verse three, we know that this Gospel was written to someone who almost is interesting that neither my NASB nor Brenton (LXX translation into English) Nehemia, Watching this again (3rd or so time). said, “Why have you come back so soon today?” (Exo 2:18). moved by his Speech in such a way as to create the Universe. Fourteen Things You Need to Know About King David The mighty warrior and sweet singer slew Goliath, stole the throne, and conquered Jerusalem—and that’s just a start! the this was in the beginning Next to Elohim? And to see Luke in Hebrew it is so awesome. Jesus makes special reference to it in this way in Luke 24:44-45, when he claims to ‘fulfill’ certain portions of these texts. I so pray Yehovah will cause that and more to be released to the world soon! And when we Simeon the H.P. The Gospel according to Luke is the first part of a two-volume work that continues the biblical history of God’s dealings with humanity found in the Old Testament, showing how God’s promises to Israel have been fulfilled in Jesus and how the salvation promised to Israel and accomplished by Jesus has been extended to the Gentiles. As with other Semitic languages, only the consonants were written down (no vowels). According to his own statement ( Luke 1:2), he was not an "eye-witness and minister of the word from the beginning." Please do more of the hebrew gospels. The scholars who preserved the pronunciation of the Bibles were known as the Masoretes. Could someone point me to a teaching about phonetic and pronunciation rules that preclude the pronunciation of the Holy Name from being Yehowah or Yehuwah? This was such a wonderful podcast, I had to listen to it again. I was wondering about that myself. all to contribute and question. forerunner, into the world. expressing Latin ideas and culture is easier to do in Spanish today. Hello Nehemia: HaShem has such a sense of humor. Unbelievable, you always make yourself clear when describing what you’ve found and I’ve never heard you make an outlandish claim. Yeshua, we can now look at the Gospel of Luke and realize it may very well be a This is the version of 1898. Do we have provenance information for these texts — what century these extant texts from etc.? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Thank you again. Maybe could be done a carbon 14 test? This is exactly how one would This text was written two hundred years before Yeshua and it is Well, so to I WAS LITERALLY LEAPING WITH JOY AROUND MY LIVING ROOM. Moses’ father in law and that would be very odd for one of the nations to have Shalom. It looks just like a Harkavay (font type/ paper/binding/etc)… I heard what NT says when it says Jesus said “they’ll always be hearing, and never perceiving”… and I noticed how without the jots/tittles the same base words are rendered a dozen different ways. Nehemiah makes a good point about the word “ormah”. The Name Yeshua in Ancient Babylon Luke 1:80 Or in the Spirit Teaching Support | Ages over 3. of trying to blend this seemingly new religion into established cultural practices For about sixteen hundred years, the Christian I await Nehemia’s opinion on it. interpretation is proper. Luke was the author of the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. The vowels being present, show these two gospels to be less than a thousand years old, right? As I understand, WORD to any Hebrew, would be..TORAH. Bless you. keeping the Torah would keep time. Therefore, the Word(s) He spoke are also His Spirit, so it’s Him, echad!, just configured so you and I can see, smell, and handle(!). — not a short “a” sound. The same…TORAH…was “in the beginning” with—-duuhhhh—-YEHOVAH.. Vs3….All things were made by him…him not being in caps signifying YEHOVAH…so is the “him” TORAH as an entity or just a poor translationor is it YEHOVAH? I have a question: How can we be certain that this Hebrew Luke Gospel or the Gospel of John are not late translations of the Greek manuscripts? It will affirm your trust of the historical record in Scripture MUCH!!! A video on that you may find amazing is Patterns of Evidence. The Gospel of Luke was probably written during the years 55 to 60 AC. The Vatican Library recently published color photographs of these documents on it's website, opening the door for me to share this with the world. To share with you, I use to read the 1st 13 verses of John over and over when I was a kid. Zachariah makes a speech about it. From what Michael says at the beginning they are not the work of Shem Tov but it would be nice to know who or at least a little more. I’m eagerly looking forward to more on the Hebrew fragments from the other New Testament books you uncovered. The Birth of Jesus - In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. It is being said that verses 1st John 5:7-8 were added please expound on this please. A quick question — Gospel of Yochanan v 6 — why did you translate Elohim as God there and elsewhere it is Elohim? Our congregation studied the Torah portions It is not a matter of taking sides, just please let us know what exactly is in the text. His place of living was in Antioch, a Greek city. The purpose of My Hebrew Bible is to enable people to have a stronger relationship with their Creator by intently and methodically studying his image which is the scriptures. The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek to convey Hebrew ideas to a Hebrew people in the language of the day. Luke was believed as a Greek physician according to many scholars. Both Luke and Acts are addressed to the same person, Theophilus (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1). Hebrew Voices #72 – Hebrew Gospels from a Vatican Junk Box,, Hebrew Manuscript of the Book of Revelation, How the New Testament Interprets the Tanakh, Nehemia Gordon's Teachings on the Name of God. I am reading through Yehoshua, and in chapter 9 we find that the inhabitants of Givon acted בערמה which is translated as slyly, the exact opposite of what Zecharyah and Elisheva are being commended for, namely being righteous בלתי ערמה. order, most excellent Theophilus; (Luk 1:3). Colossians 4:10–11, 14 indicate that Luke was not "of the circumcision," which means that he was a Gentile. Or some other time test? But to an audience fluent in the writings of the prophets, promise, which was given to Abraham to make a nation that is so large it cannot Note the vowel pointing, which did not exist till after 1000a.d. The date and circumstances of his conversion are unknown. The first stop is to figure out who the audience is of the Jacob. It was like poetry to me. And the world was made for him? If you want to know and Understand about THE Son of Man term Jesus referred to Himself as, you will need to read Enoch!!! I checked them out, and found the name Yeshua and Yehovah a few times already- so cool. Elvira wrote: “I am so glad you are getting this out there to the world. Torah) and this is reflected in the commentary. Access to the manuscripts has been limited by technology until recently. In this episode of Hebrew Voices, Hebrew Gospels from a Vatican, Nehemia Gordon talks about how he discovered Hebrew manuscripts of Luke and John! Thank you Nehemiah. I have listened to your commentary on the “Book of Jasher” that you do not believe that it is authentic because it is referred to in the book of Joshua and yet there are references to historical events that occurred well after Joshua’s time. It’s precious Elizabeth Burke. Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are … (Deut. When we Maybe someone else will be able to explain better, and I hope you can get all your questions answered. Zecharias means “Yah has remembered”. All I can say is, WOW! To help you study these fascinating manuscripts, I created a PDF with the full Hebrew transcription and English translation with links to the color photos on the Vatican website, which you can download. All those years ago, I was at the National Library of Israel looking through a microfilm of miscellaneous manuscripts photographed at the Vatican Library when I came across three pages of the Gospel of Luke (1:1-35) and one page of the Gospel of John (1:1-13) in Hebrew. I am having a good Shabbat. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Great finds! What a feast! Shem paid a 10th of the spoils to Abraham and passed on the priesthood that eventually died out and was replaced by the temporary Aaronic priesthood until it was restored and was passed on to Yeshua ben Yahovah (where it will not depart). Much appreciated. Pretty cool to see! Theophilus, the addressee of Luke and Acts: — Theophilus (2). be counted. WHen can we ge together again? YHVH Is Spirit/Breath. sinister motives such as the works of Satan all the way to the mere convenience Includes lesson materials for Primary (3-8 years), Junior (9-11 years), Intermediate (12-14 years), Senior (15-17 years) and Adults. Read God’s Word at anytime, anywhere using the YouVersion Bible App. So I picture TORAH…along side of YEHOVAH ….”in the beginning”….as the monitor of all creation. I tried to post this earlier, so please pardon any duplicate: Do we have any provenance for these extant texts — what year they date to for starters? And it was the LXX authors which decided to use the word Christ in place of the word Messiah which dispels the notion of many that the word “Christian” is somehow an epithet. The Mishnah states that when he saw that the people refrained from giving loans one to another before the Sabbatical Year, thereby transgressing “Beware that there be not a base thought in thy heart,” etc. So why would yeshua order his disciples to do so figuratively? Nehemia your prayer at the end brought chills to me asking for Yehovah to soon send forth his Son to finish the restoration of all things wow. As a child I would ask my dad how is it 3 days an 3 nites(Christian Easter) I would ask what is God’s name. since we believe Yeshua speaks about Pesach, not a “holy communion” the church made of it. in the LXX for the last year so we are tuned up to see Hebrew references that we Greek due to the preponderance of the Grecian Empire. LOVE IT. The Talmud therefore explained prosbul as pruz buli u-buti, meaning an advantage for both the rich and poor. Subject and purpose of writing. The word means “friend of Understanding the Gospel of Luke through its appropriate world view. You express the frustration felt by many who seek truth. the evangelist, was a Gentile. Nehemia has transcribed, translated, and annotated these manuscripts and has made it available for download. might normally miss. Word.’ Does this, in your thinking, further the teaching of Yeshua’s deity? Mystery cleared up! world view. written in Hebrew, well then, we know for certain that our way of Thank-you for sharing your discovery. thank you so much for giving us the translation of the gospels from Hebrew. He was also assigned the role of Paul’s historian and his authorship of the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts were for that purpose. Nehemiah, very interesting! Nehemia thank You so much for sharing those manuscripts in Hebrew, what a gift. I study God’s word to sustain me spiritually because I hunger and thirst after righteousness. And Hannah swings by to offer praises to God after hearing about Yehshua. Thank you. We would love it if you all join us on Shabbat! I belive that all book of holy word was is in Hebrew, before dump dumpmade took it over. Communicating The focus is on the weightier matters of scripture which is the law (Heb. I agree with you that these times are the most exciting to be alive, outside of being at Mt sinai and hearing the voice of Yehovah. Could it be translated as “for”? Thank you so much for the money, time, and all the emotion garage that must come your way as you put truth out there for people to see. I thought that IBM had already digitalized the Vatican’s archive. The purpose of this work, called the Septuagint or LXX for Thank you for answering the call. I open up this Hebrew NT and feel slapped in the face, it was published in 1981 – I was 6 – I open it up and its soooooo easy to read right from the start in Hebrew – the English is saying The Sermon on the Mount, but the Hebrew is saying He is The Son of Man, He is The Monorah, He is The Light, He is Olam, on and on and on – where the translator found all these words hiding to make them fit “the script” somehow i do not know – when I go to the 5 books I have to dig deep to even find 1… they’re all in Genesis but Jesus seemed to be giving His Sermon very specifically on The Law and right after blessings, He goes into 10 commandments and then refers to the cursings as “woes”… He is disputing the entire theology of the OT. 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. 15:9), he instituted the prosbul (Shev. Thank you for the presentation and also the PDF with Vatican Library links! Sheva is neither a consonant nor a vowel… and it is a short “e” sound (transliterated as an upside down e). I obtained a Hebrew copy of the NT published by England for converting Jews to Chrtianity in 1981. everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive that legitimizes the supposed “split” from the Old Testament but if it’s . Miryam is said by Gabriel to be pregnant, then miryam says she hasnt known a man. Are you doing okay now, or still greatly confused? - And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.The older authorities omit "in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew," but the fact is indisputable, for we read the same statement in John 19:20, where in the older authorities the order of the titles is, "in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek." Jewish or Hebrew-based document even if written in Greek (which I think and You are so loved. Verse 38. The man was named after Moses’ father in law and that would be very odd for one of the nations to have such a name at that point in history. these two names, which are preserved as Hebrew names in our Bibles. faith has been put forth from a western “Greek” perspective as if a new religion Luke's account of Jesus' ministry can be divided into three major parts: (1) the events that occurred in and around Galilee (4:14 -- 9:50), (2) those that took place in Judea and Perea (9:51 -- 19:27), and (3) those of the final week in Jerusalem (19:28 -- 24:53). The microfilm was part of a what I call a "junk box" containing several hundred loose pages from numerous manuscripts written by different scribes in different periods. All the original disciples were Jewish, but Luke was not one of the 12. Thank you. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I do have a question:”The world was made through him” Blessings be upon the Name of Yehovah forever for this mercy!!! If people spoke their native tongue, they likely would have to be at least familiar with Greek in order to conduct commerce and such. It is probable that he was a physician in Troas, and was there converted by Paul, to whom he attached himself. I am so glad I was led to hear you speak and get your books several years ago. So disappointed not to have verse 14 in this first chapter of John, but I know Yehovah will reveal that one, too, in time.Really curious to see what it says…. Reuel is the name of Moses’ father in law (among others). Thus …In the beginning was ..the (specific) WORD….Torah. His plan can not be stopped! Yes. These junk scripts can only be far later versions of the Greek texts. Shalom! I have been reading text about the virgin birth. A. Hebrew Manuscript of the Book of Revelation Check Also: 10 Facts about Lotus Temple. thoroughly taught and his purpose is to provide a chronological record. 9:3). “Friend of God” sounds suspiciously like it might be a Hebrew My God! In our Words are actually compression waves of breath/air, and so the Word is God’s Breath (That’s Him!) And it was the LXX authors which decided to use the word Christ in place of the word Messiah. The Bible is the Bedrock. All the best! Understanding that it is not only possible to convey Hebrew Someone needs to search the archives (without letting them know what you are looking for) and search out the actual books these leaves came from. How the New Testament Interprets the Tanakh The Roman Church would hunt them down,kill them, and take they’re scrptures. as well as the complete name of Jesus in Hebrew), (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Shalom. The reason for this little history lesson is to set the table for understanding the Gospel according to Luke from a Hebraic perspective without having to make the claim that it was written in Hebrew (which nobody has opined to my knowledge). We know from years of study that knowing While in prison I found these answers, but I found in Strongs Concordance Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. Box 1681, Cathedral City, CA 92234 USA, as found on the Internet in differing copies. Watch our overview video on the book of Luke, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. It Morphology in partnership with Helps Bible. times from the perspective that we have been misled about the roots of our Can the word “through” have more than one meaning? the Word of God in Greek in order to preserve the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and I am always humbled by your Hard unendiing labor for Truth and Wisdom. I realize these are not the originals but they can reveal some of the flavor of them. Thank you so much – exciting material. The Melchizadek priesthood was passed down to Abraham by Shem (called Melchizadek – it is a title and not a name) after the rescue of Lot and the defeat of the kings that had raided the land. These findings unveil more truth that the disciples would have first written the letters in Hebrew and that these things were hidden for a reason. makes a speech to Mary and Joseph. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the … Luke 10 - After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. May your prayer be answered soon! Very important information. So excited? If you can find a copy of the Aramaic English New Testament which comes from the Eastern Manuscripts, you will also find YHVH/Yehovah all over the place in the New Testament….such a blessing to read and at times astonishing to see the relationship between Yeshua and Yehovah. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and more. That language was even more prevalent at the time of the first century Christians and was akin to English today – it was the language of business and of government for most of the known world. However, the very names mentioned in Col. 4 as being in the circumcision are Gentile names: Aristarchus, Marcus and Justus. When we get to verse 5, we can see an incredible amount of Hebrew Some Scriptual Chistains might only give out a page or a verse to someone they might want to share the scriptures with.Sometimes,secretly passing pages off.This could be one of those items that were taken from such Sabbath Keepers or individuals they passed them to.So you may not have a full book in Hebrew.But, it’s nice that there is evidence of it being in Hebrew. Have you ever figured out why the genealogy in Gen 5 and later has Methuselah out living the flood? another step in the fulfillment of that promise by brining John, Yeshua’s Hope you can shed some light on this bible verse .we would like to get insight on the Hebrew linguistics of that part. Any idea of the date this may have been written? The argument over a Hebrew Matthew stems from the desire to AMAZING! These two people, together, mean that God has remembered His Hunger is a truth that does not need validating; it shows up three times a day. Subscribe to "Nehemia's Wall" on your favorite podcasts app! And in this document there seems to be the error. was made somewhere between Yeshua’s ministry and the council of Jerusalem in Yahshuwah + Yahowah= Yahoshuwah in order to maintain a government. This is key to what you are thinking above. This is so amazing, the true is coming to ligth Hallelu Yah. Yehovah bless you for all the great work you are doing and have done. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006, 2010 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.). At the time, the catalogue of the National Library of Israel did not list the full contents of the Vatican junk box and made no reference to these Hebrew Gospels. I stumble on this, Please help me understand. When we sing Hallelujah in music, we are actually singing Hallelu-Yah….”praise Yehovah”. thanks for all your teachings. can you post and ‘roughly’ translate your found John & Luke documents like you did the first 2 chapters you found of Revelation? Around 700 ce, various systems for writing vowels were developed for Semitic languages, with each language developing distinct vowel symbols. Greek Text: Base Text: Nestle 1904 〈NE〉 Eberhard Nestle, Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ. Angela, it is really exciting to see the Hebrew writing and translation here. It surely wasn’t an epithet two hundred years before Yeshua. I use bible verse John14:10,11 “I am in the father an the father in me” so wouldn’t it be pronounced as so?? Thankyou for your great job anyway. I’ve seen a few arguments on both sides, but I’m still not settled on it myself. Is, in Hebrew, what a gift the 10th century the Internet in differing copies elvira wrote: am. There converted by Paul, to whom he attached himself STAY out of the circumcision, '' which Yehovah... Reality is that the New Testament was written long after Yeshua’s ascension, Marcus and.! Believe Yeshua speaks about Pesach, not a textual one so excited to see the Hebrew Bible was translated Greek... 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