Eating turkey berries helps in the treatment of diabetes. Dried cranberries add flavor, crunch, and nutrients to bread, salads, cereals, or trail mix. Regular intake of the berries can prevent the formation of worms in the intestine. It is a good tonic for liver and used to strengthen immunity power and also reduce body fat. Let’s now see what are the main nutrition facts of dried cranberries. Turkey Berries help regulates menstruation and so help with regular menstrual periods. Dr. Paul Haider says; turkey Berries are antibacterial, anti-fungal, and stops the excessive cell growth making it important for cancer. Jitha Sanal is Content Team Lead at Aathirai Foods. Dried Turkey Berry powder helps to lower Blood Pressure and prevent Heart attacks. It helps in treating injuries and wounds. Berries help flush out uric acid thus helping to prevent or reduce pain, redness, and symptoms of gout.Moreover, Turkey Berry Leaf contains powerful anti-inflammatory agent and natural steroids called soasoline, great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling, and pain in general. Health Benefits of Sundakkai Vathal / Dried Turkey Berry. Turkey’s berries are found to promote healthy immune function. It contains anti-inflammatory agents that cure arthritis, pain and swelling. The berries also help in the prevention and healing colds and flu. Turkey berry which is popularly known in Ghana as" Kwahu Nsusua" or" Abedru", is mostly found in Ghanaian markets and are also available in the wild and the backyard gardens in homes. 2. It supports kidney functioning in flushing out toxins like urea, ammonia and toxic substances. They are thin-fleshed and contain numerous flat, round, brown seeds. 5. It is better to have the fresh Turkey Berry than the dried one. Research indicates that the Turkey berry is indeed highly medicinal. Fmr. Turkey berry helps in purifying blood. Indeed, those are powerful antioxidants that can help … Make a gravy with crushed and dried turkey and take to flush out toxins and purify blood. Turkey berries are found useful to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Add Turkey berry twice in a week to your diet. © 2020 - StarrFM Online - A Product of EIB Digital | All Rights Reserved. Calcium has excellent benefits for maintaining bone health for pregnant women, which at the same time can help prevent various kinds of bone health problems. It has … It has sedative, diuretic and digestive properties. Studies show that  berries can also help prevent and treat kidney disease and even reverse tubular necrosis and glomerular congestion, therefore making it important for treating kidney disease. In Ghana, Turkey berry has several names given to it. You can make a lot of food more nutritious and tasty by adding dried cranberries to them. Turkey berry helps in getting rid of phlegm and mucus. Use the berries to prepare soup and take. Berries help flush out uric acid thus helping to prevent or reduce pain, redness, and symptoms of gout.Moreover, Turkey Berry Leaf contains powerful anti-inflammatory agent and natural steroids called soasoline, great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling, and pain in general. The most important health benefits of dried figs include its ability to strengthen bones, lower blood pressure, optimize digestion, aid in weight loss, and regulate diabetic symptoms, among others. Turkey berry ( also known as Solanum torvum, prickly nightshade, wild eggplant, pea aubergine, sundakkai, kudanekayi) is a bushy perennial plant used as a rootstock for eggplant. Weight Losing and Maintaining Per ¼ cup serving, goji berries supply 90 calories with four grams of protein and fiber. Sundakkai vathal is prepared by soaking (or curing) crushed green sundakkai in a thick yogurt and salt marinade for 2 to 3 days and then sun drying it. Extracts of the plant are reported to be useful in the treatment of hyperactivity, colds and cough, pimples, skin diseases, and leprosy. From urinary tract health to oral hygiene, WebMD explains what these dark red berries can do for you. To make the sundakkai podi, fry dried sundakkai vathal (dried turkey berry) in little bit of oil along with required amount of cumin seeds and peppercorns. The health benefits of turkey berries. Pairing berry with foods rich in vitamin C may help to increase iron absorption. They are used to lower blood sugar. Turkey Berry (Abedru /Kwaa nsusuaa) Health Benefits. Dried Turkey Berry can be deep fried in oil and served as a side dish for porridge & curd rice. Blended raw berry should be refrigerated so it doesn’t go bad and also for the bitterness to lessen. Another health benefit provided by turkey berry is to promote cardiovascular health. They stimulate the production of red blood cells. Turkey berries are found in most Ghanaian markets and are also mostly available in the wild and backyard gardens. A low iron level is a common nutrient deficiency. Apart from these turkey berries also treat indigestion, diarrhea and intestinal worms. The berries are also capable of neutralizing acid in the stomach making them important for healing gastric ulcers. People underweight can also blend raw turkey berries with water and take half a glass last thing before going to bed.