The term “women” has explicit statement in 3 stipulations. The report shows the real effects of the current law and social policy with regard We urge the Polish Government to respect the right of freedom of assembly and peaceful protest, and to exercise restraint and refrain from excessive use of force and violence. What of women’s unpaid work that sustains the world? Our new issue, “Failure Is an Option,” is out now. Polish Women’s Strike, the organiser, is a coalition of women’s rights groups, pro-democracy initiatives and individuals mobilising through social media, and expects thousands to join in at least 50 cities. This is a timeline of reproductive rights legislation, a chronological list of laws and legal decisions affecting human reproductive rights.Reproductive rights are a sub-set of human rights pertaining to issues of reproduction and reproductive health. Men and women shall have equal rights, in particular, regarding education, employment and promotion, and shall have the right to equal compensation for work of similar value, to social security, to hold offices, and to receive public honours and decorations. v Poland. The Act, which is exceptional for European conditions, fundamentally limits women’s rights to life, health, dignity, self-determination, autonomy and privacy. Abortion is ____ in the United States, as to compare to Poland , Women in Poland often have to secretly order abortion pills from ____ because Polish doctors rarely help., Can be purchased in the United States without a prescription, unlike in Poland, The political party that pushes Poland for stricter reproductive laws Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. The PiS government’s open disdain of women’s rights and failure to counter misinformation campaigns has fostered a climate of fear for women’s rights defenders. Their slogan of choice, “Wypierdalać” translates to “get the fuck out of here.” “[N]ow we are mad, not just unhappy,” wrote feminist philosopher Ewa Majewska, echoing the protesters, “I am terrified;” “I feel unimportant.” Their signs read: “women’s hell.”. @ ... concerns that Mr Duda’s win could reinvigorate existing attacks on women’s rights and LGBT+ rights in Poland. It isn’t the first attempt to restrict women’s reproductive rights.In October 2016, thousands of Polish women joined the national strike and took to the streets to oppose a bill proposing a blanket ban on abortion, eventually forcing the government to step back. The fulfilment of the human rights of women is still lagging in Europe. Poland: Women’s revolution after attack on reproductive rights J.D. Sexual and reproductive rights. The harm to women forced into heroism against their will, i.e. At the same time, the Act is realised in practice in an even more restrictive way and has created a political and social climate hostile to women’s rights in the sphere of reproduction, leading to an Women taking to the streets in Poland against this latest attack on abortion rights brings us back full circle to the Polish streets again where the movement first began. Millions of women in over forty countries took part in the strike on March 8, and extensive networks of international solidarity and feminist politics were established. How Hungary and Poland have silenced women and stifled human rights Menu Close A woman protests against the Constitutional Court ruling on tightening the abortion law at Krakow's Main Square. How many working-class women, for example, can afford, in its expansive sense, abortion even when its legal? However, Poland’s already strict abortion law remains in place: abortion is already, effectively, illegal, and it is estimated that more than 100,000 Polish women annually receive illicit abortions in black market clinics, order abortifacient pills to … Although the initiative was rejected (it failed by a small number of votes), similar attempts have already been announced for the future. Given that in 2019, out of 1100 official abortions, 1074 were performed on the basis of foetal abnormality, the judgment amounts to be a de facto ban on abortions in Poland. We discuss why the United States’ institutional breakdown won’t stop after Trump leaves office and what can be done to improve things for working people. No state authorities can enact such interference in the human rights of women. The main reason was a new proposal for a blanket ban on abortions. In his contribution to IFEX’s series marking International Women’s Day, Regional Editor Cathal Sheerin looks at how, under the ruling Law and Justice Party, Polish women are facing greater restrictions on both reproductive health care and access to accurate information about their legal options. This is where Górnicka’s “I’m calling out to you” meets Warsaw’s “Wypierdalać” today. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held that Poland violated Art. Authoritarian nationalists attempt to use women, and our bodies, as conduits for the production of national identity and honor. The protests aim “to destroy Poland and end the history of the Polish nation,” said Poland’s Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party. Article 33.1-2 states: Men and women shall have equal rights in family, political, social and economic life in the Republic of Poland. This is a timeline of reproductive rights legislation, a chronological list of laws and legal decisions affecting human reproductive rights.Reproductive rights are a sub-set of human rights pertaining to issues of reproduction and reproductive health. In many countries, the law imposes an absolute prohibition on abortion. We must not forget that women’s rights are human rights. Open Letter The debate which accompanied LPR’s draft amendment displayed growing acceptance, particularly among legal and medical experts, for a significant lowering of women’s rights protection. Poland already had one of Europe’s most restrictive abortion laws, and the ruling will result in a near-complete ban on abortion. It was called Black Monday. Ensuring women’s human rights, including their reproductive rights, is essential to upholding EU values. Poland already has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe. ... an international movement of Polish women fighting for all Polish women’s rights… Instead, we need to build a feminist internationalism. Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. This report on the monitoring of reproductive rights in Poland was created in the framework of the project financed by the European Commission and realised by the Federation for Women and Family Objectives: A discourse analysis was carried out to identify how women's reproductive rights and needs are reflected in pro-life and pro-choice public debate in Poland. ... Poland Further Erodes Women’s Rights, Defies EU Principles. 29/07/2020. At the same time they fail to meet Poland’s international obligations arising from the ratification by the government of the human rights conventions – a violation drawn attention to for years by international institutions created to monitor human rights. Help Us Stick Around for Many More. On 6 October, the European Parliament will hold a debate on the status of women’s reproductive rights in Poland. The Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling to invalidate the constitutionality of access to abortion on the ground of “severe and irreversible fetal defect or incurable illness that threatens the fetus’ life” will further harm women and girls and violates their human rights, Amnesty International, the Center for Reproductive Rights and Human Rights Watch said today. Women have effectively been deprived of the right to abortion for 27 years in Poland. In 2016, women in Poland and Argentina organized mass demonstrations for abortion rights and against gender violence that inspired feminists around the globe to plan for an international women’s strike in 2017. Will Europe Sit Back? The debate was initiated by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament (ALDE Group). Moreover, the hostile atmosphere to women’s rights created by fundamentalist politicians has created conditions for undertaking new legislative initiatives with the aim of tightening the abortion regulations. Moreover, the report publishes guidelines for Poland from international institutions, Croatia directly recognise a general right to sexual and reproductive health: the right to family planning is enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution, while Croatia’s La w on Gender Equality provides for women’s right to freely decide on number of children and … In Poland today female reproductive rights under threat. In Polish director Marta Górnicka’s revolutionary production, “The Chorus of Women,” twenty-five women appear on stage, whispering, singing, and yelling in haunting tones, “be beautiful,” “be quiet” — “be a woman.” The trilogy sees the choir scream and gasp against chants of the Bacchae and the gospels, and in one play, utter the hoarse, final words — “I’m calling out to you.”, Gornicka’s chorus is echoed on the streets of Warsaw today. Catalyst, a new journal published by Jacobin, is out now. The positive consequences observed amount to theRead More On a freezing cold afternoon in Warsaw, thousands of women march through the city centre, angry about what they view as an erosion of women's rights in Poland. The war on reproductive rights in Central Europe is not a backlash but a key tenet of a new illiberal form of governance. The decision by Poland's Constitutional Tribunal, which makes abortion illegal except in cases of incest, rape or when the mother's life is in danger, has spurred demonstrations in … REGON: 011567735 genetic defect has been reduced by the lawyer to a “lack of comfort”, whilst the doctor, who theoretically understands what a difficult experience this can be for the woman, can only propose that Poland’s parliament is debating a new draft bill entitled “Stop Abortion.” If adopted, this legislation will further limit the already restricted grounds on which women can lawfully access abortion in Poland. Poland abortion ban: Thousands of women take to streets across country to demand reproductive rights. The Polish state’s assault on women’s rights reaches far beyond reproductive health. International women’s rights are the theory of women’s empowerment. These statements are not only testimony to the total instrumentalisation of women, reducing them to their reproductive function, but also prove the lack of elementary sensitivity to the difficult situations which are often connected with pregnancy. Our new issue – asking whether the US is a failed state – is out now. In German-occupied Poland, abortion remained off-limits but officials were formally advised to tolerate the procedure. Wave of demonstrations follow proposal to ban termination of sick foetuses Various research perspectives – sociological, legal, empirical research and analysis of available government, police and medical sources – present a very cohesive but grim picture of the extensive and systematic violation of women’s rights. The history of abortion law in Poland is a testimony to states fighting to forge national identities over the bodies of women. Tens of thousands of women are in open revolt against Poland’s new abortion ban. Women's Correspondent. Keeping women in the dark: Poland and reproductive rights. Their implementation is the practice. ... resulting in serious violations of women’s rights. to termination of pregnancy, family planning and sexual education (W. Nowicka). Both these approaches to reproductive issues are misplaced. Their implementation is the practice. Abortion is a life-affirming act chosen within the context of women’s realities, women’s lives, and women’s … We’re Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary. The Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling to invalidate the constitutionality of access to abortion on the ground of “severe and irreversible fetal defect or incurable illness that threatens the fetus’ life” (1) will further harm women and girls and violates their human rights, Amnesty International, the Center for Reproductive Rights and Human Rights Watch said today. above and the role of doctors in restricting access to services connected with reproductive health (A. Domaradzka). Today, women and girls of reproductive age in Poland have been deprived of their right to equal treatment, dignity, autonomy, physical integrity and protection of health, including mental health. ... and has waged a war on female reproductive rights. Planning, entitled Proactive monitoring of women’s reproductive rights as a part of human rights in Poland. "We, members of the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, are deeply concerned about the government's repeated attacks on women's rights and its continued efforts to curb women's reproductive rights in Poland," Evelyn Regner, Chairwoman of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, said. 22 (2016) on the Right to sexual and reproductive health (article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), which also speaks broadly about the need for safe abortion care and the elimination of restrictive abortion laws. Typically, a worker’s strike is a withdrawal of labor, and it illuminates in one fell swoop, who keeps the capitalist machinery running. The U.S. joined 31 other nations to sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration as women in Poland took to the streets to protest a clamp-down on abortion rights. Black protest. Most abortions are shaped by wider social factors, whether by stigma of illegitimacy, financial constraints, or a fear of being held back in careers. Women’s fundamental human rights are universal. Attacks on these rights concern everyone in society and their impact transcends national borders. NIP: 5251487723, 45 1020 1156 0000 7902 0060 3951 Enacted in 1993, the Act on Family Planning, Human Embryo Protection and Conditions of Permissibility of Termination of Pregnancy has been an inapplicable law, as it has been disrespected by the authorities and offices obligated to implement it. Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla is a cabinet member and the coordinator of blueprint at Progressive International. In 1932, Poland became the first country in Europe to legalize abortion beyond medical cases, namely, when the pregnancy resulted from a criminal act. Women Poland's decision to ban most abortions in the face of mass protest is emboldening like-minded neighbours, campaigners say, predicting a retreat on women's rights across eastern Europe. Why Polish women are rallying for reproductive rights. Last week’s ban on this third condition, pushed through Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal to avoid legislative debate, brings Poland’s women into the twenty-first century authoritarian playbook. Get a $20 discounted print subscription today! forming legal circles, to an “environment for the development of the child” in which “mental comfort(…) during pregnancy and childbirth does not have a significant enough character to justify and Z.R. Tessy Schlosser is the coordinator of movement at Progressive International. Women and girls’ rights are under attack right now in Poland. Despite these complexities, dominant narratives today risk marking what’s happening in Poland as being exclusively about abortion or Poland. In India, Armenia, or Hong Kong, the practice of sex-selective abortion — the abortion of female fetuses — has often pit women’s right to choose against the rights of future women, so to speak. In Poland today female reproductive rights under threat. The positive consequences observed amount to theRead More December 2019 saw the launch of Abortion Without Borders, an initiative coordinated by a coalition of Polish and international reproductive rights organisations which aims to provide much-needed information, practical support and funding to women in Poland who need abortions (at home or abroad). A striking example is the recent attempt by League of Polish Families (LPR) to introduce a regulation in the constitution on the protection of life from the moment of conception. “Today’s judgement puts the health and lives of women in Poland at great risk and violates Poland’s obligations under international human rights treaties to refrain from retrogressive measures that roll-back women’s rights to sexual and reproductive health care,” said Leah Hoctor, regional director for Europe at the Center for Reproductive Rights. the legal issues involved, and the analysis of the Polish legal regulations on reproductive rights (E. Zielińska) deserves special attention, as well as the review of court cases conducted in Poland and It was called Black Monday. Women’s sexual and reproductive health rights are also at risk when they are subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM) and early marriage. LPR’s draft amendment almost led to a total ban on the termination of pregnancy in the Polish legal system (text on the constitutional debate by E. Zielińska). Already on our list? We must simultaneously examine the responsibility that we collectively share to ensure that women have greater reproductive control overall, not just over abortions, but pregnancy, desire, and pleasure. Abortion is only allowed if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, if the woman’s life is in danger or in cases of severe or fatal foetal impairment. (Omar Marques / Getty Images). role of women is motherhood. International women’s rights are the theory of women’s empowerment. The poorest women will be the most affected, since others will be able to obtain abortions in other countries. at the European Court of Human Rights regarding the lack of access to termination of pregnancy in Poland (A. Bodnar). condition that it is conceived life. Reproductive rights Protest Europe news ... Women’s rights protesters incensed by the country’s strict new laws clash with rightwing gangs in the Polish capital. Tithi Bhattacharya is the author of Feminism for the 99% and a member of the Progressive International COVID-19 Response Collective. The law does still – at least on paper – allow abortions in cases where: a) the woman’s life or health is at risk; or b) the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest. Poland was among the first nations to grant women legal rights: women's suffrage was delivered in 1918, after the country regained independence that year, following the 123-year period of partition and foreign rule. tel: +48 22 635 93 95 The report provides a comprehensive overview of reproductive rights in Poland. In the manifesto, Feminism for the 99%, the authors note that capitalism’s key move was to “separate the making of people from the making of profit.” The first job was assigned to women, and then made to submit to the second. ul. which aim to improve the respect for human rights regarding reproductive health issues. The Polish authorities are using a raft of heavy-handed measures to crack down on peaceful protests against a constitutional ruling which severely restricts access to abortion in Poland. We need an internationalism that rejects forced austerity on the global south, imperial aid interventions, and neocolonialism. Reproductive rights—having the ability to decide whether and when to have children—are important to women’s socioeconomic well-being and overall health. The history of abortion law in Poland is a testimony to states fighting to forge national identities over the bodies of women. In addition, in the opinion of medical experts, “the situation of women who find out that the foetus has an incurable defect is so traumatic that sometimes it is better that the patient should be informed about this only after birth” (A. Domaradzka). The main reason was a new proposal for a blanket ban on abortions. Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski SA In response, liberal feminism attempts to universalize the experience of abortion through the rubric of “choice.” Every woman must have the freedom to choose. WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Karolina Micula had used her bare chest in political protest once before.When Poland’s right-wing government first tried to restrict abortion rights, the actress and singer delivered an intense performance onstage in Wroclaw in 2017 that included her spreading paint in the national colors — white and red — onto her breasts and face, ending with a fist raised high. The Standing Committee of the Conference of INGOs opposes any politicization of this right. The status of pregnant women has been reduced by the opinion- Women taking to the streets in Poland against this latest attack on abortion rights brings us back full circle to the Polish streets again where the movement first began. On the other hand, there is the total ban and the pseudo-moral attitude of a growing group of policy-makers for whom morality can be reduced mainly to the so-called protection of life, on almost total ban on abortion. This report on the monitoring of reproductive rights in Poland was created in the framework of the project financed by the European Commission and realised by the Federation for Women and Family Planning, entitled Proactive monitoring of women’s reproductive rights as a part of human rights in Poland. Women’s human reproductive rights and lives at risk: the ETUC Women’s Committee calls for the rejection of the proposed bill currently being discussed in Poland The ETUC Women’s Committee particularly supports Polish women who are protesting against a bill, submitted through the citizens’ initiative which aims to introduce a full ban on abortion. The ruling party is also dismantling the systems that help victims of domestic violence. en es fr. access. Wage workers for the factory, drivers for public transport, janitors for universities. Hypocrisy towards abortion is growing – on the one hand, there is a thriving underground and increasingly widespread use of abortion pills, which can be obtained without even leaving home by using a computer with Internet Poland already has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, and new proposals are set to implement an almost total ban on abortions in the country. Women's rights Europe Explained: Reproductive rights under threat in Poland My Body My Rights campaign action at the International Secretariat, London, UK, 14 February 2013. What made hundreds of thousands of women in 60 cities across Poland protest and wear black? Poland's protests can be a rallying cry for a new feminist internationalism that demands and wins public services for care, social housing, universal health care, and wage justice. Discrimination on the grounds of gender and sex remains widespread and has been further exacerbated by the economic crisis and ensuing austerity measures adopted in some European States, which have impacted on women disproportionately. Internationalizing reproductive justice challenges our understanding not just of pregnancy and abortion, not just our right to have children and our right not to have them, but every other aspect of the reproduction of our social communities. In India, Armenia, or Hong Kong, the practice of sex-selective abortion — the abortion of female fetuses — has often pit women’s right to choose against the rights of future women, so to speak. The right to make reproductive choices is women’s legacy throughout history and belongs to every woman regardless of age, class, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual preference. “The only way we stop the global reactionist wave is together, in streets everywhere, demanding what is ours: our bodies, our lives, our country, the world,” wrote Zofia Malisz of Lewica Razem, a left-wing political party in Poland.