You could strike a steal wall with open hands as hard as you could 10 times without taking a break and you wouldn't break your wrists, It can't be blocked in most cases, gorilla is faster than humans. Not punch. The chimpanzee study was faulty, and also, you haven't debunked anything I've said so there's no point in me wasting my time with you. Do not react. @just_banter: I wonder what would your reaction would be if you typed all that and the thread got locked at the last second before you posted, lol. The average full-grown adult lion would GET lolstomped by a full grown human being 99.9% of the time. my grandad told my father the story , he heard it while in the army abroad , i know you wont listen of even care but thats true and is what would happen to any guy. Gorillas neck aren't that thick, you can choke them out. According to local Spanish reports, a veterinarian at Tenerife's Loro Parque zoo mistakenly shot a tranquilizer dart into an employee dressed in a gorilla … The point is, you simply can't know for sure if the mysterious, burly figure you have lined up in your sights is the real beast, or a bear or someone's pet – … If you do that, you'd likely just piss it off. Therefore, most differences of opinion are not resolved by fighting, but by displaying and other threat behaviour patterns, without anyone getting injured. And in the words of Michael De Montaigne, "Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity." Also let me know if you’d love to try the clear formula! Human muscles seem to atrophy with disuse, as anyone will tell you who has had to take a six week hiatus from the gym because of a bunch of gorram injuries. However , it is very likely you may lose your arm. Shining its arms can be blocked. There are about 800 of these remaining in the whole world, and 100.000 western gorillas also remain in the world, but their number are decreasing rapidly. Cases filed in individual states could eventually reach the US Supreme Court, as Florida's election did in 2000, when Republican George W. Bush prevailed over Democrat Al Gore by just 537 votes in Florida after the high court halted a recount. Open hand strikes would not break your wrists, clearly you don't know anything about martial arts. Slowly crouch down and make yourself small. It is difficult to tell if a female gorilla is pregnant since her stomach is large to begin with (for food digestion). Person would suffer massive head trauma and probably die. Rule 1 is never grappling someone who is much stronger than you. The outlook for eastern Africa’s mountain gorillas is growing brighter, as a recent census released on Dec. 16 shows that the subspecies’ numbers … It wouldn't eat your face easily if you don't let it. Strength isn't everything in a fight. You can harm him by eye gouging but he'll get mad and swing his arms which can potentially do a lot of damage. The more recent studies put chimps at about twice as strong as humans at equal weights. A head butt would not just piss it off, it would also hurt it as well. 2. A human can penetrate the fur and into the skin. This topic is locked from further discussion. And a gorilla represents one of those times. Not that it matters in the thread because gorillas >>> Chimps, but just correcting you. Yes I do call it a debunk because debunking you is pretty easy. Be submissive. 23. “You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair. SIDENOTE: I am not encouraging you to fight a gorilla! It's false. However, some females have swollen knuckles temporarily during pregnancy. If you dig your thump into its eye with all your might you would blind one of its eyes. False argument 5: If the gorilla charges at you, you're dead! False argument 2: A gorilla has those mean teeth, it would bite you to shreds! What to do if you hit a kangaroo, possum, wombat or koala 1 Stop in a safe place. 6 … Only if you had to. And even so, in all likelihood if you went to block it you'd be sent flying. If it hits you, you aren't instantly hitting the floor. Answer by Arkadia Moon: Unless the gorilla is somehow hobbled (drugged, lamed, etc. And i'm a little surprised that your 5 on 1 thread got ridiculed, certainly alot more realistic than this one! I once made a thread putting 5 real life peak humans (like brock lesnar, MIKE TYSON etc) WITH PREP against one gorilla and got trolled in an epic fashion. That picture shows how easy it would be to put your arms around its neck when it charges at you. A Chimp on average is about 1.3-2 times stronger than a Human. Unless you post a clip of you fighting a silverback with bare hands here, you're wrong. Avert your gaze from any nearby gorilla and look away. Debunking argument: No you're not, you could move to the side and put it in a headlock, choking it to death. A highly common misconception in history is that a male silverback gorilla would beat any human in a fight because of their superior strength. Displaying mountain gorilla (© Christian Kaiser) Are Gorillas dangerous to people? Muscles aren't thick enough to prevent human from choking them out. If a gorilla thinks it is in danger, it will make threats first—like loud grunts and hoots. 7 Answers. Monkeys and apes give me the creeps. You wouldn't use the same argument against a bear would you? That's also inviting it to eat your face :) Gorillas have an average PSI bite force of 1300, which is ridiculously high. On average, a gorilla is anywhere between 4 to 9 times the strength of a man. What happens if you skip a guerrilla ops mission? The gorilla would probably start beating the persons limp body with hammer fists. A well trained human can effortlessly defeat a gorilla. A gorilla that is just tugging at clothes or grabbing at you may simply be curious. In 1924 "Boma" a 165Lbs male chimp at the Bronx zoo, New York, recorded a right handed pull (feet braced) of 847 Lbs on a dynamometer. However , it is very likely you may lose your arm. Why haven't you guys responded yet? Please, lock this before it's unstoppable like the last one. What's the point in me going out of my way when you're clearly lost in your own delusions to the point of not even bothering to debate in the first place? And no, gorillas don't know the soft spots of how to knock each other out like humans do, they aren't that smart. @apex_pretador: good to know, about the feat, thank you. Open hand strikes? what you should do the moment you’ve encountered a gorilla. Tigers are bigger, stronger, and faster than a gorilla. What would happen if all the gorillas died? And even if it gets pissed off, you could blind its other eye. False argument 4: If the gorilla grabs both your arms, you're done! But if you ever go on a jungle expedition, or you’re worried you might fall into the gorilla pit at your local zoo, it doesn’t hurt to know what to do if you’ve made a gorilla mad. You'll probably break your hand trying to punch his skull. If he's able to fight and kill me, we'll become your slaves. Go limp if it decides to examine you. You're not responding because you've been debunked. Hunters hunt down and capture the gorillas to make private exhibitions like zoos. We can deduct the strength of a gorilla punch as follows: Gorillas are 4 to 9 times stronger than human. Here’s what you should do the moment you’ve encountered a gorilla: Those simple behaviors tell a gorilla that you’re not a threat, and that you have no interest in challenging it. They’re normally very peaceful animals—more Koko and less King Kong—but a dominant silverback male has the strength of several men, and isn’t afraid to use it to defend his troop. Negative side effects can include: slight anxiety and slight dry_mouth. There are no known instances of a captive gorilla killing a human . And even if it's true, (which it's not), then it doesn't prove that a human can't beat a gorilla. Gorilla has a thicker fur than human bite possibility.. Gorilla has MUCH denser muscles compared to humans. Ok, and.anderson silva beats hulk by skill. All the "information" you've brought up has been debunked by me. The chances of you coming face to face with a gorilla are small, even if you live in their natural habitat. I bet 99.9% of earth's population can't beat this guy: and this is not even a silverback gorilla. Calling me a troll won't change the fact that I'm right. It'd fling you off then eat your face, that's what would happen. Now give him one-inch thick fur to soak almost all of the blunt-force damage, increase his speed by a factor of 1.5x, make his skull 1.3x bigger and his mouth 4x bigger with 1" long canines, increase his strength by 2x, make his bones harder and muscles denser and fight him. One last question - was that lion thread also made by you? And what experience/knowledge with silverback's has lead you to believe that? Also, I'm not going to believe your story. You claimed that its too thick to get choked out, so the burden of proof is on you. Yeah, it doesn't matter that gorillas can bite 100x the volume humans can, in one bite. If a silverback gorilla charges toward you, what should you do? A gorilla is in a different league in terms of strength. Debunking argument: Nope. Frequency of Birth If a silverback gorilla charges toward you, what should you do? If it looks like a gorilla and walks like a gorilla, it's a gorilla -- right? 1. No you would not get sent flying. Do you honestly think a normal bloke can hold down a gorilla? If the human is experienced with the gun, they could shoot the brain and instantly kill the gorilla. But they don’t call them “irrational” fears for nothing. On another occasion, "Suzette" registered a pull of 1260 Lbs while in a rage (same zoo). Open hand strikes would not break your wrists, clearly you don't know anything about martial arts. Coltan Mining 2.1. You might think you know what to do if you are out and about in the forest and come across a bear,…. If fought in the right way, a human would effortlessly defeat a gorilla. Assume that the punch strength of a Gorilla and human has the same ratio. When Gorillas Attack - Gorilla Attacks Human 2017 - YouTube Generally, gorillas are very shy and reserved towards people. If all the gorillas were to die, how would it effect the ecosystem. The gorilla’s thick neck would make it harder for the tiger to get his kill shot, but nonetheless, it would be an eventual tiger victory. If you love Gorilla Glue and use it around your home, I’d love to hear what you do with it in the comments. I recommend sandpaper if you’re working with glass just so you don’t break the item again! Sorry, but professional martial artist beats gorilla 6/10 times. You really think jamming a thumb into a gorilla's eyes would stop it from attacking you? Eventually it will get bored of you and move on. Gradually create distance between you and the gorillas without making any sudden moves. Either bring some actual objective truth to the discussion or admit defeat. Throw OP into a cage with a bloodlusted silverback and I will take bets on how long he lasts. By the pure definition of the word, so far in this thread, you've debunked nothing. If the gorilla was enormous in size, the dream might represent your sexual urges and instincts, indicating you are repressing them, because of fear of being judged. The gorilla's gestation period is about 8.5 months. Yes I have proven that a human martial artist would effortlessly defeat a fully grown male silverback gorilla, calling me a troll won't change the fact that tI'm right. That's not debunking, that's just plain old stubbornness. Simply put it, any well trained martial artist can beat an unarmed gorilla and win. 4 Keep the animal warm. False argument 3: Gorillas blows are very powerful, you can't block them! There are ways to beat people "much" stronger than you. Read how I've been debunking everyone on this thread. The main threats to gorilla populations today are habitat loss/fragmentation, poaching, disease transmission from humans, and civil wars/political unrest. Not sure a head butt would do all that much damage. Lol was reading that Lion thread, had me dying. Not always, as one zoo worker in the Canary Islands learned this week. Irrelevant because I've proven beyond any reasonable doubt that a martial artist would stomp a gorilla in a fight. I'll leave you with this, if skill is truly greater than strength every time, then surely a human could take out any animal, as humans are the only animal with inherent fighting skill to begin with? well it doesnt matter if you dont belive it its true ,the guy was a professional boxer and a black belt at jui jutsu , ive seen a video of a deer with one eye hanging out and its still protectiong itself , a gorrila would be the same , and just to let you know that my young cousin has been so inspired by your thread that he actually wants to go out and fight a gorilla , he woont listen to me when i said your joking, and how come even professional fighters have troube beating people in a street fight and thats a PERSON , a gorilla would destroy,, and again what scientific evidence have you got. This is part of Lifehacker’s Animal Attacks Series. Also, the person who created this lion thread is the biggest troll. Again, they aren't strong enough to outmatch the skill. You are wrong. not a battle....even if it were, it would be spiteful. You can't do anything without me. (the comparison given is 210Lbs for a man of the same weight). I think it’s because they have manual dexterity similar to a human’s but lack the conscience of a human (or the conscience a human at least should have.). Have him come down and face me. Good job debunking yourself. Im doing a speech on primatology and gorillas. Debunking argument: If it grabs your arms, you can head butt its nose, that would hurt the gorilla. You'll probably break your hand trying to punch his skull. When growing Gorilla Punch, growers have found that it has an average of 56 f... View More ». If that doesn’t drive you away, it will escalate its threats by propping itself on its feet, and pounding its chest at a very fast tempo. @apex_pretador: They're probably the same guy. If you were chased by a gorilla in your dream, such a dream might signify repressed emotions and thoughts. I just thought you should know.” – Klaus. Birth Seasons. — -- For the young boy who crawled over a barrier at the Cincinnati Zoo and fell into an enclosure with a 450-pound gorilla, it was a fateful 10 minutes that ended with the gorilla … And just what do you think would happen if you were to do that anyway? The average punch force of karate black belt is recorded at 325 pounds. Eye gouging? ... And just what do you think would happen if you were to do that anyway? Gorillas are actually stronger than bears. Scaring or aggravating the gorilla may provoke an angry response. No it wouldn't fling you off, because it wouldn't be able to. Gorillas are MUCH faster than humans. I've just responded and debunked you. Oh no skill is not greater than strength every time, but gorillas aren't strong to the point in which human skill doesn't matter. No it won't eat your face if you head butt its nose, it would let you go for a while. Round 4: A desert eagle could probably punch through a gorilla skull at closer range. When smoked, this strain can make you feel euphoria, creativity, calm, numbness, appetite gain, and pain relief. Although you may have heard of the more famous of the gorilla subspecies, the mountain gorilla, there are in fact two species of gorilla each with two more subspecies, living across nine countries in Central and East Africa. Radical Reels: From the Inside Out (Custom edit for the Radical Reels Tour) Radical Reels: Here We … That much is true... for human fights. Do not look directly at the gorilla. Blindly refusing to be proven wrong sets a really bad precedent. To date, no research has been conducted into how strong gorillas are compared to humans. Skill > Strength. Open hand strikes to the nose or eye gouging. Lol nothing to be proud of, I've debunked him, you, and two other people on this thread so far LOL. Debunking argument: Strength isn't everything in a fight. Good luck even getting your arms around that, let alone choking it out. I would use the same argument with a bear. But unarmed? 21. “Vanya, of all people you should hate Dad the most.” – Luther. That means there are four types of gorillas and the mountain gorillas are just one of the four. It's not a thing a human can accomplish. 2. Yes, he can fight. Basically, you're not changing your - quite frankly, idiotic - opinion regardless of whatever information is brought up. Young are born throughout the year and usually at night. You are wrong, jamming your thumb in its eye would not just piss it off, it would also hurt it very badly. Gorilla are strong animals that were always feared in the land. They will attack only if they are surprised or threatened or if a person behaves in the wrong way. To give you an idea of what that looks like, they can lift up to 1,800 pounds and effectively throw with nearly 990 pounds of force. Main Point: Remaining with God every day is the key to trusting Him in difficult times. You have yet to prove that a human can't go blow for blow with a gorilla. There comes a point where strength trumps skill every time. 22. “We didn’t choose this life, we’re just living in it.” – Five. Beating a gorilla without weapons is not impressive. Me trying this on a gorilla would prove me right. Even if the gorilla grabs you, it may be play- ful behavior. The most you could realistically do from that is blind it, and at that point it already has its arms around you. Key Verse: If anyone remains joined to Me, and I to him, he will bear a lot of fruit. Debunk - to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) They regularly take hits from other gorillas, an elbow isn't doing jack. A person can definitely knock out a gorilla with his elbow if he shakes the gorillas brain within its head sufficiently enough. Gorillas are much, much stronger then humans, nobody is going blow for blow with a gorilla. Yes, I know other humans pose a far greater threat to me. If it does charge you, and it’s not a bluff (most are), turn away from it and lower yourself all the way to the ground. Those actions may provoke the gorilla to defend its territory and you’ll probably get seriously hurt. Please be as detailed as possible. It's not possible to prove a negative of that manner, you would have to prove the latter. Really think jamming a thumb into a cage with a gorilla to death canines great... Do n't think I need to explain the difference, do I,! 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