As always, though, there can be restrictions and both should be used on animals with care. Coccidiosis. These look a lot like canker sores and can cause respiratory issues if they’re serious enough. So how do you know when your chicken is sick? These bizarre-looking chicken breed is believed to have come from Asia. Yes. Once again, the intensity factor can affect the numbers quite a bit, but mortality rates for Newcastle Disease can be as low as 10% and as high as 80%! Other diseases may not present themselves until the chickens are fully grown. Less common, but sometimes mistaken for either leg mites or bumblefoot, is a type of arthritis known as gout, which is far easier to prevent than to treat. Eventually, the paralysis can extend to breathing, at which point you can lose the animal. While it does not spread directly from parent to egg, Marek’s disease is highly contagious. A Silkie is the ultimate in kids’ chickens. Today the breed is the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental chicken breed. It is a viral, tumor-forming disease that targets the organs of adult birds in particular. This … You can get some more info on Fowl Cholera here (the first one under Nonrespiratory Bacterial Diseases). Similar in many ways to Infectious Bronchitis (scroll down for a comparison of the two), Infectious Coryza is a bacteria-driven respiratory infection. Silkies are known for their unique genetic twist which gives them an additional 1 or 2 toes per foot. This one is another bacterial disease that can spread from things like rats, possums, and other rodents, as well as wildfowl that stop in for a visit. Mosquitoes who have fed on infected birds can also spread the disease. For starters, look for anything out of the ordinary. Not only will the chickens not get Marek's Disease protection, but turkeys might be exposed to other common chicken diseases such as Mycoplasma and Blackhead. Silkie problems and diseases: What are the things that can be problematic for Silkie chickens? However, if they are still chicks, you can raise the temperature of their environment by a few degrees and give them a mash to help them eat easier. Chickens that have Infectious Bronchitis will eat and drink less and develop a watery discharge from their eyes and nostrils. You may find your bird unable to stand or lift its head. However, if the outbreak is more severe, dark red and white spots can develop on the legs and combs of the infected chickens. Either form can come separately or work in concert together to wreak havoc on a brood. Similar to Lymphoid Leukosis, Marek’s Disease is another one of the nastier types of illnesses. One of the ways to tell Infectious Coryza from Infectious Bronchitis is that Coryza usually involves facial swelling accompanied by a thick, sticky discharge from the eyes and nostrils. Is the Silkie Right For You? Wild birds, dirty equipment, and your own shoes can all spread the infection. When a bird preens, it is clicking the tiny barbicels together, so their feathers stay in place and look neat and orderly. This parasitic disease will literally turn your stomach, or more accurately, your chicken’s stomach. While the name alone is a bit challenging, that’s just the beginning of the trouble. This can help prevent any future outbreaks. Many breeders try to breed diseases out of their chickens. If you think you’re battling with Infectious Bronchitis or another respiratory illness, here is some more information to help make the diagnosis. READ OUR FULL PRIVACY POLICY.DISCLAIMER - I MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE IS ACCURATE, MAINTAINED TO A HIGH STANDARD AND UP TO DATE. "Showgirl" chickens - are they Silkies? Even the strains from mild cases can mutate quickly and become very deadly. Many breeders have bred their stock for natural immunity, but of course you can get your birds vaccinated.With Silkies being very fluffy they can be a target for mites and lice, so due diligence should be paid to these little fluff balls. Do you feel like your chicken’s impending doom lurks around every corner? Another good idea is to get rid of the source! Seriously, if humans lived like that I don’t know who wouldn’t be sick all of the time. is supported by its readers. In addition, blood-tinged discharge from the nostrils is common as well as facial swelling and blue combs and/or wattles. Others include abnormally large, unused yolk sacs, very bad smelling peritonitis (a swelling infection of the abdomen), seeping out of the navel, edema in the lower skin of the chick, dehydration, and even blood poisoning. When a chick is born, its navel needs to heal. This can be done through cleaning the coop regularly, keeping pests like bugs, flies and rodents out of the coop, keeping a clean supply of water available year round, and making sure that the food hasn’t gone bad (Or you haven’t fed them the wrong food in the first place). You can suffocate the mites with topical ointments like vegetable oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and even petroleum jelly. As is so often the case, egg production can slow in an infected bird. The best measure you can take to protect your flock from illness is prevention. ABOUT AND CONTACT US - The mites spread from contact between the chicken and rodents, wildfowl, or other chickens. External navel infection is the obvious one. The bacteria can come from things like pond scum, maggots, plant waste, and the classic – rotting meat. However, while this is a common symptom we’ve seen multiple times before, often chickens who have contracted Infectious Bronchitis never recover to previous levels of egg production, and their egg whites can become more watery. We start off with a disease that has shocked the world more than once: the Avian Influenza. There is a bantam version of this breed. Finding a chicken vet can be difficult, and this leaves ... Read More about How Help A Sick Chicken – Q & A With A Chicken Vet The “dry form” comes with warty, raised spots on featherless areas of the infected chicken. Just like Marek’s Disease, virus is the main cause of Newcastle Disease. There are even some poultry diseases that affect humans! But most commonly it can spread via the air. There are obvious symptoms, like diarrhea, mucus on their noses, lameness, and general paralysis. Antibiotics are effective. But before you do, please share this post! Yes, the Avian Influenza can be extremely deadly. For any chicken farmer, the health of your birds should be at the top of your priority list. One possible solution is to give them Vitamin A.. Apparently Silkies can be quite susceptible to Mareks’s disease. Dietary change and even surgery are options as well. Botulism in chickens is very similar to the condition in humans – namely, when a chicken ingests something infected with Botulism bacteria, it gets really, really sick. Once again there is little to do once your chickens already have the virus, besides taking good, rehabilitative care of them. Even vaccinated chickens can still be carriers. If another chicken gives the silkie a good, strong peck on top of its head, it can actually cause neurological damage or even kill them. These fluffy chickens are cute! The parasite is ingested from the chicken’s environment in its egg form and then reproduces, at which point more eggs leave through the chicken’s feces. Last but not least, we come to Thrush, or Candidiasis as it is officially called. Unfortunately, it is very hard to know when this is happening, as so much of the damage takes place inside before exterior symptoms reveal what’s going on. However, preventative treatments exist including vaccinations to keep the sickness from spreading to the rest of the flock. If you suspect that your birds have avian flu, report it to your vet immediately and ask them for assistance. And let us know in the comments below what your chickens were diagnosed with, and what you did to treat them. The sores can take a couple of weeks to heal and can lead to things like slowed growth, lethargic behavior, and fewer eggs. It can also be one of the more serious diseases in winter, when chickens are closer together. If you’re a fan of’s symptom checker, you can try out this cool chicken symptom checker here to narrow down your search a bit further. Aflatoxicosis and mycotoxicosis are both fungal diseases related to eating moldy feed. Here are some chicken diseases you need to know about: These chicken diseases can be caused by bacteria, protozoa, or viruses. The best way to check for that one is at night when everyone in the coop is calm and resting. It is very common in silkies. Anything from an improperly disposed-of carcass to infected rodents, equipment, and even people can all spread the disease. Secondly, a new chicken can get stressed with the change of location and travel and as a result this can bring out a dormant disease in a chicken that looked healthy when you first bought it. Although if left untreated, secondary infections can be a danger. This is not correct! Wry neck affects about 8% of chicks across all breeds. Silkie chickens certainly don’t look like your average chicken due to their lack of feathers. The Avian Flu is a viral disease that can survive for a very long time. In addition, to help prevent further outbreak, clean up the coop and take measures to keep bugs and rodents out and the food and water clean from contamination. It can be hard to see initially, as the mites are too small to see with the naked eye, but the symptoms can be a quick indicator of what’s going on. In fact, another name for the Silkie is the Chinese silk chicken. Carriers are infected for life, and can pass on the virus both through direct contact and through their eggs. Fact #1: Silkie chickens have extra toes. Some sick chicken symptoms are mild, leading to a day or two of not feeling up to par and exhibiting a low appetite. Here is a good source for more information on Bumblefoot in chickens. Reading Time: 6 minutes T wo common chicken foot problems and leg ailments are leg mites and bumblefoot, both of which are easy to treat. Really, though, keeping those pesky rodents out is the best long-term preventative you can find. The best solution is unfortunately to separate the birds that carry the disease, and get rid of them, as there is no effective treatment available at this time. Obviously, removing the source of the mold is also imperative, as the fungus can otherwise be re-ingested. Tremors and paralysis are common. Showgirls, which are very popular both as a pet and a show bird in the USA but hardly known at all anywhere else, are a cross between a Silkie and a Naked Neck Turken chicken. (Though the breed standard is 5 toes, some have an additional toe for a … WE HAVE CHOSEN TO USE ANONYMISED DATA FROM EU COUNTRIES IN OUR ANALYTICS AND ADVERTISING. Some poultry illnesses are worse in winter when life is a battle between keeping chickens warm and forcing them to remain all “cooped up.”. This gives you the option to vaccinate the rest of the flock if desired. Newcastle Disease. Yes, but mortality rates tend to stay pretty low, at around 20%. If your chickens' feed has gotten moldy from being wet, the resulting illnesses can cause staggering as one of the symptoms. Note: this is not the same illness that is seen in humans. And they are kept for both ornamental and exhibition purpose. This one is a basic infection with a simple (and gross) cause: mites. The “wet form” comes with actual pox in the mouth and throat. There isn’t a treatment at this point, so the virus must be left to run its course. Here is a good source for further information if needed! More information on Mushy Chick disease can be found here. You can only vaccinate against Marek’s Disease before tumors develop. Older birds — coughing, sneezing, poor laying. READ THE FULL DISCLAIMER.GDPR - THIS SITE DOES NOT COLLECT OR STORE ANY INFORMATION. Some of these infections are very dangerous and can kill a chicken before you even know they’re sick. This is one of the sadder, more intense diseases on the list. You should be suspicious of this disease if you see your birds begin to have greenish … Another interesting one for us humans to relate to, Bumblefoot is a chicken’s version of a staph infection in their leg (hence the “foot” part…). You may want to check out our articles on How Cold Is Too Cold For Chickens, and How To Keep Your Chicken Water From Freezing for some top tips and recommendations! 5. It’s a good idea to ask a vet on this one! The Coccidiosis parasites can create a huge amount of gut damage, leading to things like diarrhea with blood and mucus, as well as weight loss. No, unless you just leave the infection to fester. Coming from the soil in most cases, this bacteria can appear especially after a heavy rain disrupts any stagnant water that may be in the chicken’s environment. They will begin to have heavy, labored breathing, and their egg production can drop. The virus can range from non-pathogenic (not causing disease) to highly pathogenic (causing disease and death), and this depends on the strain of Marek’s disease caught. Newcastle disease (either the domestic or the exotic variety) - Neurological symptoms of this chicken illness can include paralysis/partial paralysis of limbs, head twisting, walking in circles, walking backwards, clumsiness, tremors; Nutritional Myopathy - Symptoms of this chicken illness can include clumsiness/weakness due to muscle deterioration Is The Silkie Chicken Right Choice For You? Other possibilities include locations in southeast Asia such as Java and India. Roughness and unevenness, as well as straight-up deterioration of the skin in the legs and feet, are obvious signs of Scaly Leg. All of them are common among poultry in the United States. Whether it’s pond scum or the dead carcass over there, get it outta here! Ivermectin can be used, but please consult a vet before you do. In this blog post, Lawrence Beeken provides some information on diseases that he has found are common to the Silkie breed of chicken. Related Topic – 15 Most Common Chicken Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment. It is unknown from where (or when), exactly, these breeds originated, but the most well-documented potential origin is ancient China. In their homeland (China and the Far East) the Silkie had been providing eggs and meat for the affluent for many centuries. If you’re interested in learning more about Botulism in chickens, check out this article. (This is important to identify early, as you may want to consume your eggs. They’re an unfortunate part of life. Coccidiosis is a chicken disease that invades the bird’s intestinal tract. Viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, and parasites are the infectious type of illness. Salmonella, E-Coli and Listeria are some of the most common ones that you’ve probably already heard of so keep an eye out for unusual poop. Signs of nearing death include swollen joints and feet as well as abscessed wattles. Sick chickens can be targets for predators and bullying, so let’s talk about what you should do if you think your chicken is sick. While it can lead to secondary infections, most adult chickens can recover. Also, remember to call the vet if things are looking serious! If you think you’re dealing with Scaly Leg and need more information, you can find it here. To learn which predators could potentially be invading your coop, check out this article here. That’s right, your clothes, boots, and hands can even be the culprits. Many people want to keep them as pets because they have such sweet personalities and they look so striking and cute. We’ll look at them below and get a good idea of what each one is. Not generally, unless the pox leads to secondary infections. Some you can prevent with management practices, and others there is very little you can do. Ask a vet to vaccinate your chicks while they are still young to prevent an outbreak in your flock. Buy freshly milled organic chicken feed shipped direct from the fields of the midwest. A gentler alternative is using an essential oil like thyme, tea tree, or clove. Unfortunately, yes. Generally no, although severe cases can be. It transmits through the air via chicken dander/dust and can lie dormant in a seemingly healthy host for as long as a year. Thrush can be transmitted through moldy feed, water, or other contaminated surfaces. Milder forms of Avian Flu can lead to things like tiredness, diarrhea, breathing issues, a decline in eating, and a decrease in egg production. Current research shows that there are six mutations of the virus that can cause the disease. No. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. However, keep your eyes peeled for other symptoms of fowl cholera, that include fever, reduced appetite, heavy breathing, mucus from the mouth, diarrhea, and ruffled feathers. Winter can be harsh, and in cold conditions your chickens are susceptible to disease if they don’t have adequate water or a healthy environment. Another source is insects who have eaten from infected meat. The Silkie Chicken – Everything You Need To Know Some call them funny; a few bizarre, while others say they are the indisputable weirdos of the chicken world. Without a healthy flock, egg production lowers, sickness can spread, and in the end, you may lose chickens (and profit). Eastern cultures hav… Vaccines are available to prevent contracting the disease, but it must be given early on in life (within the first 15 weeks) as eventually, it will stop the hen from being able to lay eggs. Remove healthy chicks immediately to clean quarters. We do not specifically market to children under 13. fed them the wrong food in the first place, How To Keep Your Chicken Water From Freezing, Best Egg Incubator: 10 Chicken Egg Incubators, Reviewed, Best Chicken Feed: 7 Organic Brands For Laying Hens, Reviewed, 30 Ways To Keep Predators Out of Your Chicken Coop, 19 Cool A-Frame Chicken Coop Plans and Ideas, 29 pallet Chicken Coop Ideas You Can Build This Weekend. But the good news is that while Botulism shows up on most lists of diseases (as it’s an intense one to deal with), it is fairly uncommon when compared to other diseases. Diseases can spread quickly between chickens and can be fatal, so be learning about the most common chicken diseases, their symptoms. Use caution handling — staph and strep that cause this disease may infect humans. Once again, here is a bit more info if you think this might be a problem, and want to pursue a more detailed self-diagnosis. Silkies, like all other chickens will for the most part lead normal and happy lives but there are a few genetic conditions and care concerns for all stages of their life. Diseases from chickens’ feces are quite common; infections and viruses can spread from rats, possums, and other rodents; from infected feed or waterers…and even from you! Also keep an eye out for secondary infections, which can usually be combated with antibiotics. Diatomaceous earth is a good option as well. Alright, let’s take a look at the list of common poultry diseases that could be affecting your birds. You can read more about the Avian Flu here. A bane to younger chicks in particular, this tumor-driven virus affects the nervous system. Officially known as Omphalitis, “Mushy Chick” is a disease that infects new chicks shortly after hatching.More information on Mushy Chick disease can be found. While the name alone is a bit challenging, that’s just the beginning of the trouble. When you purchase through links on our site, I may earn an affiliate commission. The Silkie Chicken has been around for a very long time. Vaccines are available to help prevent any future outbreaks as well. Silkie Chickens for Sale Our day old silkie chickens (sometimes called silky chickens or bantam chickens) hatch mid-February to November. Sadly, this one is fatal, with most infected chicks dying within a few days. Silkie chicken was first admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1874. As previously mentioned, the Avian Flu is serious enough that it must be reported immediately. Pullorum: Symptoms: Chicks are inactive, may have white diarrhea with pasted rear ends, breathing difficulty, or die without symptoms. They have typical Silkie downy feathering, dark skin, and many of the Silkie characteristics, particularly the broodiness. There are certain diseases, like wry … Chickens sick with Botulism can be given antitoxins from the vet, although they can be expensive. Apparently Silkies can be quite susceptible to Marek’s disease. They become pink and callused, and can eventually end up covered in sores. Another stand-out about Infectious Coryza is that the chickens just plain stink. Less dangerous strains can have a relatively low mortality rate, but during serious epidemics, a large portion (half or more, depending on the source) of the flock can die. Aspergillosis and ergotism, also fungal diseases, may also be causes of staggering. The virus can spread through a number of transmissions including feed bags, dead birds, infected coops, and those good-for-nothing rodents. Here is a great follow up source for dealing with fungal infections like Thrush (second down on the list!). 2. If you’re interested in learning some more information on this one, you can find it here. Occasionally, the fluff at the rear end does need trimming for hygiene and breeding purposes.Other than this, Silkies are quite robust and will usually live for 5-8 years or longer with lots of tender loving care! Usually, an injury on the leg allows the bacteria to enter and infect. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Advertiser Disclosure: is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, Next on the list is another worldwide sickness familiar to our collective ear: Botulism. However, this is a serious enough disease that, at least in the U.S., it must be reported if you suspect your flock has the disease. An oozy white secretion between the neck and the body is common, as well as overeating, lethargy, ruffled feathers, and a crusty vent area. The reality is that, like humans or any other living thing, chickens can get sick in a lot of different ways. If left untreated, eventually the whole foot turns dark blue or even black, becoming swollen and distorted. Wry neck is an illness. As with any animal, a chicken cannot communicate an issue with you until a symptom shows up – and then diagnosing how serious it is and deciding what to do about it is can be both intimidating and difficult. Marek’s disease is a viral disease of chickens that is caused by a herpes virus. You can purchase either day old chicks or mature birds depending on the price and availability in your area. Newcastle Disease can spread short distances through the air, but it is more likely to be transmitted through contaminated “outsiders”. Diseases and infections can be spread from parent to offspring through the egg laying and incubating process, and can therefore be present upon hatching. 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