It generates an image on how small family farmers in developing and emerging countries live their lives. Nigeria. The average family size in Nigeria is 5.6 people, but many families are larger, especially in the north where polygamy is common. Though Lagos household size fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2006 - 2010 period ending at … The numbers in this wave of the survey do not reflect any significant change in average household size at the national level since Wave 2 of the survey conducted 3 … Nearly all the food produced by the household is consumed because productivity is low and family size large. Living Conditions. Banking: Although banking penetration in Nigeria is generally low, this is not the case among the middle-class. The average number of children in each household is 1.6 (excluding those away at school) vs a national average that is closer to 3; larger families are more common in rural areas. Average Number of People per Family Household With Own Children Under 18, by Race and Hispanic Origin, Marital Status, Age, and Education of Householder: 2019. They describe the size of the household as well as the demographic characteristics of the householder. A household consists of all people who occupy a given housing unit. The average number of cars per middle-class household is 0.8. Select city in Nigeria: Cost of living in Nigeria is 57.13% lower than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). The survey found that 94% of middle-class Nigerians currently have or have previously had a bank account. Canada: average family size, by province 2018 Number of households in China in 2011-2014 Average number of adults per non-retired household in the UK in 2017/18, by decile National Family Week: November 22-28, 2020 According to the 2019 American Community Survey, average family size has grown from 3.20 in 2007 to 3.23 in 2019. Lagos - Household Size, Average, Total. It is about putting in numbers, the constraints they face, and the choices they make so that policies can be informed by evidence to meet the challenge of agricultural development. Country Continent Current Population Number In Household Households % 1 Member % 2-3 Members % 4-5 Members % 6+ Members Year China Asia: 1,405,355,240: 3.00: 468,451,747 Nigeria, since 1960, has grown to be the 7th most populated country in the world. The average number of years spent in school here is approximately 9 years, with a national literacy rate of only 59.6%. The survey finds that average household size is 5.9 and 4.9 persons in rural and urban areas, respectively. That is saying a lot given the smaller size of the country itself. Nigeria Population History. 3.8 (persons) in 2010 In 2010, household size for Lagos was 3.8 persons. Lagos. The net effect is a lower level of household income, little savings, and … There are about 79.6 million families. It was shown that although family size is high in rural Nigeria, agricultural productivity is low, as is income derived. Rent in Nigeria is, on average, 27.62% lower than in … Nigeria‟s GDP rose fivefold from $46bn in 2000 to $247bn in 2011, according to IMF ... household size of 3.7 people.