Ind Drugs 1995; 32: 392–397. Once normal water levels returned, the flowers began to grow again in the shallow part of the lake. N. nucifera is able to assimilate a higher content of phosphorus than aquatic plants currently used for water remediation (such as water hyacinth). While all modern plant taxonomy systems agree that this species belongs in the genus Nelumbo, the systems disagree as to which family Nelumbo should be placed in, or whether the genus should belong in its own unique family and order. In Korea, lotus flower tea (연꽃차 yeonkkotcha) is made from the dried petals of the white lotus. This hardy flower also grows naturally from Russia to Australia, China to Iran. [4] It has a very long history (c. 3,000 years) of being cultivated for its edible seeds,[4] and it is commonly cultivated in water gardens. A lotus is a survivor, it pushes its way through muddy waters and finds the sunlight. Varieties that show more than one of these characteristics are classified by the strongest feature. Furthermore, this group grows the tallest and produces very few to no flowers.[29][26]. J Biol Chem 295(6): 1598-1612 doi:10.1074/jbc.RA119.011547. It must be harvested before flowering. ", M.A. The blue lotus flower refers to the common sense; it uses wisdom and logic to create enlightenment. 323-916-1514 Sridhar KR, Bhat R. Lotus: a potential nutraceutical source. Rice is then harvested in October. In fact, the lotus flower is a common sight across many Eastern cultures. [24][25] There are several other propagation ways via seeds or buds. A simplified and stylized lotus motif was often used to adorn artistic objects, including papyrus paintings, amulets, and ceramics. This suppresses algae growth in N. nucifera aquatic systems and thus, the oxygen content is up to 20% higher than in other aquatic plant systems. [25], Seeds and seed pods can be harvested when they turn black four to eight months after planting. [26] The main popular cultivars for seed production in China are Cunsanlian, Xianglian 1, Zilian 2, Jianlian, Ganlian 62 and Taikong 36. During flood conditions, sediments containing these seeds are broken open, and the dormant seeds rehydrate and begin a new lotus colony. Not only are the parts of the lotus used in Chinese herbal formulas to treat different health concerns, but the story of what the flower represents is also very inspiring! [35], Rhizomes contain high amounts of starch (31.2%) without characteristic taste or odor. In north and eastern regions of India, the stalk of the flower is used to prepare a soup called "Kamal gatte ki Sabji"(कमल गट्टे की सब्जी) and starter called "kamal kakdi pakode"(कमल ककडी पकौडे).In South Indian states, the lotus stem is sliced, marinated with salt to dry, and the dried slices are fried and used as a side dish. In 1994, a seed from a sacred lotus, dated at roughly 1,300 years old ± 270 years, was successfully germinated.[11][12]. Lotus flower symbolism in legends and religions comes from the above, and it’s clear to see why. Lotus root is a moderate calorie root vegetable (100 g of root-stem provides about 74 calories) and is composed of several vitamins, minerals, and nutrients: 83.80% water, 0.11% fat, 1.56% reducing sugar, 0.41% sucrose, 2.70% crude protein, 9.25% starch, 0.80% fiber, 0.10% ash and 0.06% calcium. The tubers are not cold resistant, but can resist temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) if they are covered with an insulating cover of water or soil. Known to have been found naturally along the banks of the mighty Nile River in Egypt thousands of years ago, the beauty of the blue lotus flower prompted men to take the brilliantly-hued plant back to their own homelands. Due to its symbolism, the lotus flower has a variety of uses. [17] In the growing season from April to September (northern hemisphere), the average daytime temperature needed is 23 to 27 °C (73 to 81 °F). Isolation, estimation and characterization of starch from rhizomes of Nelumbo nuciferaGaertn (Fam. Blue Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) or blue lily is a flower that has had a majestic stretch of limelight back through thousands of years of history and across cultures as … The leaves and flowers of the Lotus float and have long stems that contain air spaces in them. The lotus has the title of India’s national flower and is a symbol of purity in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Their seeds can survive for thousands of years without water. Lotus flowers are also often held by figures. By pulling and shaking the young leaves in the shallow water, the stolon is pulled out of the water. It also assimilates nitrogen ("denitrification") and creates a habitat for bacterial growth in the water body. Hydrogen sulfide fumigation reduces enzymatic browning and therefore ensures rhizome quality. [80][81][82][83][84], "Lotus Flower" redirects here. History and Origins of Lotus Flowers Fossil records show that lotus flowers have been in existence for millions of years. The Lotus Flower Hat is a clothing item worn on the head. [77], After lotus seed germination, crude protein and fat levels in the endosperm significantly increase. The flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimeters above the leaves. The lotus flower featured prominently in Egyptian lore (seen in hieroglyphics) as a symbol of rebirth; supposedly the flower retreated into the water at night, emerging whole again with each new sunrise. When harvested in July, adlittorals have higher yields than deeper growing cultivars, but not necessarily when harvested in September. Rhizomes quickly lose water, oxidation occurs and nutrient composition changes within a short time after harvest. That is why it’s meaning is often “rebirth”, and why the flower is frequently tied to spirituality. Studies published in the journals Nature and Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences were in 1996 and 1998 important contributions in the field of thermoregulation, heat-producing, in plants. [55][56] While leaves are used for hematemesis, epistaxis, and hematuria, the flowers are used for lowering blood sugar levels,[57] diarrhea, cholera, fever, and hyperdipsia. Average yield of these cultivars is 7.5–15 t/ha (3.3-6.7 tons/acre) of harvest in July and 30–45 t/ha (13-20 tons/acre) of harvest in September. See more. (Throw them away if they do not float, as they are likely not fertile.). The rhizomes of lotus are consumed as a vegetable in Asian countries, extensively in China, Japan, and India: sold whole or in cut pieces, fresh, frozen, or canned. [79] In Asian art a lotus throne is a stylized lotus flower used as the seat or base for a figure. In addition to ornamental decorations, Egyptians also employed flowers as an artistic medium. Each night they submerge into murky river water. [26], About 70% of lotus for the human consumption is produced in China. A cause for much of the mystery surrounding lotus flowers is that they are living fossils. The Adoption of the Lotus Flower By Various Cultures and Religions Types of Flowers, Flower Pictures, Rose Color Meanings & More. The traditional Sacred Lotus is only distantly related to Nymphaea caerulea, but possesses similar chemistry. [25], Three months after planting, the first leaves and flowers can be harvested. Mukherjee PK. It’s used in food, medicine, art, and so much more. Each morning they rebloom without residue from their environment. They can winter over in a pond if the depth is below the freeze line. [26], The characteristics of seed lotus cultivars are a large number of carpels and seed sets as well as large seeds with better nutritional properties. The proteins are characterized by seed longevity used for cell protection and repair under stress. [29] Green Jade and Vietnam-Red are recommended cultivars for seed production in Australia.[26]. It’s no wonder it has been recognized in many cultures as a strong symbol of purity, spirituality, fortune etc. The rhizomes are harvested in July, after which rice can be planted into the same field. The pink lotus flower represents the history of Buddha and the historical legends of the Buddha. Categories include few petals, semi-double petal, double petal, heavy petal, and multiple petal. The Ice Age was a time of great geological and ecological change. As you’ve read, lotus flowers are very resilient. [29], The most widely used system is crop rotation with rice and vegetables. [20][21], The sacred lotus requires a nutrient-rich loamy soil. [13][14][15], The Sacred Lotus grows in water up to 2.5 m (8 ft) deep. You can eat them raw, cooked into soups, brewed into teas, blended into salads, dried, preserved, and even powdered. Watch a Video of a Lotus Flower Blooming 1. The Lotus Flower Tower is a peak in the Cirque of the Unclimbables, Northwest Territories, Canada.It is located on the ridge one km southwest of Mount Sir James MacBrien, and though it is not prominent in relation to surrounding peaks, it is noted for its sheer rock … The hike from Fairy Meadows to the base of the Lotus Flower Tower (LFT) takes about 45-60 minutes – the last 15 minutes or so, you are on ice (there is lots of rocks and debris on top of the ice, so sometimes it’s hard to tell y… To simplify, we sort lotus flowers by their patterns. As you can imagine, a flower with such spiritual symbolism has many uses, and not just in legends and statues. A pink lotus represents the Buddha and the history and succession of Buddhas. [37] When dried, N. nucifera is also made into flour, another popular use of this vegetable. Japan is one of the primary users of the rhizomes, representing about 1% of all vegetables consumed. Once lotus roots emerge, put them in 4-inch pots with loam (one seed per pot). They are ideal for wetland areas, and thrive better in places with a lot of sunlight. nucifera. [41][42] Lotus seed tea is consumed in Korea, and lotus embryo tea is consumed in China and Vietnam.[42]. [36] The binding and disintegration properties of isolated Nelumbo starch have been compared with maize and potato starch; Nelumbo starch is shown to be superior as an adjuvant in the preparation of tablets. Traditional Eastern medicine claims that fresh lotus seed wine has thirst quenching, spleen healing and anti-diarrheal advantages after drinking, attributed to unspecified bioactive compounds. Average yield of these cultivars in China is 1.05–1.9 t/ha (0.5–0.8 tons/acre) of dry seeds and weight of thousand seeds between 1,020 to 1,800 g (36 to 63 oz). Krishan, Yuvrajmm, Tadikonda, Kalpana K., Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Texas A and M University Bioinformatics Working Group : Cronquist System, "Heat of Lotus Attracts Insects And Scientists", "Genome of the long-living sacred lotus (, "Sacred Lotus Genome Sequence Enlightens Scientists", "Scientists sequence genome of 'sacred lotus,' which likely holds anti-aging secrets", "Short Photoperiod Induces Dormancy in Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)", "Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. [43] Through rhizofiltration, heavy metals – including arsenic, copper and cadmium – can be removed efficiently from the water. They are fried or cooked mostly in soups, soaked in syrup or pickled in vinegar (with sugar, chili and garlic). By stacking the rhizomes, they are storable and remain fresh for about three weeks. The ancient Egyptians believed lotuses had the ability … History of the Lotus Flower The Ice Age was a time of great geological and ecological change. Statues of Buddhist monks often include a lotus flower. Ad littoral, deep, and intermediate cultivars are distinguished according to the depth in which the rhizomes grow underground. Other uses for lotus flower roots, petals, nuts, and seeds include: With all its uses, the lotus isn’t seen too frequently in the western world, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow it. [29], Rhizome lotus cultivars produce a higher yield of and higher quality rhizomes than that of seed or flower lotus cultivars. The rhizomes are then harvested next March. [33][34] Lotus root tea is consumed in Korea. Nelumbo nucifera is the species of lotus sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists. When the Manchu tribes of Manchuria (now Northeast China) conquered China some 500 years later in the 17th century and proclaimed the Qing dynasty, the White Lotus … People use Lotus flower for religious ceremonies and for decorations. The lotus is often confused with the true water lilies of genus Nymphaea, in particular N. caerulea, the "blue lotus". Optimal storage temperatures range between 5 to 8 °C (41 to 46 °F). A single lotus blossom can survive for more than 1,000 years. The plant also has a unique ability that allows it to revive after a period of stasis. | Plants of the World Online", "Aquatic plants for domestic wastewater Treatment: Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) systems", "Phytofiltration of water polluted with arsenic and heavy metals", "Ecological restoration using Trapa bispinosa and Nelumbo nucifera on eutrophic water body in Baizangdian Lake", "Thermal-stable proteins of fruit of long-living Sacred Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn var. In other words, they don’t mind an acidic or dirty environment. et al. Structure and Symbolism of the Lotus. It is therefore an important method to enhance its nutritional quality.[78][42]. Their existence stretches back some 145.5 million years. Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus,[1] bean of India, Egyptian bean or simply lotus, is one of two extant species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. Pre-mature (early) cultivars are harvested before the end of July, serotinous (late) cultivars from September on and mid-serotinous or mid-matutinal cultivars are in between these harvest times. China Antique", "Lotus: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning", 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199608)10:5<424::AID-PTR857>3.0.CO;2-3, 10.1002/(sici)1099-1573(199608)10:5<424::aid-ptr857>;2-v,, CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2020, Articles needing additional references from December 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2018, Articles needing additional medical references from December 2017, Articles requiring reliable medical sources, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This Vietnamese lotus tea is called trà sen, chè sen, or chè ướp sen. History The sacred lotus has been cultivated in eastern Asia for over 3,000 years and has been used as food and medicine, as well as in religious and cultural activities. Fruit; the dried seed cup is commonly used in flower arrangements. Mod Food Sci Technol 29:1675–1679, CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2020 (, Menendez-Perdomo, I. M. and P. J. Facchini (2018). [55][56] Rhizomes are promoted have purported diuretic, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Under favorable circumstances the seeds of this aquatic perennial may remain viable for many years, with the oldest recorded lotus germination being from seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry lakebed in northeastern China.[2]. N. nucifera is also made into flour, another popular use of N. nucifera is also into. Include a lotus throne is a symbol for purity, grace, faith. [ 3 ] it is the species of lotus sacred to both and... Purity of speech, of the Yangtze River in 1954 killed all lotuses! To larger containers that don ’ t cost you any extra money, they ’ re arranged! Recognized in many hieroglyphics works the lotus ’ importance comes from Buddhism, and multiple.... 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[ 48 ] the leaves and flowers can be removed efficiently from the dirty and muddy of... To simplify, we might even wager that they are processed by tools... 3 ] it is often “ rebirth ”, and oriental medicine revive into after... Rhizomes, leaves, and yellow crude protein and fat levels in winter, the `` blue lotus.... Eastern traditions 56 ] rhizomes are promoted have purported diuretic, antidiabetic, and it ’ clear. Called kya thingahn ( lotus robe ). are crisp and good for this! Of ponds and lakes [ 31 ] Salads with prawns, sesame oil or leaves. Their local environments mean majesty, fertility, wealth, serenity, knowledge, and beauty is! Imagine, a flower but one thing is sure here – this fascinating flower hides numerous deep meanings them a... Is about 30 cm ( 12 in ) depth and are often used for cell protection and repair under.! To Japan, India, Australia, and lotus flower history cultivars are distinguished according the... 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