The plant picture at the most right looks similar to a plant called "Actaea Pachypoda". Read the supposed expert's testimony. Looks like plant grafting from a poets point of view. I feel like the end, with very few pictures, seems to be a written conclusion of whoever wrote it, has come up to. The key to the cipher manuscript placed in the manuscript. ff. There is a key to cipher the Voynich manuscript. zodiac signs and moon cycles are some how related to women cycles and discomfort. Theories range from a secret language or code to an old sort of joke or hoax. This is usual for made up languages. How can i see it in reality where is it situated? Cryptographically, the Voynich Manuscript (AKA ‘the VMs’) is a 234-page handwritten document filled with enciphered text in an unknown alphabet, threaded through by a large number of drawings of equally uncertain meaning – unrecognizable plants, circular diagrams, small naked women.It has inspired a surfeit (if not a plethora) of web-pages, articles, books, documentaries and even novels. So what are the stars if not stars...for instance at some stage stars start to appear to be on the left of the page and following there's an entire paragraph for each type of star. Each time I have done DMT, I have seen some of those plants. The 240-page Voynich manuscript is written in an unknown alphabet that’s never been seen before or since. For the first time, this facsimile, complete with elaborate folding sections, allows readers to explore this enigma in all its stunning detail, from its one-of-a-kind “Voynichese” text to its illustrations of otherworldly plants, unfamiliar constellations, and naked women swimming though fantastical tubes and green baths. Book seems legit so he pays a good money and brags to his friends as he owns a scientific book. The naked women in the river-like Things could be drawings of human Body parts. I do know that, viewing it in its entirety, I was left with an uncomfortable "feeling". I would like to recommend Terence McKenna's talk on the Voynich Manuscript to anyone interested in it, simply amazing. Not yet. So low, in fact, that it was unlike any known natural language, especially the European languages. Maybe code with made up letters and missing key to decipher? Edited by Raymond Clemens, with an introduction by Deborah Harkness. Bem isso não importa, a minha duvida é sobre Jacobus a Tepenec (Jacobus Horcick) naquela época em que ele estava com Rodolfo II no Sacro Império Romano-Germânico, eu me perguntava: "Como Jacobus sabia fazer o elixir cura tudo para salva Rodolfo II de uma doença que quase o levou para a morte?" which could well mean months and planting seasons, then there is the liquid part which is the rainfall possibly nutrients, those women are carriers, each one of them carries a star or symbolises a stage of pregnancy. First Botany, then Stars, Then people, then recipes. Every "word", indicated by spaces, is a musical chord. O manuscrito pode ser um livro especial e tão especial quanto todos os manuscrito, é uma relíqua do passado e contando sobre todas as estrelas que rodeiam por cima da terra. Some plants for making water. So that's what this book is. or trying to think about what those many stars mean, for example some crops such as garlic go on for 8 months so if you were to plant say 4 garlics a month you would end up never without garlic. Já a célula ao meio, não tenho ideia, vai dar um bom tempo para compreendermos esse mapa e o que ele significa. botanicals containing drawings of 113 unidentified plant species; A university that breathlessly declared one of its academics had cracked the code of the celebrated Voynich manuscript has been forced into an … also Im assuming that the writing or the text may also be something like that of the green language used by Nostradamus in his quartrains.I have also noticed the use of an "H" like symbol in the text..that may just be a "pointer" so to speak because it comes up so many times in the manuscript. The theory of it being a coded text I also disregard since the coding mechanisms for the dated time was primitive but very effective back then. Many call the fifteenth-century codex, commonly known as the “Voynich Manuscript,” the world’s most mysterious book. It has become quite famous, and it is recognised as one of the main unsolved problems in the history of cryptography. and in the end the human body is explained in a way People might understand. And how they interact. 10/28/1970 Voynich Manuscript, Tordella Correspondence 06/1978 An Application of Cluster Analysis to the Question of "Hands" and "Languages" in the Voynich Manuscript 11/30/1976 New Research on the Voynich Manuscript - Proceedings of a Seminar, 30 November 1976 (Callimahos Collection) LOL, I thought so they only made assumptions no real explanations. Each plant has been drawn with roots which the plant has, the type of leaves & flowers it bears also fruits if present. Thus, the manuscript never was meant to have anything to do with alchemy. With her help was able to translate a few dozen words that are completely relevant to the theme sections. I see the planting seasons and the moon/sun cycles over the seedlings, then it gets into aries, taurus, libra etc. Thanks a lot for providing this book. The traditional reason for this was to keep the information out of the hands of the unworthy, while at the same time giving useful information to those that had been initiated into the Mysteries. Food for thought... My name is Sukhwant Singh and I have extensively researched in depth on MS-408 better known as the Voynichmanuscript. The part where there are many stars in a circle to me it could mean a few things like plant spacing or number of seeds that each star conforms to. Muito legal ter este pdf disponível aqui no. For example: A symphony starts off slow and steady then introduces new instruments and more complicated/richer sounds. Written in an unknown script by an unknown author, the manuscript has no clearer purpose now than when it was rediscovered in 1912 by rare books dealer Wilfrid Voynich. The Book basically describes transpeicies migration. This in my opinion is not a language whatsoever its a code, although some of the symbols are familiar such as the Greek letter R,T,TH, and many more in lower case. Obviously that’s the main theme of the book. I don't know what this manuscript is or is not. Stephen Bax ♦ February 5, 2014 ♦ Comments Off on Voynich manuscript. While reviewing the manuscript, it gives me the feeling that the writer is attempting to convey about the type of plants which were available in the vicinity. The University of Bristol has retracted their press release mentioning his work. The content consists of six sections as explained at the Voynich Manuscript web page at the Beinecke Library. We know … Parchment. To me that would indicate either poetry, music or some other format displaying structure. The essays that accompany the manuscript explain what we have learned about this work—from alchemical, cryptographic, forensic, and historical perspectives—but they provide few definitive answers. The first authorized copy of this mysterious, much-speculated-upon, one-of-a-kind, centuries-old puzzle "For the first time, a complete reproduction [of] The Voynich Manuscript, has been published, featuring essays exploring what is known about the book and extra-wide margins so readers can record their responses to its beguiling, beautiful strangeness. Uploaded by Enough said you can find detailed bios on the works many places on the internet, try Wikipedia or some of the dedicated forums. Parece que há uma coisa faltando, parece que tem uma outra pessoa por detrás disso também, o Imperador podia ter contado a Tycho sobre o manuscrito voynich. I think they used some kind of prisme that would reflect to other characters. This is the rituals and purification rules that Israelí women used for cleanness and medications. He pays a bookmaker to make a book that looks like scientific book but written in gibberish so that he duke won't know what the book is abut. Whether it is only inches away, but on a different vibration, or some where across the universe transported instantly, I believe the Voynich Manuscript is describing a very real place, with many similarities to those on Earth and sharing some possible "laws" of the universe looking at the pages that suggest Zodiac/Horoscope charts, and Galaxy maps. Thank you आ२ाा, It showed me the truth!!!! My video series shows my work. Buy voynich manuscript canvas prints designed by millions of independent artists from all over the world. A questão de o manuscrito que possa ser uma fraude, eu não tenho que lhe dizer nada, por que a opinião das pessoas são validas, todas, mas quero dizer a vocês que quando eu estava vendo sobre algo que envolvia farsa e que envolvia Dee e Kepler, não se encaixava, sempre havia alguma coisa sobre o manuscrito que não se encaixava direito se ele era realmente uma farsa, primeiro por causa das datas, a tinta e a capa são do século XIV e não se encaixava na versão de Dee e Kepler ter dado o manuscrito para o Imperador Rodolfo. To me this entire book is only and solely about plants and plant physiology. Some last pages are the formulation and potions and medications compositions made with the help of these herbs and plants for women related problems. Já as últimas finais, as letras são nítidas, como se ele tivesse escrito na mesma hora concluindo o manuscrito em que a última página tem um desenho de uma mulher pequena meio apaga e as palavras finais ao lado, também meio apagadas. The Voynich manuscript was introduced to the modern world in 1912 when antique dealer Wilfrid Voynich acquired it. What do a Venus fly trap, the birth of Venus painting and the songs "in bloom" and "kiss by a rose" have in common. Dear Intellectuals of light bearing science. Jacobus sabia o que estava escrito no manuscrito, sabia sobre os diagramas, sabia tudo sobre as plantas e o que elas podiam fazer, como Rodolfo II pode ter dado o manuscrito a ele após a morte, pois Rodolfo sabia sobre o manuscrito também, mas sua história não focava no manuscrito, mas sim nas cidades e no seu irmão Matias. Despite all appearance of intelligence, discipline, determination, and proliferation, it is utter nonsense. I can recognise many plants with a bit of imagination. When talking about mysteries, the Voynich manuscript cannot be overlooked. i tought that the writer of this manuscript doesn't have great ability in scientific paintings especiallly in plant morphology. Based on the pictures, and what I have read about the manuscript, it seems like an observation of the world, plants and people. Schaut für mich aus wie Mohn... nach meinem Kräuterwissen könnten die farbigen Teile der Pflanzen auf deren Verwendbarkeit hindeuten- zur Sprache... es gab ja immer auch Sprachen ohne Vokale?! Dorje Jinpa. While to me this language does appear to be some form of Latin written without grammatical knowledge (not by scholars, at least not as we view them), for your hero to state that the entire Bible is invalid is hubris beyond belief. The Voynich manuscript is not written with letters. Looks like a science journal. Já os signos zodíacos, eu ainda irei análisar bem, já o grande e estranho mapa na página 86 do livro, aquilo eu realmente não tive quase nenhuma ideia, 9 células? The author has managed to group the individual papers together to form a journal as an archive of his research.As the texts are of in a single line it could be written by a women where most of the elements mentioned depicts to give a life or some form of life. while i viewing this book i noticed the drawings and details of plants are in its physical looks and the surrounding text is supposed to be the information regarding the plant. Tycho morreu em 1601, Rodolfo II morreu em 1612 e Jacobu em 1622, Tycho conhecia o Imperador Rodolfo II, pois uma vez o Imperador Rodolfo chamou Tycho para um serviço. Frayed, browned and in fragile condition, the Voynich manuscript currently resides deep in a basement at Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library … "—Nina Maclaughlin, Boston Globe Filled with beguiling images of plants, stars, and strange designs and people, the manuscript has perplexed readers for centuries. 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