This is because signiï¬cant sections of, the population suffer debilitating disease and economic hardship mainly due to, poor management rather than actual water shortage. To manage limited water, coping behaviors included skipping drinking, changing cooking plans, and recycling water. For a harmonious development of cattle. 'Backcasting' a positive future vision of the world's water resources as a tool for developing rational policies and approaches for reducing water-related problems is also discussed in the context of the Comprehensive Freshwater Assessment prepared for the United Nations General Assembly in 1997. The urban population of Cameroon has a growth rate of 3.2% per on average, mean while in the big cities like Douala and Yaoundé the annual growth rates of. Being a member of seven international, or trans-boundary basins, transboundary water management should therefore be an. MINEF, Yaoundé, Cameroon, MINEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests) (2000) Law No 96/12 of 5th August 1996 relating to, environmental management in Cameroon. prerequisite of every legislation and plan. To ï¬ll this deï¬cit, Cameroon imports about, 60,000 tons of ï¬sh annually estimated at 15.6 billion FCFA (MINEE, has great potentials for development as the country has a 360 km long maritime, façade. TAC background, paper no. Decision-Support-Systems (DSS) support this complicated planning and decision, process as was applied in the study of seawater intrusion in the Shandong Province, Given the variation in the nature and complexity of the issues and the jurisdiction of, different institutions and organizations, the water and water-related problems have, to be approached at different levels. the FAO-AQUASTAT Database, for some countries large discrepancies exist Using secondary data and empirical evidence collected through participatory research, it was found that the management of rural water systems in Northwest Cameroon is challenged by uncoordinated policies and failed institutions. The paper argues that the efficacy of rural water supply will always be compromised unless rural communities and community-based organizations are involved and engaged indecision-making processes and project implementation that affect them, or in which they have an interest, Lâanthropisation intensive du bassin de la Sanaga impose une accélération des recherches sur la biodiversité et la conservation de ses ressources aquatiques. Information is disseminated and unknown to users of the resources. Africa, March 2002. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Publication no. The ERWG study demonstrates the different systems and mechanisms developed by European countries to meet this target. The challenge of access to potable, water of the population following the Millennium Development Goals is an essential, objective of the national water policy especially as about 42% of the population, does not have access to adequate drinking water and particularly in rural areas, supplied with potable water by CAMWATER while the rural population makes use, of groundwater resources through boreholes equipped with manual pumps, wells and, There is a problem of securing agricultural production and food security through, irrigation. There is no joint action in the management of the water resources. Dr Kirsty Upton and Brighid Ó Dochartaigh, British Geological Survey, UK Dr Imogen Bellwood-Howard, Institute of Development Studies, UK Please cite this page as: Upton, Ó Dochartaigh & Bellwood-Howard, 2018. After introducing charges in São Paulo, Brazil, water use in manufacturing declined. In 1980 the industrial water consumption, was 200 million cubic meters as compared to 130 million cubic meters in 1990, management have been attributed to many factors which included non regarding, Water is a special resource. of both sectors. investments might be necessary and justiï¬ed. In addition, stakeholders from various sectors are involved. The study also revealed that there is continuous top-down management of natural resources despite the guise of decentralization of management responsibilities to rural communities and institutions. In this context, the ichthyofauna of a part of the Djerem River has been studied with the aim to know its diversity and identify environmental factors that determine its distribution and conservation. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 165â186, Gleick PH (1998) Water in crisis: paths to sustainable water use. 5.2 Organisational Structures for Managing Water in Cameroon The institutional framework of Cameroon’s water sector is characterised by the central role played by the Ministry of Water and Energy (MINEE) and due to the transversal nature of water resources, other public institutions do intervene into the water sector. There are around 5,000 different species! May 2001 to enforce the water law of 1998. World Water Council (2002) UN consecrates water as public good, human right. Decision-making Support Sys-, tems are used in search of an integral management focus. In the North Province, Cameroon, lions were recorded during a survey between January 2008 and May 2010. identification, diversity and use of protozoa in the assessment of water quality, Public participation in integrated water resources management: The case of Tanzania, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Yellow River Basin. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. The lack of political will and governments' commitment to allocating sufficient resources to sectors and agencies charged with water supply are some of the problems of inadequate service delivery in rural communities in developing countries, ... Water laws are crafted at the national level and applied throughout the national territory without adequate consideration of local circumstances. Water resources, are equally subjected to increasing risks of pollution linked to human activities from, (1) solid wastes and domestic wastewater which are dumped directly into water, bodies (2) industrial activities with efï¬uents from most of the industries discharged, into streams and rivers without prior treatment (MINEF, Problems linked with navigation of the main rivers of the country also necessitate, the implementation of IWRM. between national and IPCC data on rainfall average. not been directly affected. A hydrogeologic solution was issued by using 2D groundwater (GW) and conjunctive use models to optimize a conjunctive study for remediated, Table 4.7: Potential applications for reclaimed water, Figure 4.1: Global distribution of the world’s water, Figure 4.2: Schematic of the hydrologic cycle components in present-day setting, Figure 4.3: Oxygen-18 content of stream water along the main stem of large rivers, Figure 4.4: Variations in continental river runoff through most of the twentieth century (deviations from average values), Figure 4.5: Typical hydrographs in accordance with climatic settings, Figure 4.6: Acid rain and its deposition processes, Figure 4.7: Five-year mean of the pH level in rainfall in the eastern regions of Canada and the US, Figure 4.8: Primary sources of groundwater pollution, Map 4.3: Groundwater abstraction rate as a percentage of mean recharge. Cameroon, where lions are present in Bénoué National Park. (MINFI) and Ministry of Transport (MINTRANS). Select country: Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Chile China China, Taiwan Prov. This paper examines the situation of access to potable water and sanitation in Cameroon within the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), establishes whether Cameroon is on the track of meeting the MDGs in these domains and proposes actions to be taken to bring it closer to, Abstract: Corresponding to many social problems arisen in Iraq such as population growth, political problems of controlling terroristic implementation of IWRM and proposes reforms for improving IWRM in Cameroon. tition and conï¬icts for water resources. South West Development Authority (SOWEDA), DSCN (1999) Direction de le statistique et de la comptabilité nationale: annuaire statistique du, Cameroun. Learn about all the amazing animals in Cameroon. There, are many more examples of the basic theme that unregulated use of scarce water, resources is wasteful and inherently unsustainable (GWP-TAC, 5 Institutional Framework for IWRM in Cameroon, Cameroon did not have a national IWRM plan nor an action plan for basins until the, end of 2007. In Cali, Columbia, the ratio is 10, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 20, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 17â100, Karachi, Pakistan, 28â83 and, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 (Bhatia and Falkenmark, Empowering poor people, reducing poverty, improving livelihoods, and promoting, economic growth ought to be the basic objectives of IWRM. These challenges include, increasing scarcity of fresh water, lack of accessibility to adequate clean drinking water and sanitation, deterioration of water quality, fragmentation of water management, nationally and globally, decline of financial resources allocation for water development, threat to world peace and security and a continuing lack of awareness of the magnitude of the problem by the decision makers and the public at large. Villagers in southern Cameroon are relocating following a series of lion attacks on their livestock. The Food- Energy â Water (FEW) nexus has been promoted as a tool for improving food, energy, and water resource security via an interdisciplinary approach that acknowledges the inherent synergies and tradeoffs involved in managing these resources. Learn why this behavior makes the two species "mortal enemies." 963 likes. Major ions analysed fell within the WHO guideline values except iron and aluminium, whose values fell above guideline values in both seasons due to the nature of the soils. The importance of water to our lives, our economies, and our ecosystem is emphasised and the failure of current policies to manage this resource effectively is highlighted. The paper concludes that the public/community involvement is crucial for a successful and sustainable water resource management. About 2030 Water Resources Group The 2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG) is a global public-private-civil society partnership. to drive the decision-making process in a more inclusive and transparent manner. distinguishes the following ï¬ve main physical features of the country: in Cameroon that is three times the worldâs, but water still remains a scarce resource because of inadequate, ). In 2006, 70% of the population had access to safe, ). With a hydroagricultural potential of, 240,000 ha, only 23,900 ha are irrigated, i.e. In Brazil, concentrated rainfall and ineffective urban drainage systems add to this context and may impact the population with flash floods. Reg Environ Change 5:197â204, MINEE (Ministry of Water and Energy) (2005) Déï¬nition du Processus dâElaboration du Plan. As human populations continue to grow, these problems are likely to become more frequent and serious. Because the distribution of tap water is supply driven, most of, the water and/or the distribution systems are subsidized (even for industrial supply), using the public task as argument to deliver at any moment and at any place sufï¬cient, water. It entails management of, water for various purposes and not for a single purpose which therefore involves. law on the environment also apply to water. Lives in small groups called prides! In these cases, IPCC This report was produced in collaboration with the Government of Cameroon and … Part of the challenge has been the ineffective water legislation and policies contributing to poor water management and governance. The ichthyofauna of PNMD with highest specific richness (33 species) was also devoid of invasive species, with a predominance of invertivorous (50,3%) and substratum egg-scatters (60,9%). Distribution networks are designed to deliver much more water than the, basic needs. IWRM adopts According to the Laws on Decentralization in Cameroon, councils are at the, lowest institutional level of government responsible for basic service provision to the, communities which include the sustainable supply, use and management of water, resources. UNESCO and Berghahn, New York, UNESCO (2009) Facing the challenges: the United Nations world water report 3. Governments, policy makers, and international organizations should recognize the interwoven link between water and food security. The World Water Council therefore initiated a worldwide appraisal of national water resources management policies and practices. The exploitation of water resources, an aged old practice, continue to attract significant research and policy attention. It provides the best frame-, work for balancing the competing demands for water and facilitating collaboration, between political entities and agencies. different viewpoints, representing adequately the problem to be solved, in addition be flexible and have a structure focused British Geological Survey. There are three main climatic zones in Cameroon: the equatorial climate ex-, tending from the coast to the Southern Plateau (green forest zone); the equatorial, transition climate extends from the southern plateau (latitude 6, Plateau; and the tropical climate extending from the Adamawa plateau to Lake, Rainfall distribution in the country is a function of the climate type. By acknowledging a human right to water and expressing the willingness to meet this right for those currently deprived of it, the water community would have a useful tool for addressing one of the most fundamental failures of 20th century development. Mafany GT, Fantong WY (2006) Groundwater quality in Cameroon and its vulnerability to pollu-, tion. This study is of relevance for cities with a similar climate to reach a sustainable level of urban drainage services, supporting the integration of urban planning and water resources management. Sanitation coverage is also poor. in prescribing full cost recovery. The problems of silting and sedimentation are observed in all the streams and rivers, of Cameroon. Water Policy 1:487â503, Global Water Partnership Technical Committee (GWP-TAC) (2000) Integrated water resources, management, TAC background paper no. This is the sum of renewable groundwater and renewable surface water resources (both internal and external) Renewable Water Resources. Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Due to the recovery of the economy after the economic crisis, there has. Among these principles are guaranteed access to a basic amount of water necessary to maintain human health and to sustain ecosystems, basic protections for the renewability of water resources, and institutional recommendations for planning, management, and conflict resolution. -J.Cullis. Statistical analyses revealed significant influence of heavy rains on most water parameters (p. In developing countries, the urbanisation process occurs with empirical urban management, a high increase of impermeable areas, and a lack of connection between water resource management and planning. Fresh water resources have faced a crisis worldwide for the last five decades. population lives in the economic capital, Douala, or the administrative capital. IWRM starts with gathering comprehensive data on the basin (physical and socio-, economic) and developing models of the physical systems (hydrology, hydrogeology, and hydraulics). The Niger River basin is made up of eight countries. However, because the nexus encompasses so many different disciplines, researchers engage with and study the nexus from differing perspectives with distinct motivations and analytical methodologies. According to the GWP, PP requires âthat stakeholders at all levels of the social. The guiding principles for the vision are based on clear assessment of the world fresh water resources, application of the integrated water resources management, valuation of water, common and shared world interest among the stakeholders and their effective participation, comprehensiveness and global coverage of all forms of fresh water and the existence of will and commitment to translate the vision into action. Hence, in reality, the supply situation is, In urban areas only Sanitation coverage is also poor. Generally, rainfall is high and this provide for the abundant surface and ground-, water resources. The, 145 countries (including Cameroon) which have ratiï¬ed the International Covenant, on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as appendix to the UN Human Rights. Bacteriological analysis showed that the total coliform count was averagely 74/100 ml, the faecal colform count was 43/100 ml and the faecal streptococci count was 27/100 ml. which About 29%, Freshwater is a ï¬nite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, develop-, Water development and management should be based on a participatory ap-, Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of, Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized, , accessed April 2009). of livelihood-oriented IWRM (Merrey et al. In 2000, irrigated area of about, ephemeral rivers to cultivate crops) corresponded to around 8% of the potentially, irrigable area. The World Bank, Sigha-Nkamdjou L, Sighomnou D, Lienou G, Ayissi G, Bedimo JP, Naah E (1998) Variabilité des. It is proposed that a number of key targets may include clean drinking water and sanitation for all inhabitants by 2015, adequate and secure food supplies to all by 2005, preservation of the environment and aquatic biodiversity by 2020, secured sustainable economic growth and promotion of world peace and security starting now. Cameroon faces the following challenges in reaching the water and sanitation MDGs: poor management and development of the resources, coupled with inadequate political will and commitment for the long term; rapid urbanization; urban and rural poverty and regulation and legislative lapses. There is the need for effective institutional framework that clearly deï¬nes the roles, and responsibilities of each stake holder ensuring the absence of competition and, overlapping organs. Water Sanitation Currents, UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation, Carrera-Hernandez JJ (2008) Water resources: sustainable water supply management and basin, wide modeling: participatory stakeholder management and decision making for water supply, Cameroon, Project. surface runoff generation, its interaction with groundwater, runoff routing models, estimation models for the water requirements of agriculture, precipitation, and, soil humidity models, water quality and contaminant transport models, as well as. The study employed a random sample of 270 respondents drawn from four study communities, complemented by interviews. The paper concludes that reforms such as public participation at local levels, recognition of water as both an economic and a social good, putting IWRM within the larger context of Integrated Natural Resource Management would improve IWRM in the basin. The protection of water resources from degradation is constitutes another prob-, lem which necessitates the implementation of IWRM. Mathematical models are tools that can facilitate the instrumentation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Based on analyzed data obtained from national surveys, government ministries, national statistical offices, bibliographic research, reports and interviews, it argues that Cameroon will not reach the water and sanitation MGDs. The problem that needs to be dealt with mainly at the regional level is the, fair allocation of the water recourses among the different requirements and user, segments in a catchment and watershed. OSU (Oregon State University) (2002) Trans-boundary freshwater dispute database: Africa; Serageldin I (1995) Toward sustainable management of water resources. There is no synergy between. provide an important data base, experience and ideas that could lead to relevant, and achievable solutions to water related problems. Transparent user-, friendly information and models for assisting decision making are essential features. The paper argues that the efficacy of rural water supply will always be compromised unless rural communities and community-based organizations are involved and engaged indecision-making processes and project implementation that affect them, or in which they have an interest ARTICLE HISTORY, Inadequate water supply is one of the greatest current and growing global challenges particularly in rural communities of the developing world. Overlap is water shared by both the surface water and groundwater systems: 33 %. Saving the SW is a main objective among other available water resources like rainfall and GW exploitation The initiation of the Dutch Initiative project was carried out with the support of, the government of Cameroon whose responsibility was to develop and implement, an IWRM plan. Inte-, grated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a promising approach in ensuring, sustainable management of Cameroonâs water resources. This research focused on the quality of domestic water in Bangolan, Northwest Cameroon, in order to ascertain its potability based on World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. This study investigates policy and institutional responses of community-based water supply management in Cameroon. Nearly three billion people live without access to adequate sanitation systems necessary for reducing exposure to water-related diseases. Four principal and related problems in the way governments have managed their water resources are discussed. McGill University, Canada, Démo (1987) Deuxièmes recensements généraux de la population et de lâhabitat du Cameroun vol, 4. The conditions for the adoption of IWRM are thought to be favorable in Cameroon. Precipitation, diminishes from a maximum of more than 9,000 mm/year in the south to less than, 300 mm/year in the extreme north. About 35% of the urban. The Food-Energy-Water nexus is not the first systems-based approach for addressing resource management and critiques of the nexus as a âBuzzwordâ or simply a reinvention of previous systems are growing in the literature. The results of the analysis indicate that models for IWRM must be accessible to non-expert users, integrate Olivry JC (1986) Fleuvres et rivières du Cameroun. The fundamental demand of IWRM in hydrological basins is the creation of. Cameroon has often been called “Africa in miniature” for how much it mirrors the continent’s diversity. It has been emphasized that natural resources management related policies including water requires the use of knowledge, experience and opinions of local communities who are the key stakeholders in resource conservation. The ï¬shery sector plays an important nutritional role since ï¬sh products, make up nearly a third of the animal proteins consumed in Cameroon and occupies, 5% of the active production. rearing, the two factors need to be put together to prevent migration. This paper highlights the findings achieved by the ERWG study and will give an impression of the manifold solutions. The study revealed that previously a 3.76 cumces of SW is specified to cultivate 48% of the total area whereas the the XXth century. must be accepted and applied, and their results interpreted, by those who participate in the process even if they are not vulnerable resource by making provision for the protection and conservation of, role of the state to local entities and calls for the participatory approach in, management. However, it remains unclear what are the pathways through which water shortage impacts food insecurity. Cameroon is the second country in Africa (after the Democratic Republic of Congo) in terms of quantity of available water resources estimated to be 322 billion cubic meters. Republic of Nigeria and about 400 km of coastline with the Atlantic Ocean. coordination among water resources stake holders, more conï¬icts are likely to occur. By imposing efï¬uent charges, industrial water use drops drastically. Debate is ongoing regarding whether the FEW nexus is actually fundamentally different from other holistic system paradigms, or if it is more a rebranding of previous holistic frameworks (Benson, 2015;Wichelns, 2017;Cairns and Krzywoszynska, 2016). Taylor and Francis/Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 47â55, Merrey DJ, Drechsel P, Penning de Vries FWT, Sally H (2005) Integrating âlivelihoodsâ into, integrated water resources management: taking the integration paradigm to its logical next step, for developing countries. The nature of civil society and its role in a given context, The monthly occurrence and mean age distribution of water-borne diseases in the Douala 4th District, Cameroon (1995-2006) were studied and probable causes of diseases spread were established. Diseases of interest included gastroenteritis, amoebic dysentery, typhoid fever and cholera. Cameroon is blessed with abundant water resources. Another problem is that of hydroelectric production. A Central Kalahari Safari Experience allows you to see rare Black-Maned Lions that have adapted to a harsh existence in the Central Kalahari.. There are recurrent lessons and experiences that reveal problems of execution and efficacy when resource users are excluded in management processes, ... La Sanaga supérieure est représentée par le Djerem (son principal affluent) et le Lom, tous deux issus des monts du plateau de l'Adamaoua (Lienou et al., 2005 ;Onana, 2018). socioeconomic factors that could affect decision-making (Lanini et al. Total Renewable Water Resources (2017) Water Resources per Capita . Issues such as to guarantee the supply of basic, water requirements, the economic allocation of water for other human purposes, the, more efï¬cient use of water by all users and the protection of water resources from. Most cat species live a fundamentally solitary existence, but the lion is an exception. Best lion sightings in Botswana are in the Savute -Chobe National Park.Even though lions don't like water sightings of lions in the northern Okavango Delta are also spectacular. In 2006, 70% of the population had access to safe drinking water and the coverage in urban centres is 88%, significantly better than the 47% in rural areas. Food insecurity is a significant public health issue, since it causes malnutrition and engenders millions of deaths every year. Modem water legislation pursues the target of balancing the requirements of human needs and nature conservation by sustainable planning and public participation, the cornerstones of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union. Being a major and vital ingredient to human kind, water resources influence, The Yellow River is suffered from water shortage. Rapid population increase, unplanned urbanisation, intensive industrial and socio-economic development have led to poor and unsustainable management of these resources. By hunting together, lions are able to exhaust and kill their prey. Ed. The results showed that the sampled water sources were moderately acidic to weakly basic falling within the WHO specification. Its contribution to the GNP of the primary sector is, 125,000 tons of ï¬sh. The coverage in urban centres is 88%, signiï¬cantly better than the, 5,000 inhabitants or more, only 98 have water supply networks. The capacity for the implementation of the integrated water resources management framework is ignited by strong civic participation. integral part of Cameroonâs IWRM strategy. Dans ce contexte, lâichtyofaune dâun segment du fleuve Djerem a été étudiée en vue dâidentifier les déterminants environnementaux de sa distribution et de sa conservation. Water turbidity was high in July, attributable to the rains. data were modified to ensure consistency with water resources data. Also in the, northern regions, due to increase in population there is over exploitation of natural, resources like wood for energy, fragilisation of soils and destruction of vegetative, cover due to slash and burn farming systems, forest ï¬res which destroy vegetation, and natural grazing land. safe drinking water. Résultats bruts; Tome I: République du Cameroun, 211 pp, Dirksen W (2002) Water management structures in Europe. However, rapid urbanization has rendered existing infrastructure inadequate with periurban dwellers also lacking access to safe drinking water. The Fish inventory followed by a taxonomic study and that of their habitats revealed the presence of 44 species belonging to 28 genera and 13 families. (, trust might lead to relevant, and the Dja rivers main tributaries of the social is. And young lions total renewable water resources management ( IWRM ) is a promising approach in sustainable. 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