligerence he brought about in the ‘converted lot’ against hinduism which is very evident in this instance. The interview was done in Telugu … Play . Religious conversion should be made illegal. Free delivery in India. Thats why the missionaries are very very active in tribal areas…. A group of young and talented Virat Hindus to expose and condemn external forces whose aim is to destroy native Sanatana Dharma culture and values. Also, if these incidences happen after four years of rule of ‘right wing Hindu party’ , the prognosis doesn’t seem to be very good. But they themselves are run by leftists and christian groups… Half of the time has htravelled to n via Ap. All foreign religions should be banned and the huge lands allocated to Christian schools should be taken up by government to ensure a peaceful India in future… Experience. The interview was done in Telugu language.! I can't find any contact info for her. Karunakar in the past has debated many a Christian Pastor on the Bible and its contents. Membuat; Alat Analisis Judul Video YouTube Analisis judul populer, dapatkan rekomendasi dari pencarian YouTube; Unduh Thumbnail YouTube Cek thumbnail populer dan mencari inspirasi; Trend di Youtube Temukan topik paling populer, jejak trending di Youtube; Alat untuk Kata Kunci Youtube Jejak utama kata kunci di Youtube, trend dan lebih banyak lagi berdasarkan beberapa klik With pause in Military Commander... Why is CBI delaying probe on the mysterious death of Sushant... Centre ready to reduce footprints of central paramilitary forces from Kashmir. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 A/C Number: 50200027609646: IFSC Code: HDFC0009168: IFSC from SBI: HDFC0000045: Popular; Recent; Comments సందేశం. [1] How do I get a caste certificate if I am a converted Christian? But they are conservative brahmins, though not terribly religious. I introduced myself as hailing from a small village called Akunur about 25 kilometers from Vijayawada. What is the need for Christian schools to be minorities? kalki kR^itam shivastotra - Traditional. Karunakar Sugguna పేరు గల వ్యక్తుల ప్రొఫైల్‌లను వీక్షించండి. Rebutting the Chinese... Why is the Health Ministry not constituting a Medical Board to verify the AIIMS report? Karunakar Sugguna और आपके अन्य परिचितों से जुड़ने के लिए Facebook में शामिल हों. The incident took place while members of (Aadhyaatma Chaitanya Vedika),  were attending a meeting in Chirala, Guntur Dist. When my son was about 7 years he came back from school and wanted to find out when we will go to Church. Video evidence emerging from Chirala, Guntur district shows Shiva Shakti members being physically attacked by a group of approximately 300 Christians. With pause in Military Commander level de-escalation talks,... Why is CBI delaying probe on the mysterious death of Sushant Singh Rajput? *. 10 months ago. When I went to USA, I had no knowledge about the richness of Hinduism. examples of ‘bose-einstein condensates’ in inorganic matter are superconductors and laser beams. Karunakar Sugguna is on Facebook. In these books, he highlighted many faults in the bible verses and questioned the missionaries for misleading people by providing wrong information on moral values. With his blessings, I coordinate different activities of Sri Swamiji including the construction of one of the largest Temples in USA –Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple in Frisco, Texas USA. Please join our SaveTemples Telegram channel, Our Native Place – Our Ancient Temple – Past & Present, Pujyasri Paripoornananda Saraswati Swamiji, The Plight of Religious Minorities in India, Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi. If they change their religion to Christianity or islam, they are no more sc or st. It is a perfect place to practice yoga. Mission to Protect and Preserve Hinduism and Hindu Temples Worldwide.. All rights reserved. How ironic that the westerners are being brainwashed with the false allegations against Hindus when the reality is that it is the Hindus who are getting persecuted in India by the Christians and Muslims. Honble Babanrao Vitthalrao Shinde,M.L.A Founder & Chairman Vitthalrao Shinde Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., President,Panchayati Raj Committee, Maharashtra State Madha Taluka is coming under back ward zone in Solapur District. Ph: 08331-227657 Fax: 08331-227607 E-mail : Atleast Muslims are backward n don’t have education…but christian groups are the ones who had western education n why do they need the minority status…they were the ones who claim they educated all Indians…why do their schools need minority status n minorities rights… And minorities aids?? View karunakar sugguna’s full profile to. In the interview a number of activities and accomplishments are described. Karunakar Sugguna. Members of the Christian community took offence and condemned the Shiva Shakti members for having those books and started beating them. Hmm….I have been telling this that christians are the cancers to peace-loving India spreading very fast. Karunakar Sugguna, Kalyan Chatlapally, Rishin Vijay, Bhaskar Killi along with few others established Shiva Shakti. Even Barack Obama lectured Hindus about being tolerant towards India’s minorities, doubtless egged on by the powerful Christian voter bloc[2]. In a very short span of time, Shiva Shakti became very active on Social Media, and they started engaging many pastors and missionaries. 10 Jan 2020. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi . At the outset, let me clarify that this article is NOT about the right or wrong of the 3 farm laws, nor about whether... Sree Iyer: Hello, and welcome to 'Daily Global insights with Sri and Sree'. The primary tool of conversions seems to be money and power. Consequently, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) was started in 2006 by a group of highly professional people in USA with the purpose of freeing the Hindu Temples from the government control by challenging the Endowment Act in the court of law, and protecting and preserving Dharma. 2,457 likes. Sugandh vatika is the one of the best leading company in gujarat which is providing best quality products of agarbatti and perfumes. further he is saying that reservations should be given to Dalith Christians, Join to Connect. Members of Telugu Desam Party are pandering to minority vote banks by harassing the majority and foisting false cases. Join Facebook to connect with Karunakar Sugguna and others you may know. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 A/C Number: 50200027609646: IFSC Code: HDFC0009168: IFSC from SBI: HDFC0000045: Popular; Recent; Comments సందేశం. I can't find any contact info for her. Any inciting during the sessions have be punished severely. This is why god shows his anger in the form of floods n tsunami…and no water…. Shiva Shakti Yoga is situated at the edge of the Tiger Reserve sanctuary in Koyna with Luxurious 1 bhk Studio apartments and 2 BHK pool villa for you to stay. karunakar sugguna shiva shakti; karunakar sugguna vs sambasivarao; sakshi christian voice; sambasivarao vs karunakar sugguna; sawati nayudu; shiva shakthi; shiva shakti karunakar suguna gari sinima siddam movie shooting pics 2019 telugu all rounder; shivashakthi; shivashakti… Jan 19, 2018,, [2] Obama lectures Modi on religious tolerance – Jan 28, 2015,, [3] Chirala arrest – confession in a police car – Apr 17, 2018,, [4] Chirala attack – Apr 17, 2018, Days are not may be far off when the India will be stopped calling from Hindustan. It is now 115 days since the Central Bureau of... How do I get a caste certificate if I am a converted Christian? But judicial support n people support is also needed because people (in villages n illiterates) will be easily brainwashed…by selfish political parties…. Tag : Sugguna Karunakar . Than Truth there is nothing more excellent. Need for official opinion polls on current issues. समय है “गुस्सा थूक दो और भूल जाओ” प्रकार के मानहानि के मुद्दों को खत्म करने का! The incident in Chirala is one such example. 26K likes. Archives. Shiva Shakti Adhyatmika Chaithanya Vedika HDFC Bank, Kukatpally Village Branch, Bhagyanagar, Telangana, 500072 A/C Number: 50200027609646: IFSC Code: HDFC0009168: IFSC from SBI: HDFC0000045: Popular; Recent; Comments సందేశం. Is registered during birth is final & it should change for any thing from Goa Hindus, since the Bureau. The India will be easily brainwashed…by selfish political parties… of Jesus ” act applicable... Saw a small hill on which a cross was planted son was about 7 years he came from. 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Except they 've not converted Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the community... Page of Karunakar Sugguna, Kalyan Chatlapally, Rishin Vijay, Bhaskar along. Were sitting in a police car, Guntur district shows Shiva Shakti saw small. That they are converted christiaity has no caste system Temples © 2006 2020... Christianity, officially they remain Hindu not converted is learnt that members of the Department Sociology! And Preserve Hinduism and Hindu Temples even Hindus don ’ t listen and they start us…! Adhyathmika Chaithanya Vedika maintained by office of Shivashakthi actually, they are good to the. The attackers identifying themselves and crowing that they are converted christiaity has no caste system for... The best leading company in gujarat which is providing best quality products agarbatti. To expose the hidden Nature of Christian groups - 2020 | Welcome Is there must be a reason why they are in some type of hypnotism are christiaity..., ANKALI RAIBAG ROAD, KARNATAKA INDIA-591213 two-people recorded the video while they were carrying books by... Episode 50 did a Chinese spy honey trap Swalwel, Hunter Biden and more who will change face. University and PhD from Mississippi State University and PhD from Mississippi State University MS the Christian faces you... ’ India ’ is cinverted to ‘ Bharat ’ by declaring her a ‘ Hindu RASHTRA.. Temples Worldwide.. all rights reserved Chittoor we saw a small hill on which a cross was planted ) were... Zion Thirumalai ” proud of what they did India ’ is cinverted to ‘ ’... Shivamaha Puranam - Part-1 Karunakar Sugguna, founder president - Shivashakthi Adhyathmika Chaithanya Vedika maintained office... S views “ Zion Thirumalai ” for a long time, Christian Missionaries been...