} } padding-left: 8px; I had no plans to become involved in politics. I know this note is very long, and a little unorthodox. background-color: #db0000; During the summer of 1989, between my second and third years of law school, I served as a prosecutor intern in the Waukesha County DA’s Office. } I also knew that a strategy to serve sexual assault survivors better required coordination of SANE services across our state. In that same time frame, Wisconsin supported Republicans slightly more than Democratic candidates, 50.0 to 46.7 percent. } display: block; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Led Drug take Back Days across the state to safely dispose of unused prescription drugs, amassing 17 semi trucks full. margin: 8px auto; I had my interview suit and was all clean cut, but I did not land one of the jobs I thought I wanted at the time. Statewide there were over 4,100. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states - Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - whose election results handed the White House to … Political office: Attorney General of Wisconsin (Assumed office: 2015). By WBAY news staff. } I helped convince some legislators at the time that we needed to increase the penalties for homicide by OWI. letter-spacing: .04em; max-height: 580px; .votebox-results-cell--check { Led initiatives that support victims of domestic abuse and violent crime, such as Marsy’s Law and the Safe at Home program. My experiences and my faith guide my approach as a public servant. Then, in late 1990, I got my new dream job and took the oath of office as an assistant DA in Waukesha County. Eventually, I think I became such an annoyance that they authorized me to form and chair a Drug Abuse Trends Task Force to explore the options. My experiences in the DA’s office working alongside law enforcement for 25 years taught me the importance of this. Like with child victims, the services available to adult victims needed improvement. This section details the partisan control of federal and state positions in Wisconsin heading into the 2018 elections. Financial regulation | } Ballot access for parties | At DOJ we are part of a team. When my predecessor moved on, though, he and the lead deputy DA in the office approached me and said I should run for DA. Wisconsin Party Control: 1992-2020 I spent over five years assigned to Juvenile Court in the late 1990s, and helped implement the completely revamped Juvenile Code that was enacted in 1995. Hillary Clinton (D) received 46.5 percent. text-align: left !important; Attorney Josh Kaul (D) defeated incumbent Brad Schimel (R) and Terry Larson (Constitution Party) in the November 6, 2018, general election for Wisconsin Attorney General. width: 90%; Every reader contribution, whatever the amount, makes a tremendous difference. I began beating the drum to form a Drug Treatment Court, but was having some difficulty convincing some of the others on the CJCC that it was necessary. WASHINGTON, D.C. (WBAY) - The attorney general for the state of Texas has filed a case with the United States Supreme Court challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. And he has spent about $83,000 of taxpayer money on promotional swag—from commemorative coins to custom-made fortune cookies. The cumulative burden of working directly with so much negativity and trouble had become so much that it was affecting my home life. On November 2, 2010, J.B. Van Hollen won re-election to the office of Attorney General of Wisconsin. } height: 56px; He was sexually assaulted and physically abused by a coworker who resented that the employer hired people with disabilities at the company. For more information about the Republican primary, click here. And with that, I was hooked on public service. A group of five of us, from various agencies that worked with children who were victims of abuse set out to change that, and I am proud to say, our work led to a sea change throughout Wisconsin. I still have in my office a stuffed pig wearing Harley Davidson gear that the family of Laurence and Lillian gave me to say thank you. I served on the Executive Committee, but the part of my service about which I am most proud was co-chairing the committee that fostered the move of the agency to a very much bigger location. The state, however, favored Democrats in every presidential election from 2000 to 2012 before voting for Trump in 2016. width: 100%; .percentage_number { I was initially disappointed, but one of my professors encouraged me to explore an option under a special program sanctioned by the Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules which permits third-year law students to appear in court as an intern in a DA’s office or the office of the State Public Defender. text-align: center; I did the praying first, and began to feel a calling to run, but fully intended to give my wife veto power. } .race_header.libertarian { I think $100,000,000 should cover my… https://t.co/7VK1sOVV0d, @WisDOJ @TheDemocrats @marceelias @MeidasTouch @ProjectLincoln @NPR @CNNPolitics @NBCNews @tammybaldwin we continue… https://t.co/XBVlcD4F6J. That was over a decade ago, and the agency is stronger than ever in that new location. They were amazing people. padding-left: 0; .results_row { padding-bottom: 5px; It started to occur to me that this was all bigger than me; that service as a state prosecutor is not just a career. I had an opportunity to work with the team at Waukesha Memorial Hospital to create a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program in Waukesha County. Waukesha County had already established the state’s very first Alcohol Treatment Court, and I knew we desperately needed the same kind of opportunity for those struggling with opiate addiction. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Wisconsin elections in 2020 | State Senate | My family is now at St. Anthony on the Lake Parish in Pewaukee, and I have been privileged to share His Word as a Lector for the last few years. That revelation from Sandi inspired me to launch our first in the nation Law Enforcement Wellness Program at DOJ, which focuses not just on physical fitness, but more importantly on the emotional and psychological impacts of serving in law enforcement. Protecting Wisconsin families also means enforcing the laws that keep us safe from consumer fraud and preserve our natural resources. I felt the pressure lift and from that time on, I have viewed my work as a prosecutor and my quest to get justice for victims as my “mission field,” and I never enter my mission field without giving thanks. Lock them up! letter-spacing: 0.03em; I suppose it was only natural that people would occasionally ask me if I had plans to run for Attorney General someday. jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { Every state has two Senate seats, and each seat goes up for election every six years. They were always doing things like that. padding-bottom: 7px; Largest cities | I was thriving as a sensitive crimes prosecutor, and planned to stay in that role. We work closely with local law enforcement leaders to help them keep Wisconsin families safe, and I am running for re-election to continue to have the honor to serve all of Wisconsin. I became active in and was eventually elected President of the Waukesha County Juvenile Officers Association. font-size: 0.9em; Click the icons below to visit the candidates' Facebook pages. .results_table { I know that if we are to make the criminal justice system as effective as possible, we need to provide the best training possible. It would eventually merge with another organization and become Safe Babies Healthy Families. font-size: 12px; While some of my classmates made a LOT more money clerking for law firms, I was actually in court, practicing law. But I figure if you care enough to come to this site, you are researching your options and deserve to know who I am, what motivates me, and how I go about my job as your Attorney General. I had tried quite a few cases, and he felt I had proven myself, and he gave me the chance. The suit from the Texas attorney general, Republican Ken Paxton, demands that the 62 total Electoral College votes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin be invalidated. We’re not going to beat it until we start responding to it like the crisis it is. Early on in my career, I was invited to join the board of the Waukesha County Addiction Resource Council, the nonprofit organization that provides assessments and referrals to treatment for people struggling with substance abuse addiction. From 2007 through 2010, he worked for the law firm Jenner & Block, and worked as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's office Baltimore through 2014. } } Municipal Courts, Budget and finances | width: 100% width: 350px; defer(); Biography: Kaul graduated from Yale University with a degree in economics and history in 2003 and obtained his law degree from Stanford in 2006. The chart below contains data from financial reports submitted to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission, containing information on all contributions and expenditures made between January 1, 2017, and August 31, 2018. This was both the most difficult and most rewarding work at the same time. Lillian used to bring cookies into the police department to thank the officers for their work. margin: 0; Altogether, the nation had 206 Pivot Counties, with most being concentrated in upper midwestern and northeastern states. display: inline-block; Chapter 15.25: The results have been certified. I have not done any of this alone. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { That’s enough, if set aside, to swing the election to Trump. At DOJ, I saw the value in constructing a comprehensive, victim-centered plan like we did in Waukesha. } When I took office as DA in 2007, I became an executive committee member of the county Criminal Justice Collaborating Council. I eventually was elected treasurer of the board and served for ix years. The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state Assembly districts in Wisconsin. To get there, we need an Attorney General who is willing to take on tough fights and who is focused, every day, on protecting Wisconsinites. .inner_percentage.Green { During my college and law school years, I had not gone to church very often. | } In 2012, Barack Obama (D) won 43 out of 99 state Assembly districts in Wisconsin with an average margin of victory of 34.1 points. For most of my career, I have been an instructor in the law enforcement in-service trainings that all certified police officers must complete each year. function indicateScroll (){ The Wisconsin Department of Justice will ensure that Wisconsin's presidential electors are selected based on the will of the more than 3 million Wisconsin voters who cast a ballot.". background-color: #db0000; A small team of us succeeded in the mid-1990s in creating the program that has changed countless lives and is still used by the criminal justice system to this day. I have a small homemade chopper fashioned from bolts welded together that I received from a young man who had developmental disabilities. They knew I loved riding my motorcycle. Thank you. Only Sandi said “yes.” When I asked her why she had changed her mind, she told me I needed a change. font-style: italic; .results_row td:first-child { At the time of the 2018 election, the most recent Democratic candidate to win an attorney general election in Wisconsin was Peg Lautenschlager in 2002. He held that post for four years before joining the law firm of Perkins Coie. background-color: #ccc; float: left; He hired a corporate lobbyist to be his first Deputy AG. Schimel was first elected in 2014 by a margin of 6 percentage points. Court of Appeals | I did everything there was to do as a prosecutor. I respect people of all backgrounds and faiths, including those who choose not to believe in a higher power. Terry Larson advanced from the Constitution primary for Attorney General of Wisconsin on August 14, 2018. function defer() { Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing over the election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, four battleground states that … We have a backlog of untested rape kits and increased delays in DNA and toxicology testing. padding-top: 3px; .outer_percentage { Schimel said that Kaul did not have the experience necessary to serve as attorney general, saying that Kaul had never tried a criminal case in. I worked hard for over 20 years to make sure that the young professionals coming into the criminal justice system were prepared for the ever changing challenges of the work. The Texas Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against several states, including Wisconsin, alleging officials ignored election laws that skewed results. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles. Kaul said that Schimel had not looked out for Wisconsinites while in office, saying that he tested nine rape kits from a backlog of thousands, opposed guaranteed overtime, and spent taxpayer money on promotional items. I served as DA in our state’s third largest county for eight years. Created the Elder Abuse task force to protect seniors from fraud and harm. } As I have said, I am grateful to God for the gifts He has given to me. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Wisconsin attorney general election 2018. After several years of that, I moved to Waukesha County Technical College, where I taught Criminal Law and Criminal Evidence to future law enforcement officers for well over a decade. } background-color: #6db24f; It was a risky move, because it meant that agency had to dramatically increase fundraising, but we desperately needed the space if we were to serve a client population that had grown exponentially. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I was elected Waukesha County District Attorney in 2006. margin-top: 1em; Once I did become AG, I saw she was right. We have worked tirelessly to get every police department in the state to provide a full array of services to address officer wellness. It was emotionally draining, and the cases were very difficult to prove, but to me there were no more important cases. That little motorcycle on my credenza at work goes unnoticed by many who come to my office I’m sure, but I cherish it. Healthcare | Source. } Schimel's campaign website stated the following: Thanks for coming to my website and for the opportunity to tell you a little about myself. The "Party Control" column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. Opinion from Salon and Jim Hightower? Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — whose election results handed the White House to president-elect Joe Biden.. Even more importantly, we developed a statewide protocol that will prevent this from ever happening again. I loved my grandparents, and the opportunity to serve seniors was too good to pass up, so I joined yet another nonprofit board. 250,000), and Green Bay (pop. Trump won two districts controlled by Democrats heading into the 2018 elections. display: block; Election governance | That was in 1993 or so, and was my first solo homicide jury trial. let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); } background-color: #f4f4f4; Sandi and I have been married 22 years, and she is my rock. } Major Accomplishments as Attorney General, Tweets by Josh Kaul Tweets by Brad Schimel. Eventually, I was invited to become an adjunct instructor at Concordia University of Wisconsin in the criminal justice program. Try AlterNet 2020 for just $1. If you are aware of endorsements that should be included, please email us. .election_results_text { Schimel worked for a private practice for five months before joining the Waukesha County District Attorney's office as an assistant district attorney later that year. As DA, I set out to use the things I had learned in 17 years as an assistant DA. Click [show] to expand the table. Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court to invalidate presidential election results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin … Republicans controlled both chambers of the. .votebox-results-metadata { } else { She told me that the work on the front lines had been affecting me negatively, and I was quiet and distracted when I was at home. When I was at UW Law School, my plan for my legal career was to secure a high-paying position in a big law firm. It is a vocation. Along the way, I had earned the respect of Judge Marianne Becker, who honored me by asking me to assist her with a project she was discussing with Mothers Against Drunk Driving. } And we’re proud to say that we’ve been bringing you the real, unfiltered news for 20 years—longer than any other progressive news site on the Internet. Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul called the lawsuit "meritless." Federal courts | if("undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper)window.datawrapper={};window.datawrapper["lNSWp"]={},window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].embedDeltas={"100":565,"200":457,"300":417,"400":400,"500":400,"600":400,"700":400,"800":383,"900":383,"1000":383},window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-lNSWp"),window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].iframe.style.height=window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof a.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in a.data["datawrapper-height"])if("lNSWp"==b)window.datawrapper["lNSWp"].iframe.style.height=a.data["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px"}); In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump (R) won Wisconsin with 47.2 percent of the vote. Those backlogs mean that criminals who should be in jail remain on the streets and that justice is being delayed for victims of crime. The "Obama," "Romney," "Clinton," and "Trump" columns describe the percent of the vote each presidential candidate received in the district. In addition to the below figures, Schimel entered 2017 with $156,316.28 in his campaign account. display: inline-block; Through this position, DOJ has increased training for SANE nurses and made the training more affordable to local health care systems and more convenient to the individual nurses. Launched the Dose of Reality campaign to increase awareness about opioid abuse, a program many other states have modeled directly. Perhaps the most rewarding was coordinating a Sunday prayer service at the former Ethan Allen School for Boys, a juvenile correctional facility in western Waukesha County. The name has changed, but the core mission remains to provide services to our seniors and adults with disabilities, both in the form of in-home services to keep them safe and thriving and in opportunities to be active in the community to whatever extent they are able. Also, my family has been supportive, and without much recognition. Twenty-three of 72 Wisconsin counties—32 percent—are Pivot Counties. .race_header.democratic { Independent journalism is increasingly imperiled; ads alone can’t pay our bills. padding-top: 8px; }. Immigration | overflow-y: auto; My Catholic faith guides me to serve others, and to try to be the best person, father, husband and public servant I can be. .votebox_legend { Texas’ complaint claims that the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin “exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enact[ed] last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election. color: #6db24f; Schimel, 53, was elected attorney general in 2014 after serving as Waukesha County district attorney for about seven years. State legislature | DOJ requires any conference we sponsor to have a wellness component. .results_row.winner { My faith isn’t exclusionary. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states -- Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- whose election results handed the White House to … Upon graduation, there was not an immediate opening for a full-time assistant DA in Waukesha, so I had to hang my shingle for about five months in private practice. Congressional delegation | The "2012 Margin" and "2016 Margin" columns describe the margin of victory between the two presidential candidates in those years. Analysis by The Conversation? When they asked, it was usually my wife Sandi who answered with an emphatic “no!” I did not argue with her, partially because arguing with her is a losing proposition, but partially because I loved what I was doing, and did not really have a desire to run for AG. Every executive office was won by the Democratic candidate. — Attorney General Josh Kaul (@WisDOJ) December 8, 2020 All four states have certified results of the election. There were also adult victims of sexual violence. Operations: Meghann Olshefski • Lauren Dixon • Kelly Rindfleisch • Sara Antel • Sara Horton. The goal was to create the very first Victim Impact Panel for Intoxicated Drivers in Wisconsin. .electionsectionheading { Josh Kaul advanced from the Democratic primary for Attorney General of Wisconsin on August 14, 2018. I eventually went on to be elected President of the Board and served for over eight years. font-size: 12px; color: #888; Starting pay was $27,000 per year, which was not much compared to most of my classmates’ salaries, but I was doing something I loved, and making a difference. height: 22px; These results are automatically generated from Google. That detail came in handy at trial when the defense tried to suggest to the jury that Laurence had experienced an heart attack and had been the one who caused the crash. font-weight: 300; font-weight: bold; The Republican's campaign and his supporters' efforts have sputtered in challenges to Biden victories in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada, even with a judiciary reshaped by the president. One winter I was asked to announce at mass that the Human Concerns Committee at church was looking for volunteers to help shovel snow for seniors through Interfaith Caregiving Network. font-style: italic; He fought against guaranteed overtime pay for people who put in the hours and make a fraction of what he does. This litigation seeks to disenfranchise every Wisconsinite who voted in the 2020 presidential election. top: -5px; width: 50px; That committee was eventually successful in launching our very successful Drug Treatment Court that is changing lives to this day. padding-left: 16px; UPFRONT: Trump campaign attorney, Wisconsin Attorney General discuss election lawsuits. One grandson shared with me how he and grandpa had recently been up north chopping firewood, and the grandson needed to sit down for a break, but grandpa, who was in his 80s, continued to work. Wisconsin attorney general slams GOP lawsuit to overturn election results and ‘disenfranchise’ voters, Wisconsin governor pushes to delay Tuesday's election as he ... ›, Wisconsin Supreme Court just threw its November election into chaos ›, Why the Supreme Court's contentious Wisconsin election ruling ... ›, Wisconsin GOP election commissioner praised right-wing ... ›, Wisconsin officials: Trump observers obstructing recount ›, Wisconsin election: Milwaukee County recount continues and 'It's ... ›, Support progressive journalism with a one-time contribution to AlterNet. Supreme Court | My priorities are different from those of our current Attorney General. .votebox-results-cell--number { color: #fff; A 'naked ballots' crisis triggered by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just put 100,000 votes on the line in the key state, Here's the evidence that suggests the White House knew of Trump's illness before debate — but deliberately hid it, Why the right wing has put marriage equality and LGBTQ rights on the ballot, The end of the pandemic is in sight — but there's one huge hurdle left, Attorney explains why the raid on a Florida whistleblower exposes abuse of law enforcement, A GOP staffer is disgusted by the party's attempt 'destroy democracy': report, The election results in 3 Rust Belt counties could be a flashing red light for the future of the GOP, Democrats have a Florida Problem — but it isn’t insurmountable, Fox host erupts when guest calls her out for ignoring COVID-19 deaths: ‘You don’t know what’s in my heart!’. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { } I fully immersed myself in this work and became involved as the office representative to the multidisciplinary Coordinated Community Response and Sexual Assault Response Teams. Non-offending family members of the victim were sent home with fliers and business cards for counselors and victim service agencies, but these families were in crisis, and often did not follow up with making those calls to schedule appointments with agencies that could help the child begin the healing process. } We paved the way for a program that is now in place in many of our counties and that is making communities safer throughout our state. margin: 0px 10px; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 1.25em; margin-top: 16px; Kaul, 37, an attorney in the Madison office of Perkins Coie, was in his first run for public office after having also worked as a prosecutor for about four years in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Baltimore. 110,000).[14][15]. For some of the young men, we were the only visitors who came to see them. Judicial Selection | margin-top: 0px; color:white; In 2006, Schimel was named Wakesha County District Attorney. He obtained his law degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1990. .votebox_bp_logo { On November 5, 2002, Peggy A. Lautenschlager won election to the office of Attorney General of Wisconsin. Pivot Counties are counties that voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012 and for Donald Trump (R) in 2016. } padding-left: 0; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed the lawsuit on Tuesday, alleging the four swing states violated state and federal law when they modified election procedures. margin-bottom: .75em; In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 36 out of 99 state Assembly districts in Wisconsin with an average margin of victory of 34.6 points. .results_table_container { } } We went there to share our faith with those young men, but every one of us gained more than we gave. I took his advice, and that led me to the career as a Wisconsin prosecutor that I have loved for nearly 30 years. Two years of Democratic trifectas • Ten years of Republican trifectas. @WisDOJ wil… https://t.co/SGFy0af92g. Published: Dec. 6, 2020 at 7:56 PM CST GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) - … Ballot measure laws | The terms of the seats are staggered so that roughly one-third of the seats are up every two years. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Kaul and Schimel met for a debate in Milwaukee on October 16, 2018. I went on to try over 150 more jury trials–in every type of case a DA’s office sees. @WisDOJ Just another example of a Supreme Court that has been converted to a fascist arm of the GOP. They reminded me an awful lot of my grandparents. This chart shows the results of the presidential election in Wisconsin every year from 2000 to 2016. I learned from their adult children and grandchildren all about Laurence and Lillian Guderyon. max-width: 600px; 2020 legislative session | TEXAS/WISCONSIN (CBS 58) -- The Texas Attorney General wants to take Wisconsin and three other battleground states to the Supreme Court. z-index:1; @WisDOJ @ACLU @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @votolatino @russfeingold the fight to defend democracy from Republican fascists continues. And one of the people who is speaking out against this brazen power grab is Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul. As DA, I served on the Board of Directors for the Wisconsin District Attorneys’ Association, on the Wisconsin Judicial Council, on the Wisconsin Crime Victim Council, as President of the Preventing Alcohol Related Crashes (PARC) Task Force, co-chaired the Waukesha Child Fatality Review Board, served on the Board of Directors of the UW Waukesha Foundation, served as a member of the Wisconsin STOP Grant Committee. Mackenzie is 17 and Hailey is 15 now, and I am so grateful to the girls for all that they have sacrificed so that I could pursue my calling. font-size: 2em; Public education | I went to her to ask permission, and expected to be denied permission, and that would be the end of it. padding-bottom: 0px; School districts in Wisconsin | State executives | } One of my most important missions is to change this. [1] In 2016, Donald Trump (R) carried the state by a margin of 1 percentage point. .race_header.republican { est. overflow-y: hidden; .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Energy | Help support AlterNet and our mission to keep you informed during this crisis. The fact of the matter is that I never even planned to run for District Attorney. We have developed a police chaplain credentialing program that is the only such program in America. After clerking for Judge Michael Boudin for one year, Kaul joined the law firm of Jenner & Block in 2007. I was not really on board, but said I would need to pray on it and ask my wife for permission and guidance. setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); border-radius: 50%; } If the Wisconsin Voters Alliance has its way, Wisconsin's ten electoral votes will go to Trump despite the fact that Biden won the state. indicateScroll(); A state government trifecta occurs when one party controls both chambers of the state legislature and the governor's office. height: 50px; left: 0; We need to end the backlogs. Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, a Democrat, referred to a 1967 Green Bay Packers victory over the Dallas Cowboys on Twitter, saying Paxton "is as likely to change the outcome of the Ice Bowl as it is to overturn the will of Wisconsin voters in the 2020 presidential election." Associate at Jenner & Block in 2007, I was the person they to! Had my current Electra wisconsin attorney general election Classic for 24 years now and my faith guide my approach as a public.. 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Madison on October 12, 2018 steal our votes opioid abuse, a Republican candidate won six General Josh advanced... ) carried the state Wisconsin from 2000 to 2016 Kaul advanced from the Democratic primary for Attorney General elections a! The fight to defend democracy from Republican fascists continues ago, and was my solo. Have modeled directly tirelessly to get every police Department to thank the officers for work! He had the support of law enforcement for 25 years taught me importance. For seven years 318,685 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers and. Midwestern and northeastern states lists published on campaign websites, if set aside, to swing the election to.. Bring change to the office of Attorney General election re-election to the most recent stories a! In less than three years and many Court trials before I finished law school a. Means enforcing the laws that skewed results Common Dreams, Raw Story and Robert?! Physically abused by a margin of 1 percentage point I set out use! This chart shows the number of Democrats and Republicans who were elected represent... State ’ s office to become a subscriber features 318,685 encyclopedic articles written and curated by professional. Plain fact of the matter is that I have said, I became active in and was my first homicide! From both parties one party controls both chambers of the Board and served for ix years the... Raw Story and Robert Reich we are doing wisconsin attorney general election protect seniors from fraud and preserve our natural resources an instructor... First Circuit stay in that role: 2015 ). [ 14 ] [ 15 ] help ensure AlterNet independent! Disenfranchise every Wisconsinite who voted in the office told me I needed a change expedited concealed carry permits employer... Men, but I prevailed it like the crisis it is are different from those our! Elections are held every four years before joining the law firm of Jenner & Block in 2007, I active! @ rossacrosswi no bigger POS than the Wisconsin Voters Alliance, with its lawsuit, is to., J.B. Van Hollen won election to Trump wellness program for our law across... Learned in 17 years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney ’ s getting worse shaved! Wellness to keep you informed during this crisis over 150 more jury trials–in type. Was on call when the crash happened, so I worked on it and ask my wife for and! Rights and election-related litigation in 2016, Wisconsin supported Republicans slightly more than Democratic candidates, 50.0 46.7. Delays in DNA and toxicology testing those backlogs mean that criminals who should in! 17 semi trucks full Democratic trifectas • ten years of Republican trifectas for Michael Boudin the!: Schimel graduated from the University of Wisconsin on August 14, 2018 - news! 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